"If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old."
Me ‘n da boyz wuz strollin’ down the street when Nabor Doug comes out of his abode declaiming that it’s another beautiful day in paradise...I agree with him but add the caveat that it’s a progressive liberal Spring ‘n that we’re gonna have to pay for it come the long, hot summer...
In this world wherein we dwell, we got more grasshoppers than we do ants...’n for those of you not up on your basic moralistic fairy tales, a little more p’litically incorrect way of stating it is that we have more Chiefs than Indians...
So I been lookin’ around for an old pick ‘em up truck for me ‘n da boyz...I tho’t maybe an old Toyota ‘til I ackshully looked at one...they’re kind’a popular ‘n way overpriced ‘n worse than that, they’re small...a little snug for an old fat man ‘n two little dogs...what I need is an old Ford or Chevy, sumthin’ that I’ll be able to get into ‘n out of without turning m’self into a pretzel...
It wuz mentioned t’me that I’m lookin’ at about 8 miles to the gallon but if I don’t really go anywhere, I’m thinkin’ that miles per gallon don’t matter a whole lot...’course, with the price of gasoline going up day by day, the little Toyota in my driveway may turn into the same kind of coatrack as the treadmill in the basement...
"Money can't buy happiness but it sure makes misery easier to live with."
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