Ahhhh, you just gotta love the sound of leafblowers in the mornin’...
A bright ‘n sunny day after Turkey day...
me ‘n da boyz went strolling ‘round ‘n about the village...just a handful of turistas, mostly locals at the deli enjoying their whatevers...couple people in Plaza Park feeding the chickens but we avoided them altogether by ambling down the sidewalk ‘n looking at the Christmas decorations already in the windows...the big tree in the Park has their ‘Christmas’ lights up ‘n lighting up the nite sky...I saw‘em from my front porch last nite...I’m pretty sure that means I’ll have to hang my outside lights pretty soon (like this weekend I imagine)...Millyrose is already talking about ‘The Tree’ ‘n how it’s time to put it up...I expect I’ll have to get ‘round to that this weekend also...it’s plain t’see that it’s gonna be a ‘round tuit weekend’ what with Christmas lights, Christmas tree, soggy leaves on the ground that need my attention no matter how I personally feel about the whole thing...
On the p’litical side of things, Newt Gingrich evidently shocked the entire political spectrum during the last Republican debate when he advocated a type of amnesty for some of the illegal aliens residing in the USA...His opponents condemned the idea, the Democrats condemned the idea, the pundits condemned the idea...I think Newt is really onto something here...if Congress would just issue a writ of condemnation here, I’d be positive that Newt is the prob’ly the only person that is qualified to be the next President...’course, if being qualified to be President were a qualification, then we wudn’t have the guy we got now...that’s an oxymoron, right?
The first Presidential election that I ever voted in (I think) was in 1960 but it may have been in 1956...I wuz eligible to vote in ‘56 ‘n I may well have done so but if I did, I voted in ignorance ‘n don’t recall who it might have been that I voted for altho’ it must have been a Democrat cuz I know I didn’t vote for ol ‘Ike’ cuz I didn’t like him ‘n besides he wuz a durn republican ‘n I wuz born a democrat...took me years to grow out of being a democrat but I finally did it tho’ I disremember just exactly when it wuz...
which kind’a brings the whole thing into perspective which is that politics ain’t the be-all ‘n end-all...Heckfire! I’ve seen barroom fistfights that made a lot more sense even tho’ the people doing the fighting cudn’t remember the next day what it wuz they wuz fighting about...
“Nothing is more terrible than t’see ignorance in action.” Goethe
1 comment:
Love your Blog old buddy. I do believe everyone born in Kentucky, at least Eastern Kenucky, was born a Democrat as was I. I have heard many a time people there say they would vote for a dog before they I did not vote for the one in there now. Most of the people that still live there are die hard Democrats, at least my family is.
Better get those lights up. Already have my tree up. Shirley
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