“It’s best to read the weather forecast before praying for rain.” Mark Twain
The squirrels’re teasing Rocky ‘n Bulwinkel this morning...well, not really Rocky ‘n Bulwinkel...they’re teasing Willie ‘n he want’s to go outside ‘n play with ‘em ‘n Rusty dudn’t want to be left behind...if anything’s happening, the Ol Poodle Dogger wants t’be there too... otherwise, he don’t give a Tinkers Darn about squirrels...or most of the chickens for that matter...he only gets interested when Willie gets excited ‘n Willie c’n get excited about a leaf blowing in the wind sumtimes...
We been getting fog in the mornings but it’s been burning off about the time I struggle out of bed but not this morning...Carl Sandburg wrote about the Windy City that the ‘fog creeps in on little cat’s feet, sits silently on its haunches, ‘n then moves on.”....maybe in the Windy City but not in the great central valley of California...at least, not always...sumtimes it stays ‘n stays ‘n stays like an unwelcome guest that don’t know when to leave the party...I only say that becuz I’ve had that kind of guest ‘n I’ve also been that kind of guest...but that wuz long ago ‘n far away in another time ‘n dimension...
I wuz just thinkin’ that bad weather always looks worse thru a window but it makes the coffee taste better...
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