“The days grow short when you reach December...”
Well, the outside lights are up...not the white icicly things from the last couple years...cudn’t find those...lost in the landfill, I reckon...prob’ly show up some day...in the meantime, we’ll make do with colored lights...they’re prettier anyway...at least, for a change...
And the tree is up...I figure I’m ahead of schedule...not Millyrose’s schedule, mind’ya but my drummer is a lot slower than hers ‘n I walk pretty darn slow these daze anyhow...
Yestiday, Fair Oaks Village had a Christmas Tree lighting...they put the lights on the tree a couple weeks ago but it takes time to organize a parade ‘n stuff...got a robocall invite from a local politician who wanted to meet ‘n greet...I passed on it but Millyrose strolled down ‘n took a looksee...
Then t’day was the California Marathon... it started up in Folsom, wuz a downhill run thru Orangevale, Fair Oaks ‘n Carmichael ‘n into Sacramento...was kind of a chilly start for the runners but it didn’t bother me cuz I didn’t participate...Heck! I didn’t even walk around the corner to watch ‘em pass thru the village tho’ I did walk the boyz in that direction...
Lots of turistas lining the sidewalks to watch the runners run past...not sure why they do that...watch the runners, I mean...I know why runners run...it’s kinds of a masochistic thing, I believe...
When I wuz a boy, I ran for fun...’n it wuz fun, ‘specially when you got a brand new pair of tennis shoes ‘n it wuz mandatory to run as fast as you could...
somewhere along the line, it quit being fun...I use’ta fun 5 miles several times a week...I got slower ‘n slower ‘n one day I twisted my knee ‘n I quit running altogether, darn the bad luck...still, I don’t mind if other people run...luck is a funny thing...some people complain that if it wudn’t for bad luck, they wudn’t have any luck atall but I think believing in luck is kind’a like believing in Santa Claus...’n my mother always said, “If you don’t believe in Santa Claus, he won’t believe in you.” I never wanted to take a chance on not believing, but that’s prob’ly just me...
Y’know, I ‘uz just thinking about this progressive liberal idea that every mothers son deserves a college education...pretty soon this country’ll become so educated that ignorance’ll be a novelty ‘n if I live long enuff, I’ll belong to a select few...
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