“Old age ain’t so bad when you consider the alternative.”
Quiet Satidaze are often the lead-in to quiet Sundaze ‘n that’s pretty much the case here in Ol Fair Oaks...at least on Crestline Avenue...well, relatively quiet anyways...we still have a multitude of feral fowl which means that we have a lot of roosters in competition to wake up the sun to get another day started.....’n Sunrise Boulevard....one fine Spring day several years ago, Millyrose ‘n I spent the nite in a teeny-tiny cabin built on the banks of the Snake River....The river was running high with snow melt ‘n made a constant roar....I remarked that it sounded a lot like Sunrise Blvd only without the sirens or the sound of protesting rubber before the resulting crash of automotive metal meeting other automotive metal....ah, civilization.....
And speaking of civilization, it’ud seem the barbarians are at the gates....I guess in long-ago, once upon a time Roma, it’ud been called ‘Occupy Roma’...t’day, it’s Occupy Wall Street or in the case of Sackamenna, Occupy Cesar Chavez Park...
It’s the ‘Gimmee’ crowd, those modern Robin Hoodies who preach ‘steal from the rich ‘n give to the poor’...’course, like every bandito from time immemorial, they kind’a neglect to mention that the poor they’re talking about are themselves...
When Willie Sutton (famous bank robber of once upon a time) was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, “That’s where the money is.”...John Dillinger robbed banks for the same reason ‘n Jesse James robbed banks ‘n trains for the same reason...Obama ‘n his posse may well have grabbed a tiger by the tail when they glommed on to (‘n semi-legitimized) this latest round of dirty-shirt democracy by mob rule....
But Willie ‘n Rusty don’t care ‘n strolling around sleepy little Ol Fair Oaks makes it seem like the trials ‘n tribulations of much of the world is far, far away....
Someone dropped off another really pretty chicken down t’the California House t’other day....must’a been raised with dogs cuz she didn’t turn a feather when Willie charged her...puzzled him no end when she didn’t run...if they don’t play the game ‘n run from him, he loses interest in a hurry....if someone doesn’t pick her up ‘n take her home, she won’t last too long...tame chickens that don’t know how to run away from danger make a good meal for Wile E. Coyote or maybe even Sunday dinner for one of the Raccoon families that inhabit our little corner of the world.....
“A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.”
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