“There are many definitions of stupidity; one is in believing that what you already know is enough!”
I just gotta say it...don’t want t’be a hypocrite about it cuz a cold beer tastes pretty good once't in a while....Once upon a time, a long, long time ago (a very long, long time ago) a cold beer made for a relatively satisfying breakfast.... but, that was once upon a time, etcetera ‘n such....as I grew older ‘n wiser (‘n fatter) I switched to coffee ‘n cigarettes ‘n the SF Chronicle ‘n such, but then (sighhh) I grew even older ‘n wiser (plus fatter) ‘n I gave up the cigarettes ‘n the Chronicle (wot the hell, Caen, McCabe ‘n even Delaplane were gone)....Life is a brief moment ‘n the immortality of youth is even briefer....As I continued to grow older ‘n fatter ‘n maybe just wise enuff to know how awfully dumb we mortals c’n be, I refused to give up my coffee.. I argued with the dieticians over coffee ‘n butter ‘n chock’lit-covered p-nutz, (okay, I might’a got the chock’lit-covered p-nuts a little wrong) but not the coffee ‘n butter.....(it’s the quantities that’ll do you in, not the substance itself).....Back in the day, I used to think that anything worth doing was worth doing to excess but I was wrong...It’s the excesses that are dangerous....too many cigarettes, too much booze, too much butter or coffee or chocolate cake or spaghetti ‘n meatballs...it don’t matter....too much of a ‘good’ thing turns it into a bad thing.....same with religion ‘n politics.....if you get unbalanced with durn near anything, you’re probably gonna take a fall ‘n the older you get, the more falling hurts....remember when you were a kid ‘n your dad urged you to try harder, climb higher ‘n your mom wrung her hands ‘n said, “Don’t fall. Don’t fall.”....Well, your mom knew whereof she spoke....... So my recipe for a long (comparatively speaking, that is) life is to avoid falling down....
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