“You shouldn’t ought’a judge folks by their relatives.”
What the heck, it’s only one day ‘n after all, I wuz born ‘n bred in Old Kaintuck....it sez so on my profile...(American by birth, Kentuckian by the grace of God)....
so Millyrose ‘n I were up ‘n at’em early on this coolish morn, errands done, lunch out’a the way, dogs walked around the village (lots of dogs in the village this morning - Rusty ‘n Willie got ‘way too excited)...not sure what the turistas tho’t about them but I’m not gonna lose any sleep over it.....what I’m gonna do is watch the Derby...gonna check out all the horses...’n the silly hats...come Derby Day in Kentucky the women all seem like they’re trying to outdo the Brits.....silly hats ‘n mint juleps...dunno if you’ve ever had a mint julep or not....Millyrose sez she never has....I have but didn’t bother to finish it....took two sips....the second sip was just to make sure that the first sip was as bad as I tho’t it wuz.....’course, if you happen to like mint juleps, it’s alright by me...I feel much the same way about brocolli ‘n I know a lot of people loooooove brocolli, I just don’t know why...but I figger I just shouldn’t interfere with sumthin’ that ain’t really bothering me.....
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