“A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.” Mark Twain
So we (Millyrose ‘n me) are shopping at the dollar store in O’vale for packing tape...
I’m wand’ring the aisles, gandering here ‘n there ‘n I meet an old boy holding a sign that sez, “Alabama, at least we’re not Mississippi” ‘n he’s cracking up over it...come to find out he owns a home in Somerset, Ky ‘n one in Orangevale...sez he needs t’sell the one in O’vale cuz his ‘only responsible’ daughter lives in Somerset ‘n his wife wants to live back there... I told him I tho’t Kentucky wuz a little too cold in the wintertime but otherwise those were two very good reasons...
He told me it wuz 2500 miles door to door from O’vale to Somerset ‘n he had a Dodge truck that got 12 miles to the gallon ‘n I should never buy a Dodge cuz the Dodge dealer in Somerset lied to him...I opined (always wanted t’use that word) that I’d prob’ly never buy one from the Dodge dealer in Somerset, Ky...
Then he asked me what I tho’t he should do investment-wise cuz he had some CD’s coming due ‘n he wudn’t get much of a return on his investment...
I resisted the urge to comment on the wisdom of choosing an investment counselor that he’d met shopping in a 99 cent store ‘n merely stated that at our age, green bananas could be considered a long-term investment...
“It’s always a silly thing to give advice, but to give good advice is absolutely fatal.” Mark Twain
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