“They say time heals all wounds but I’ve found it’s hard on the liver.”
Habitz are funny things....I mean, why would someone who doesn’t have to get up at a p’ticklar time bother to set an alarm clock?
I dunno why so-called ‘good’ habits are so easy to break ‘n ‘bad’ habits so hard to give up....t’is a puzzlement, as the Bard use’ta say....or so we’re told that he said, we don’t really know that at all....as a matter of fact, there’s still a lot of disagreement as to whether or not the Bard was really ‘The Bard’...some folk say that Shakespeare was just a beard for Christopher Marlowe....’n I gotta say, if one person actually wrote all the stuff that is attributed to Mr. Shakespeare, he was one prolific writer...we only got a little bit of Shakespeare when I was in high school back in that long ago time...
Miz Opal Bassler was responsible for the little bit of Shakespeare that actually penetrated my brain (such as it is)...
Actually, she was the best English teacher I ever had, including the college teachers...I never realized just how much Shakespeare I’d been exposed to until one fine afternoon when I had a forced timeout due to mechanical failure...I was drinking a beer ‘n listening to a nearby radio which just happened t’be broadcasting Henry V...I was astonished how much of it I’d heard before ‘n how many phrases from Shakespeare were used in daily life by so many people who hadn’t a clue that they were quoting the great Willie Shakespeare...’n you still hear the same thing t’day from the same clueless people....’n the same argument about whether or not Shakespeare actually wrote all that stuff is still around...
The ‘ubiquitous they’ say that history repeats itself ‘n they also say that he who doesn’t learn from his mistakes is doomed to repeat them...could be that history is just habit-forming ‘n that we, as mere flyspeckes, must shuffle off this mortal coil without ever catching a clue....
“When you’re young, MacBeth is a character part. When you’re older, it’s a straight part.” Laurence Olivier
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