“Birthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake.”
The ‘TREE’ is up...’n it’s a CHRISTMAS TREE...(Happy Birthday J.C.)...’n for all the idiots (I’m thinkin’ Lincoln Whatsisname in Rhode Island) out there in neverland searching for their fifteen minutes of fame, holiday means Holy Day ‘n I’m pretty sure almost all religions have holy days...’cept for those religious zealots that call themselves ‘Atheists’...they don’t have holy days...I mean you simply can’t identify yourself as an atheist ‘n then demand that you get a ‘holy day’ all for yourself...that’s what puts the moronic into oxymoronic...
I got up this morning to sneak a look at the ‘red’ moon...wuzn’t red at all...I wud have been disappointed if I hadn’t been so tired that I just shrugged ‘n went back to bed...the local snooze-nooze showed a photograph of the moon that had kind of a rusty tint to one side of it but I never saw that atall...all I saw wuz a bit of a dark smudge, y’know what I mean, the kind of smudge that shows up on the front of your clean tee shirt (at least, when you’re wearing a light colored one anyway ‘specially yellow)...I don’t know what it is about yellow shirts ‘n me...I c’n wear almost any other color ‘n never get a smudge but let me don a yellow shirt ‘n first thing out’a the gate, I’m gonna get a smudge of some kind...coffee, chocolate, jelly...it don’t matter, I’ll get one right away...I c’n go the rest of the day ‘n never get another one but that, of course, don’t make any difference when I’m walking around with a big spot on my yellow-clad belly...
So we’re coming up on Sophie’s birthday..
y’know, it almost ain’t fair for a kid t’be born anytime in the month of December but it’s just a classic example of ‘stuff happens’...maybe it’s karma from a previous life, I dunno...stranger things, Horatio...anyways, looks like we’re gonna have a Dim Sum Birthday Brunch ‘n that’s gonna be a first for this old man...on the positive side, since I don’t really care for Chinese food, I won’t have to deal with leftovers ‘n I don’t really care for leftovers either...
“Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.”
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