I recently did a blog about the death of a chicken that neighbor Doug had named ‘Snowball’ ‘n which I described as a ‘Silkie’...I had an inquiry as to what the devil was a Silkie so here’s a pic...seems they’re originally from southeast Asia ‘n brought to Europe by that famed explorer Marco Polo who we all know from the teenage water game prevalent among the young harridans today....’course, that’s another story entirely ‘n nuthin’ to do with the reality of what happens to pets when their owners tire of them...
It seems that Silkies make good pets as far as chickens as pets go...they’re docile, not aggressive ‘n good brooders....
(as an aside, I tried brooding for awhile when I wuz younger but not being a young Brando, it didn’t really suit my personality)...
When turistas wax enthuiastic about the feral fowl of Ol Fair Oaks, I gene’lly reply that I prefer chicken fried 'n roasted is good also but the older larger birds should ideally be stewed with dumplings...but when I googled the Silkie, I found out that they have dark blue flesh which I find esthetically ....hmm, unappetizing...but that’s just me...
Anyways, while walking in the park t’other day, we came upon three buff-colored Silkies huddled t’gether ‘n rather obviously at a loss as to what they were s’pozed to be doing...Millyrose wuz so taken by them that she inquired of a friend of hers about a chicken coop...
fortunately, the coop wuz no longer available so I don’t have to deal with them but I wudn’t mind at all if someone came along, took pity on the three of them ‘n perpetrated a rescue...
“There is no reward or punishment in Nature; there is only consequence.”
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