"The nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow."
Random tho’ts in idle moments ‘n idle tho’ts in random moments......sometimes it’s really hard to tell the difference.....sort’a like the weather in a transition season....of course, all seasons are transitory, that being the nature of things....time ‘n tide wait for no man....seasons come ‘n go ‘n mankind....well, humankind as a nod to womanhood, really has nothing to say about it. We just think we do.....
As humans, we tend to think a lot, mostly about ourselves....when we think about the world around us, it’s always how it relates to us....we’re a very narcissistic lot, we humans....the world (our world, the only one we have) revolves around us....Our reality is all that we have ‘n we tend to question that in many ‘n sundry ways.... How did we get here? Where did we come from? What is the purpose of life? Is there a God? We are cast in the image of God, they tell us.....the ‘they’ being those who have gone before...or did we invent God? Is God cast in our image? And if there is no God, why isn’t there? There ought’a be a God!
We’ve been talking to God for a long time, we humans, in our conceit. All the billions of people that came before the billions that are here now talked to God. And all the billions that are to come will talk to God. Even the atheists among us that deny the very existence of God spend an inordinate amount of time and effort in that denial.
Agnostics fret over the possibility that there is no God. Or maybe, there is. It is an age-old conundrum, an unprovable riddle that keeps us awake at night.....
well, something keeps us awake at night and pondering deep thoughts is more socially acceptable than computer Solitaire.....or for that matter, pondering what may or may not be socially acceptable.
I once had a teacher whose name I have long since forgot though I can picture him in my mind. The picture I have in my mind may or may not be accurate...memories get twisted over the years, bent by innumerable stories, movies and television shows. I recall a tall, angular, narrow-shouldered, dark visaged man in his early 30’s. A man of effete mannerisms who fairly dripped disdain as he lectured what he prbably saw as a parade of intellectually inferior Neanderthalians. We viewed each other from diametrically opposed positions thus quite possibly clouding each others judgments, although it’s not only possible but highly probable that I’m the only one who misjudged the whole experience.
Age is a wondrous thing, allowing as it does, the opportunity to look back over your life and guage the depth of your early ignorance by comparing it to the infinite vastness of a horizonless ocean of ignorance in which we swim.
So my idle ‘n random tho’ts have meandered on for almost 500 words, give or take, ‘n if you’ve read all this, you really need to get a grip....”Say goodnight, Gracie”
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