“When you get old, you don’t need a lot but the little that you need, you need a lot...”
Hair is a funny thing if you think on it, I mean, you either have it or you don’t or maybe you’re just somewhere inbetween...I’ve had hair most of my life ‘cept for a short time when I wuz naked all over ‘cuz of the chemotherapy (it wuz cold) ~ When I wuz a teenager in the USAF, my Drill Instructor insisted that I shave on a daily basis...when I tried to point out that as I had no facial hair of which to speak, it wuz an exercise in futility, he pointed out that it just wudn’t my choice ‘n I wuz to shave each ‘n every day or face the punishment of ‘his’ choice...it all made perfect sense at the time..
Anyways, from time to time, I grow bored with the daily shave ‘n I just don’t do it...’n that acts like a universal prompter for women ‘n gurlz ‘n the question, “Are you growing a beard?”
The truthful answer is that basically I have ceased stopping the beard from growing but that’s kind of a smart-alecky response (so I’ve been told)...
That’s usually followed up by “How long are you going to keep it?”...’n the truthful answer is I don’t know...one day I’ll feel like shaving ‘n I’ll shave...
In the meantime, have you noticed all the old men with grey beards n’ mustaches...I don’t know what it is about old men ‘n beards but there seems t’be a lot of ‘em ‘n a lot of ‘em with grey ponytails...whatever floats your boat, I guess...one of the interesting aspects of getting older is that the older you get the less importance you attach to what other people think of you...at least, I think that may be why old people dress the way they do...the ubiquitous ‘they’ claim that young dominates...in fashion, in television ‘n movies, in just about everything that comes along but maybe it just ain’t true...why else would you have so many people wearing sweats ‘n cargo pants....it’s old people that are the driving force behind comfortable clothing, clothing with pockets, ‘n sneakers...I don’t know what sneakers young people prefer...don’t care, for that matter but almost all the old(er) people are wearing New Balance sneakers...I s’pect the company’ud probably prefer a couple superstar athletes but in the meantime they’ll have to settle for having all the old people in the USA wearing their brand...
“A lot of young people complain about the old drivers ~ we don’t drive that bad, we’re the only ones that have the time t’do the speed limit.”
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