Spring ahead....for the times, they are a-changing...(a little Bob Zimmerman for the golden oldies)...One of them talking heads on teevee said that we should stay up tonite until 2:00 A.M. so that we could set our clocks ahead an hour because Daylight Savings Time is upon us once't ag'in...a governmental solution to a non-existent problem 'cuz sumbody long, long ago decided that we needed more daylight hours in the evenings than what we needed in the mornings...makes for them long summer evenings that people so love to reminisce about...but, y'know, nostalgia ain't what it use'ta be....
I wuz s'pozed t'be working in the yard, clipping 'n raking 'n such 'n planting sum fl'ars (Ky speak for flowers) but I filled up both my green waste containers plus one of my neighbors 'n I still got stuff left over 'n I ain't hardly begun on Hell's half-acre yet...so what I did wuz take da boyz for a walk again...for the fourth time t'day...
Down on the main drag, on the corner of our one 'n only real intersection in our little village, there wuz a little girl (10 or 12 or thereabouts) standing on a bench with a music box at her feet 'n a karaoke mike in her hand singin' her heart out...me 'n da boyz walked down t'other side of the street 'n around the block 'n she wuz still there singing when we came back....far's I know, she's still there but my feet hurt 'n the dogs are hungry....
"There's a 'hull lot'a definitions for stupid; One is believing that what you already know is enuff!"
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