"You're never too old to learn sumthin' stupid!"
Wild turkey’s are smart...ev’rybody sez so...They’re smart ‘n wily ‘n very good at hiding when they spot someone with a gun...Heck! I s’pect they’re maybe almost as smart as crows...maybe.
Years ago I knew this old boy had a turkey ranch...he raised them big old double-breasted birds that are so popular at holiday dinners...he told me that turkeys were so dumb that when it rained, he had to herd them inside otherwise they’d stand looking up at the rain with their beaks open ‘n they’d drown...I got to thinking that men, young men especially, are a lot like those turkeys...it’s a good thing that God made women so’s we’d have someone to tell us when to come in out of the rain....
"Sum people cause happiness wherever they go; others, when they go!"
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