“There are two ways to get by in this world. One is to be oh so very clever ‘n the other is to be oh so very pleasant. I reccommend pleasant.” Elwood P. Dowd
So we wuz out ‘n about t’day playin’ catchup with errands ‘n stuff that we might’a done yesti’day ‘cept Millyrose did a road trip to SF...after the rain, it’s kind of a nice day with a lot of fluffy clouds ‘n not too hot...just a pleasant kind of day...anyways, we found ourselves pulling out of the parking lot at Costco shortly after the noon hour...well, pulling out is actually an overstatement, what we did was to sit in a traffic jam of people trying to pull out of the Costco parking lot...I have learned a certain amount of patience over the years ‘n I wuz just watching the other drivers when a ‘Beemer’ passed me on the right..well, he passed a lot of cars on the right, running along the curb to jump the line ‘n get ahead of ever’one else....ah well, it got me t’thinking about cars ‘n the people who drive ‘em...the ‘prestige’ cars for example as opposed to the autos driven by reg’lar people...it ain’t that reg’lar people can’t drive prestige cars...it’s that when you drive one of them better’n anyone else cars, you tend to drive with...I dunno...a sense of entitlement maybe...that it’s your road ‘n reg’lar people should hang back ‘n let you go ahead...I wuz wondering what a traffic jam consisting of Beemers ‘n Volvos with a smattering of Mercedes ‘n maybe a Ferrari or Lamborghini ‘ud look like....Heck! Prob’ly look like Hollywood on a big nite....
When my Aunt Eunice learned to drive (back in the old ‘old daze’) she didn’t even need t’get a drivers license...back in those long-ago daze, people didn’t need a license to drive a car anymore than they needed one to drive a horse ‘n buggy...back in those daze, a blacktop highway was a rarity ‘n you c’d drive a long ways without ever seeing another car...anyways, Aunt Eunice got accustomed to taking her half of the road out of the middle..use’ta scare the tar out’a me when I’d ride with her...not that she was a bad driver, it’s just that she was used to driving a farm truck or tractors ‘n in later years, a school bus, ‘n she expected people to get out of her way....’n you know, that was prob’ly a good idea back then...not sure how that ‘ud work out for her t’day....
One of the things that I learned working for my Aunt Eunice is that life is a lot simpler when you plow around a stump.
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