When I wuz younger, I wanted t'be sumbody...now I know I should'a been more specific...
Got a nice tortoise cat livin' in the south forty 'er maybe she just hunts there 'n sleeps in the basement (sumtimes in the rocking chair on the front porch) but she eats up the street at nabor Dougs manse...he named her Jasper at first but after the catladies picked her up 'n had her spayed, he changed her name to Jassy...
I'm thinkin' that it works out real well for us as we have a cat that patrols our property 'n we don't have to feed her...
The lady next door has two or three cats, not sure perzackly...she has a large blue cat 'n a young striped cat fer sure....she also got a Chow dog that since moving to the neighborhood has managed to dispatch three chickens...not a lot of chickens hangin' out in her backyard anymore...(sighhh) guess they've all moved into our south forty...
Ah well, live 'n let live, I al'lus say...well, maybe not always but often enuff..
The reason I talk to m'self so much is my answers are the only ones I pretty much agree with......
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