“If at first you don’t succeed, then maybe you shouldn’t take up sky-diving.”
Zest in quest.......
Way back when I was struggling to come to grips with the fact that I was going to have to actually work for a living since I had embarked upon a life-journey with Millyrose and rather cavalierly leapt into parenthood thereby leaving forever behind those careless joys of childhood, I stumbled into a job as a ‘route salesman’...
Looking back, it was interesting enough, I suppose, in that it allowed me to, in essence, wander along a prescribed route and meet with a number of people, most of whom were engaged in the process of earning their own daily bread by selling alcoholic beverages....twas there that I learned the aphorism, “Work is the curse of the drinking class.”.....
Anyways, the one really important lesson about work that I learned in this job was that you began with a book containing the names and locations of your customers...You started with the first one, put one foot in front of the other until you got to the last name in the book and then you went home....That is the true essence of most jobs and basically, that is what differentiates a job from a career. Y’see, a career is a life-consuming enterprise, an obsession in many cases that takes roots in childhood and never lets go...and it just wouldn’t do for a lazy man.....although, I suppose a case could be made that obsessive advoidance of work could possibly be classified as a ‘career’.....not that I’m making any judgments, of course....far be it from me to sit in judgment of writers who don’t write, artists who only talk about past or future projects without actually doing anything at all, or even (GASP) politicians who have elevated the art of doing nothing into an art form....the original ‘performance artists’ y’might say....anyways, Millyrose ‘n I started this journey 52 years ago t’day ‘n it all sort’a reminds me of the guy who jumped from the top of the Empire State bldg...on the way down he passed a window cleaner who inquired about his health. His reply was, ‘ n I quote...”So far, so good!”
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