“Those Autumn leaves of red ‘n gold...”
A gorjuss day here in Ol Fair Oaks,..sun streaming thru high, thin clouds, temp in the hi 60s...did my half-hour in the pool easy-peasy as Whoopi sez...
Sum daze tho’...I swear that sumtimes I think the only thing getting old beats is the alternative...I’m in the fourth year of my last five year plan...next year I’ll have to take into consideration the next five years...
Anyways ‘salmost ‘Turkey Day’...I picked up ‘the bird’ t’day, one ‘a them broadbreasted etcetera etcetera ‘fresh’ thingy that has only been a little bit frozen...I dunno, I think it’s all about marketing...I mean, the riverbank is alive with really fresh turkeys but the ‘peta’ influence is alive ‘n well here in sunny California ‘n if you mention (even jokingly) the possibility of serving a fresh wild turkey on Thanksgiving, you get disapproving looks ‘specially from...well, actually exclusively from, the women...it’s like they can’t draw a line from that naked frozen carcass in the supermarket to that lumbering wild turkey parading thru the backyards ‘n parks of Fair Oaks...’n it ain’t just here, it’s all over the country...my good buddy E.V. McGuire of Greenup, Ky has a flock of wild turkeys living on his hilltop homestead...I told him he wudn’t have to look far for his holiday bird but he just sighed ‘n sed, “My grandkids’ud have a fit if I wuz to hurt one ‘a them birds.”
Ah well, Happy Thanksgiving anyways....
”Tofu or not tofu....” Sid Joelson
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