“I use’ta be indecisive...now, I’m not sure.”
T’day is the biggest day of Springfest....t’is the old car show that makes it so....they begin arriving in the early, early morn....chugging up the hill on Crestline, making the turn on California that brings ‘em to the village center where they line Fair Oaks Blvd the whole two blocks....s’a big deal for The Village...Crestline is lined with visiting autos reducing the already narrow avenue to barely one-way status... Some of the residents block their own driveways with No Parking signs but seeing as how most of the residents are of the Johnny come lately variety themselves, I don’t see the point....’bout as far as I go is to ask some of ‘em not to block my driveways but I don’t make a big deal about it...it’s prob’ly just apathy on my part... kind’a reminds me of the old joke about knowing the difference between ignorance ‘n apathy...(I don’t know ‘n I don’t care)....
Anyways, Millyrose ‘n I walked down ‘n looked at the old cars....Millyrose bought a couple beignets (fried do-nutz w/o the holes ‘n covered with powdered sugar ‘n tasty)....lotsa turistas, baby carriages, dogs...oh, ‘n gawking chickens...
you almost always got gawking chickens in the Village, just standing around waiting t’be fed...
which, not to be too awful snide about it, makes me think that most of the chickens must be Democrats.....
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