”Y’know, we humans are the only critters able to behave irrationally in the name of reason.”
We (the royal we) overloaded the Maytag which ain’t unheard of...I expect it prob’ly happens in the best of fam’lies...anyways, it came to a sudden halt with a THUMP ‘n the smell of burning rubber...
“Prob’ly a belt” I says a heckuva lot more confidently than I ackshully felt...”I’ll take care of it while you’re off to the big city t’morra...(Herself ‘n son Dave headed off to Oakland for a 5 ‘n a half hour silent movie ~ hobnobbing with the literati)...
I walked past the durn thing a couple times...I’da circled it but it’s nestled safely in a nook...I got on the ‘net ‘n tried to research the cussed thing but no luch atall...finally, I wrestled it out of it’s nook, cussed at it ‘n gave it a good shaking ‘n talking to (got that talking to thing from Mom Smith ‘n it always worked really well for her...heck! I’da much rather took a whuppin’..)
Anyways, I dunno if it wuz the talking to or the shaking or the cussing or maybe even the couple little kicks I gave it but when I plugged it back in, it worked...
Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I Tebowed the incident, washed a couple loads of wash ‘n walked da boyz down the street...God’s in his Heaven ‘n all’s right with the world!
I heard on the telly that Tiger Woods finally won a tournament...use’ta be when men cussed ‘n beat the ground with sticks, it called witchcraft...Today, it’s called golf.
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