“Old age is when your classmates are so gray ‘n wrinkled ‘n bald they don’t recognize you.” Bennet Cerf
It ain’t that I really need to wear glasses, y’understand...it’s only if I want to ackshully see whatever it is that I’m lookin’ at...even if it’s only my reflection in the mirror...Actually, when it’s my own reflection, ‘specially if I happen t’be lost in the moment (so to speak) I don’t look all that bad...I c’n almost see the person I use’ta be...well, until I put the glasses back on ‘n wonder fleetingly, what the hell happened t’me ‘n when did I get so old?
I’ll tell’ya, modern technology ain’t the be-all ‘n end-all that so many of the younger generations think it is...I understand that it’s ‘hip’ or ‘cool’ or the absolute ‘new’ thing, whatever phraseology happens t’be current...Heck! Maybe ‘current’ is the word to use...I don’t know...I’m old ‘n don’t really care but I c’n tell you that science as a religion is not just dumb but basic dumb, sort’a Dumb 101...’n people who put their faith in science are people who have lost the way ‘n that’s just sad...
When a man (or woman, f’r that matter) tells me that they are Atheist, well, I c’n respect that...up until they begin spouting scientific nonsense to back up their statement about there not being a God...
‘n that’s when they lose me altogether...
Y’see, you simply can’t replace God with science no matter how you try...
Which is all mere nattering, y’know... what I wuz talkin’ about is looking into a mirror ‘n seein’ who I use’ta be as opposed to who I am t’day...like going to a class reunion ‘n wondering who the heck are all these people that got old while I stayed the same...
“True terror is to wake up one morning ‘n discover that your high school class is running the country.” Kurt Vonnegut
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