“Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority” Ayn Rand
Back in the ‘olden days’...those golden days of yore...when America was truly America from sea to shining sea, back in those misty days of yesteryear, candidates for president criss-crossed the country on trains, making speeches from the rear platform...they called it ‘whistle-stopping’ back then...t’day, they do much the same thing ‘cept nowadays they do it on television...they still criss-cross the country, mostly by aeroplane but occasionally by bus...often, they send the bus ahead ‘n catch up with it via jetplane...ah modern times...anyway back in those ‘radio’ days, the country’ud listen to the speeches ‘n maybe even see parts of them in the newsreels...(if you remember them, you’re old)...they all made speeches ‘n made their promises to those who supported them ‘n then when the campaign trail began to grow weary, they had (‘n still do) NATIONAL CONVENTIONS where the parties would choose their nominee ‘n it was an exciting time, lemme tellya... the suspense was excruciating sometimes...sort’a like watching the superbowl ‘n the world series all rolled into one...
Now there ain’t no excitement left for the Democrats...it’s a given that Obama is gonna be their candidate again...so all the excitement is with the Grand Old Party ‘n the pundits are getting really antsy ‘cuz there is no clear leader in the race...”they’re coming around the far corner heading for the stretch ‘n nobody is leading the pack...gonna be a photo finish fer sure fer sure”...
In those olden daze, the candidate wuz chosen at the convention by the delegates...the rules haven’t changed...the media doesn’t make the rules ‘n doesn’t decide the winner no matter what NBC thinks...
“I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” Will Rogers
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