Da boyz don't really care what the weather is like when they want'a go for a stroll but old men like me do...t'is raining here in Ol Fair Oaks...a steady, soaking rain tho it ain't too cold...so I bundled up in my hat 'n new raincoat that has been hanging in the hall closet all winter 'n ambled down the street t'see what's happening in the world here on Crestline Ave...
Santorum won in Alabama 'n Mississippi...cudn't happened in them 'golden oldies'....a yankee 'N a Catholic at that ~ durn near blasphemous in the Olde South...'course, even with Santorum winning those two states of mind, Romney still sumhow got more delegates...just proved that Mae West gave good advice...she said that between two evils she always picked the one she hadn't tried before...
Santorum won in Alabama 'n Mississippi...cudn't happened in them 'golden oldies'....a yankee 'N a Catholic at that ~ durn near blasphemous in the Olde South...'course, even with Santorum winning those two states of mind, Romney still sumhow got more delegates...just proved that Mae West gave good advice...she said that between two evils she always picked the one she hadn't tried before...
In American politics, it seems like superflous is the only real necessity 'n Republicans got a real superfluity goin' for them this year as recent polls show ev'erbody vying for the Republican nomination c'd beat Obama...tain't really true, y'know...he's doing a wunnerful job of beating hisownself at the moment...y'gotta hope he keeps up the good work...
'Course, all things are relative 'n if nobody has ever explained the theory of relativity to you....when you're making out with a really hot girl, an hour seems like seconds; when you sit on a hot stove, a second seems like an hour.
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