It's the weekend before Christmas 'n it's a slow nooze day...
at lunchtime, I wuz havin' a peanut butter foldover 'n going thru the ad sections 'cuz Satiday teevee is 'most as boring at the SacBee... 'n I came across an ad for an electric car called the Fisker Karma...
The name alone got my attention (such as it is)...it’s a hybrid/electric ‘cuz we ain’t had a successful electric automobile since about 1916...
The Fisker Karma is a purty thang but priced a little over 100K just a trifle rich for a poor boy...I think electric vehicles are ackshully a pretty good option for the 21st Century but I believe the ubiquitous ‘they’ are looking in the wrong direction...I don’t know very many people that want to invest in pricey electric/hybrid vehicles that burn up ‘n have to be bought back by a company that had t’be bailed out by the taxpayers anyway...(shhhh, I’m talking GM, of course)...we already have the technology to put out an inexpensive electric/hybrid vehicle of a practical nature...they’re presently referred to as ‘golf carts’ ‘n seems t’me it’ud be a relatively simple matter to build them as street-legal vehicles...don’t know how practical they’d be at freeway speeds but most of the surface street traffic is at much lower speeds ‘n if our nanny-state government would restrict the monster trucks that they presently allow to mingle with autos (‘n tear up the streets at the same time)...ah well, if ever’one wuz in lighter, smaller vehicles, they wudn’t be any more dangerous than what we’re driving now...
"Gettin' old seems t'be the only way to live a long life. 'Course, that's only my opinion."
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