"Be careful reading the fine print, there's no way you're going to like it."
It’s always been in the back of my mind that some day I’d get a round tuit....so far, it ain’t happened but, as you may know, the ubiquitous ‘they’ say that hope springs eternal...
I been watching all them rich Republicans 'n their staged debates...They all agree they want to get rid of Obama 'n they all agree that no matter who gets the nod, one of the very first things they're gonna do is to reform the tax system of this country....
anyways, they keep talking about a fair tax....
'Course, that's what the Democrats want also...well, that's what a bunch of 'em are saying anyways...
Seems like Obama ain't very popular with much of anybody 'cept Hollywood celebrities .....
Anyways, on that ‘fair’ tax thing....if I pay the gov’t ten cents out of ev’ry dollar I make, they’re gonna get a little bit...if a millionaire pays ten cents out of ev’ry dollar, they’re gonna get a lot more ‘n if a billionaire pays ten cents out of ev’ry dollar, the gov’t is gonna get just a whole helluva lot more...’n if corporations pay ten cents out of ev’ry dollar ‘n ain’t allowed to hide their assets in foreign lands, omg...I don’t think God ‘ud be able to figure out how much money the gov’t ‘ud make...
‘Course, one of the biggest problems facing the proponents of a ‘fair’ tax is that this country now has a majority of voters that believe that they shouldn’t have to pay any tax at all because ‘rich’ people should pay for ev’ryone else to ride simply because they have more money!
Maybe every working person should quit his or her job ‘n go demonstrate against banks ‘n bankers ‘n corporate wealth because it’s obvious to everyone that God really loves only the poor else why did He make so many of us....
Oh, and camels can’t get thru the eye of a needle ‘n all those rich people are going to Hell no matter what they think.....
"The trouble with bucket seats is that ev'ryone ain't got the same size bucket."
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