“A time for every season.....”
There is a reason for ever’thing!
...At least, I hope there is...I think maybe that might be one of those unspoken universal prayers that comes to everybodys mind at some time or other in their life regardless of race, color, or creed...
So it’s Autumn ‘n the leaves are drifting down...all part of Ma Natures grand plan of life, death, ‘n regeneration...for untold generations, people just nachelly accepted Autumn as the season inbetween summer ‘n winter ‘n never gave it much more tho’t....Back in eastern Kentucky where I grew up, come fall, people raked up all the leaves that fell in their yards ‘n burned ‘em....the smell of burning leaves was a constant reminder that it was, after all, FALL!
When I first came to Sacramento, people did the same here... every backyard had a ‘burn’ barrel...they not only burned their leaves, they burned their trash as well...lotta toxic smoke went into the Sackamenna air in them there daze....not allowed anymore....can’t burn leaves, can’t burn trash...rice farmers can’t burn their fields anymore....well, they didn’t do that in the fall anyway but stopping it was a good thing, at least for people with allergies...
Here t’is Columbus day ‘n nobody’ud be burning t’day anyway cuz it’s raining...
I’m pretty sure that we’re gonna get several weeks of beautiful sunshiny Indian summer type weather here pretty soon but maybe not...I dunno if winter brings the rain or rain brings the winter but seems like the Sackamenna region c’n maybe only handle one type of weather at at time ‘n right now we got rain...
You shouldn’t complain about the rain, just think of those poor, dry people in Texas ‘n keep on treading water.
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