“In youth, the days are short ‘n the years are long; in old age, the years are short ‘n the days are long so I guess, if you live long enuff, things even out on their own.”
It’s been a nice long summer...still got lots ‘n lots of green leaves on the trees even tho’ there’s a lot of brown ones on the ground...don’t get the ‘fall color’ so much here in Paradise West but the liquidambers are turning red ‘n that’s always pretty...I didn’t look at the clock when I woke in the wee small hours last nite ‘n decided that we needed an extra blanket so I guess that winter is on the way...winter here in Ol Fair Oaks ain’t really winter in the same sense that folks in other areas of the country have winter...what we get mostly is rain ‘n fog ‘n overcast skies ‘n nitetime temps down in the low 30’s...once in a while maybe down in the high 20’s...it’s been knows to freeze around here tho’...I recall back in...oh, ‘86 or ‘87 thereabouts, the temp dipped into the teens....lotta damage to pipes, plants ‘n such...ah well, life comes at you whether you’re ready or not ‘n you might as well make the best of it cuz whatever you get is what you got...
Gonna head up to Apple Hill this afternoon...should be a pleasant trip...
enjoy the sunshine, eat a little pie, ‘n bring home a couple boxes of apples for more pies ‘n some of Millyrose’s apple butter...gotta say, I do like apple butter...comfort food for me going back to when we’d visit Grandma Smith...she made hers in a big kettle outside...
The ‘olden daze’ may have been lacking in a lot of stuff but they sure do make for good mem’ries....
“I’m thinkin’ that gettin’ old is a high price to pay for maturity but it also seems t’be the only available way to live a long life.”
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