“I’m getting old ‘n one o’ the signs of old age is that I’ve begun to philosphize ‘n ponder over problems that shudn’t concern me atall.”
I been thinkin’ again...well, me ‘n da boyz meandered down the street, checked out most of the trees ‘n shrubs, threatened a few of Ol Fair Oaks famous Feral Fowl, gazed at the finches fluttering ‘n gaped at the doves perched atop the Firehouse...I talked to the dogs but they were too busy to listen t’me so I occupied my mind by thinking mostly unrelated tho’ts...
I got to thinking about the Romantic Revolutionaries that seem to have inspired so many of the young(?) people of t’day...I don’t know, have you noticed that young seems t’be getting older nowadaze...like I’ve heard ‘em saying that 40 is the new 30 but from what I’ve seen ‘n heard, seems like 40 may be the new 20 but lemme just tell’ya that don’t make the middle 70’s anything like the middle 50’s.., not by a long shot or even a short shot...anywaze, there’s been more’n enuff rants about the occupiers...
the thing about being a ‘romantic’ anarchist or ‘Che’ revolutionary is first ‘n foremost y’just gotta have a gov’t that is working ‘n sad to say ours seem t'be barely toddling along these daze what with Obama apologizing to the unfriendly nations ‘n insulting the friendly ones...I’d guess he probably sees Israel ‘n England ‘n Canada as ‘Republican-oriented’ countries tho’ there is always the possibility that I’m wrong...anywaze, it’s seems a little absurd that our young homegrown revolutionaries can’t protest our gov’t so they trash our parks...I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but I don’t see the romance in dropping your pants ‘n crapping on a police car...
“The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people ‘n greatly assists the circulation of blood.” Logan Smith
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