Seems t’me that the denial of Creationism is pretty good proof of the lack of Evolution in the denier!
So, I found m’self listening to a conversation that I didn’t want’a hear...
I wudn’t eavesdropping, she wuz just that loud ‘ n there wuz no place for me to get away from it...
It wudn’t so much of a conversation as it wuz a rant....now I ain’t one for being against ranting as I’ve been known to rant m’ownself from time to time but I’ve heard this p’ticklar rant too many times...”SECOND-HAND SMOKE KILLS!” ‘n she said it very loudly...But, she wuz wrong ‘n I am so very tired of people repeating ‘n repeating a lie...Saying it over ‘n over never did turn a lie into the truth ‘n the truth is that 2nd hand smoke don’t kill, that’s a crock...well, maybe if a body gets so upset that someone has the temerity to ackshully smoke in their percieved vicinity ‘n that body gets so upset about it that they ackshully have a heart attack ‘n ackshully fall down dead, well, maybe in that respect, y’cud say that 2nd hand smoke kills...but on the upside, y’know that silver lining thing comes into play ‘n it ‘ud be taking that person out of the gene pool ‘n that’d prob’ly be a good thing....
‘N speaking of ranters....that noted ranter, Jesse Ventura’s in the nooze again....you remember Jesse Ventura...
he was a champeen ranter during his ‘rasslin’ daze...his ranting got him elected Governor of Minnehaha (‘n some say got him un-elected also)...he ranted here ‘n he ranted there ‘n now he’s taking his rant ‘n moving to Mexico to get away from the ‘FACIST USA’ where he vows to never ever stand for the national anthem ever again...
"I didn't say it wuz your fault, I said I wuz blaming you."
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