“Snowmen fall from Heaven...unassembled.” Joy Smith
In Kentucky, in December, we always looked for snow...seldom ever found it but we always hoped...when it did snow, I used to stare at the sky to see where they were born...I c’d do it for hours...well, minutes anyway...but it wuz always the waiting that wuz the most fun.
It never, well almost never ever, snows here in Ol Fair Oaks...the snow is pretty civilized in northern California ‘n stays up on the mountain where it belongs but once’t in a while it’ll get chilly ‘n the nighttime temperature’ll drop to about 30o or thereabouts...
If it got down to freezing ‘round here last nite, it wudn’t down there very long, not long enuff to harm any plants anyway...’n t’day, the sun is shining bright...brightly...ah well, a nice crisp day it is...hadda purchase a new refrigerator...tho’t I had a good buy at Home Depot on a Hotpoint...Hotpoint is made by GE ‘n I ain’t crazy about dealing with GE these daze but there wuz a double discount that took about 20% off ‘n we decided we c’d live with a GE product but when we went to close the purchase, the double discount melted away like magic...dunno why Home Depot tho’t that I’d still buy from them when that happened but the cashier just shrugged it off...Lowe’s, on that proverbial other hand, seemed genuinely happy to have our bizness ‘n we ended up with a Whirlpool...interestingly enuff, the two machines look like twins ‘cept for the name...
Not much happening on Crestline Ave these cool December daze...The Chicken Whisperer ‘n her neighbor doppelganger’re still spreading goodwill (birdseed) amongst the feral fowl of Fair Oaks...’n she’s still agitating for a community chicken coop where all the birds’ll be able to roost at night so’s the coyote don’t get ‘em...’n down at The California House where a skunk fam’ly has been living under the garden shed for a couple years now, I dunno what happened, if maybe somebody put out some skunk poison or what but the whole entire corner seems bathed in skunk scent...when me ‘n da boyz go walking in that direction, we make a wide loop...’n evidently, I’m gonna have to stroll down Bridge Street to have a looksee at what’s going on down by the river...neighbor Doug sez they’re plotting to build or maybe they’re building a drinking fountain or somesuch...I tell’ya, those who would be movers ‘n shakers just can’t be content with the world ‘n the way it is...sort’a like Liberal Progressives (or vice versa) in that regard...
“Nuthin’ in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance ‘n conscientious stupidity.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
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