"The older you get, the stronger the wind gets ~ 'n it's always in your face." Jack Nicklaus
Well, the wind blew 'n stuff flew...stray pieces of paper (mostly used coffee cups 'n fast food sandwich wrappers) 'n plastic baggies (the ones not yet in our landfills)...palm fronds, branches, etcetera...I kept lookin' t'see if there wuz any flying anoretics but if they wuz, I missed 'em...the dogs, howsumever, loved it...'course, both of 'em're built purty close to the ground...I kept a tight hand on their leashes which wuz kind'a tricky 'cuz I also had t'keep a tight hand on my baseball cap which showed a distinct inclination to go flying...funny thing tho' but the Village chickens didn't seem to like the wind 'cuz they all huddled t'gether in little groups in the lee of the park structures...(I let Willie scatter 'em a couple times figuring that he 'n they needed the exercise)...I picked up my garbage can a couple times but gave up on worrying about the lid which flopped back 'n forth ev'ry time the wind changed (one 'a my neighbors weighted the top of his can with a stone which he replaced twice with larger ones)...
"The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of old people 'n greatly assists the circulation of the blood." Logan Smith
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