“Start ev’ry day off with a smile ‘n get it over with.”
The sun is back after 3 daze of early winter-like weather...’n I wuz sleepin’ almost soundly when Willie decided that he wanted to go outside ‘ n when he wants to go outside...well, I’m sure you get the picture....he jumped on my chest, stuck his face in my face ‘n stared at me...it was a non-verbal assault ‘n it always works...if he’d screamed at me, I prob’ly wud’ve screamed back (or not) ...
At any rate, we got out of bed went outside to greet the morning....I took a somewhat monolithic stance on the pathway while Willie ‘n Rusty nosed among the fallen leaves searching for the absolutely perfect place...you’d think that having the entire world (more or less) to use as a bathroom ‘ud be enuff but dogs, inexplicably, must have that one spot, that one perfect spot, ‘n they sniff ‘n circle until they find it....
Anyways, by the time we got back inside there wuz no reason for me t’go back to bed so I made coffee...found the one remaining do-nut from yesterday, divided it evenly....I could’a eated the whole thing with no p’ticklar effort but I’ve been married a long time ‘n see no reason for ill feelings on an otherwise quiet Sati’day morning....
“Remember, a dead fish c’n float downstream but it takes a live one to swim upstream.”
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