“The older I get, the more I distrust the doctrine that age brings wisdom.”
T’is a Friday but it feels a lot like a Satiday...what with leafblowers blowing, chain saws sawing, lawnmowers mowing...
the neighborhood is a busy place t’day...
m’next door neighbor’s in a sweat t’get his place ready for the new tenant...he’s running almost a week behind schedule (his timetable, I’d guess longer)...he’s got people working inside, people working outside...digging holes, building fences ‘n Gawd alone knows what all is going on inside...
On t’other side of me, AT&T has two workers with a chainsaw ‘n a pickup truck...don’t hurt my feelin’s none at all, just wish I c’ud afford to hire some of these guys...I feel pretty wimpy out there with my ‘lectric leafblower ‘n ‘lectric lawnmower...I ain’t claimin’ to be using electric power ‘cuz it’s better for the environment, it’s just easier for me...I hate yanking on those durn starter cords...
For all the cur’us out there, Millyrose is home from her stay in the hospital ‘n seems t’be none the worse for wear since she’s out ‘n about gallivanting with sister Francisca whilst I elected t’stay home ‘n play at doing some yard work...
This weekend is the time change weekend..it having been postponed for the sake of the Halloweening children (so they say)...I dunno, I’m thinking maybe Daylight Savings Time has outlived it’s purpose...I think it wuz either during or after World War I but it goes back a lot farther...at least as far back as that old pot-stirrer Ben Franklin who proposed DST ‘way back when...sumtimes I think, old Ben had an awful lot to account for when he went to meet his maker....
Anyways, it’s November ‘n the weather is changing...breezy with a hint of moisture on the air...more leaves falling which means more leaves to rake...when I wuz a boy in Beattyville, people (the ones who bothered to rake their leaves) burned them...’course, Autumn back there has a tang in the air, they’ve prob’ly had their first frost already...I expect it’s already snowed in the mountains of West Virginia ‘n anybody who ain’t already prepared for winter is...well, just late is all....
"As far as being late is concerned, I always blame it on Daylight Savings Time..."
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