“Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten dollar haircut you use’ta get for five dollars when you had hair.”
A big WHOOP-DE-DOO for Apple Hill....it is still an absolutely luv’ly place to spend a lazy October afternoon...but OMG it is pricey...$15 pies, $5 a slice, $2 for a styrofoam cup of generic coffee....you’d think the place wuz Starbucks...not so many people on a Thursday afternoon which made for pleasant driving on those twisty little roads (hate it when I’m basically sight-seeing ‘n got forty-leven cars behind me),,,
Still, apple pie, apple turnovers with ice cream ‘n Millyrose scarfing down a slab of strawberry/rhubarb pie...rhubarb is kind’a like pun’kin far as I’m concerned...
it’s sumthin’ that ever’body else likes ‘n it looks good but it’s on the same list as eggplant ‘n broccoli...d’ya know that list? That’s the one where the food is better when it’s in disguise...ah well, life ain’t all p’nut butter ‘n jelly...
“There is always a lot t’be thankful for if you take the time to look. For example, I’m sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don’t hurt.”
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