“Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a meal of consequences.” RLS
...is one ‘a the phrases that I learned in French class back in the middle of the last century...translates as, ‘it is of no consequence’....
Now, I live on an inconsequential street in a time-warped village on the edge of Sacramento county...the street is only two short blocks long ‘n one of ‘em is basically an alley that narrows down to one lane...Ever so often we get a stranger come wand’ring who’ll say, “Why, I didn’t even know this street was here.”...I’m only pointing this out becuz evidently Sacramento country Waste Disposal dudn’t always know that this street is here cuz I’ve got a lonely trash can standing as a mute sentinal in front of my driveway for six daze now ‘n it looks like it’s gonna be there for three more daze when, I’m hopeful, it will be picked up...Now Millyrose ‘n I have made numerous pleas which sadly were ignored...well, I say ignored but t’be truthful, the last person I spoke with at Sac Waste told me that she’d pray for us...I’m a great believer in the efficacy of prayer but I believe that she might’a been speaking facetiously...
What really irks, howsomever, is the fact that the County c’n force the citizenry to pay for a service whether or not that service is provided...just another example of ‘Progressive Liberalism’
“But you can’t make people listen. They have to come ‘round in their own time, wondering what happened ‘n why the world blew up around them.” Ray Bradbury
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