So...first day of DST 'n it's looked like rain all day...well, it's s'pozed to rain here 'n snow on the mountain but I ain't seen a drop all day...'course, if I wuz to get in the car 'n go to the store, it'ud prob'ly rain on me...or if I wuz to wash the car, it'ud most definitely rain but since I ain't done neither of those things, it's staying dry...I'm thinkin' it's a personal thing between the weather 'n me...
After a little prodding from Millyrose (who is enjoying a sick day) I did go out in the side yard 'n finish digging the holes for the nine lavender plants 'n stuck 'em all in the ground...
Just waiting for the rain now so's I don't have to water them but the durn rain ain't coming yet...sure as sin, if I wuz to water them plants, it'ud pour down rain...
The DST has the dogs confused...it's really past time for their evening walk but they don't know it so I'm still sitting here...I c'd be watching the snooze-nooze but that's even more boring than waiting for the rain...
Ackshully, a little rain here ain't a bad thing but what we really need is a lot of snow up on the mountain. A lot of people really like snow but far's I'm concerned, it's just an unnecessary freezing of water...
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