“A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind ‘n won’t change the subject.” W. Churchill
I ain’t in any hurry....I think that prob’ly comes with gettin’ older...’n older don’t make a body any smarter but if it don’t bring a little more wisdom to the party then it’s all been a bit of a waste...
When I wuz young, seems like I wuz always in a hurry to go someplace...I can’t remember now what wuz so important that I had to hurry up ‘n get there...use’ta say in the military that it wuz all ‘hurry up ‘n wait’...seems like that has become the Obama Administration mantra....gotta hurry up ‘n pass this bill or that bill or whatever bill...once it’s passed, you can sit down ‘n take your time to read it ‘n find out what you’ve done to yourselves...gotta hurry up, hurry up...well, the old joke wuz ‘there ain’t nuthin’ certain ‘cept death ‘n taxes ‘n the cost of dyin’ has been pretty much the same for centuries on end’...
I read in the Snooze-Nooze that there are scads of millionaires asking Obama to raise their taxes...Now speaking just for myself, I don’t think there’s any rules or regulations or prohibitions that states emphatically that millionaires can’t pay more taxes than the gov’t sez they owe... ‘if they’re a mind to’...The gov’t has lots of laws ‘n such that sez a body ain’t allowed to pay less than the gov’t sez they owe but nowhere does it say that they can’t pay more....
And for all those indefatigable folk out there in never-never land who’re protesting that big banks ‘n Wall St are cheating them out of their inalienable rights to life, liberty ‘n the pursuit of happiness, I’d just like to remind them that it’s their BIG GOVERNMENT that passes the laws ‘n regulations that allow what they regard as ‘legalized theft’ ‘n all they’d have t’do is join one of the Tea Parties ‘n call for a smaller, more responsive gov’t. ‘Course, then they wudn’t get to camp on the sidewalks ‘n get their pictures in the papers ‘n on the telly....Fame is so addictive.....
“The world is gettin’ t’be such a dangerous place, a man is lucky to get out of it alive.” W.C. Fields
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