Thursday, February 28, 2008

Giants & the rest of us.........

Part & parcel of growing older is coming to grips with your own mortality.....Now, that ain’t a big thing as it comes to everyone sooner or later.......the trick is that a lot of us live as tho’ we want it come sooner when the truth ackshully is the later the better..........still, since it’s something that we mostly have no control over, it’s a moot point.......that said; the older you get, the more attention you pay to the sort’a start by looking for friends, y’know, the ones you grew up with, went to school with, basically the people you identify with......I think for many of us, that starts with the ‘big reunion’......y’know, the one where you wear a nametag & thank god for the nametags worn by people who were once very close to you ‘cause sure as God eats little green apples, you ain’t gonna know them now......And one of the shocking things about that first reunion is the list of people who managed to cross over without you being aware of it........& then as reunions come ‘n go, that list gets longer while the list of attendees grows shorter.....
Somewhere along in there is when you began to pay more attention to the ‘obituary’ column. And you notice how many people your own age manage to get themselves listed........& then you notice how many people younger than yourself.....Mortality! Comes to us all & it’s inevitable....whoa! hold the salt!......Somewhere ‘round about there is when you began to pay p’ticlar attention to the celebs of your life; the athletes, the movie stars, the teevee personalities, & the occasional giant. Surprisingly, how few giants inhabit our lives. Rare indeed is the person who actually gets a chance to meet & rub shoulders with a giant. More often, we know them only from their deeds, and then only from a distance.
One of those giants in my life has just passed. I never read all his books or articles; never met him at all but, what I saw of him, what I heard of him, what I knew of the man convinced me that he was a man among men, a giant during my lifetime & the world needs giants.
‘Course, the world needs the rest of us as well...A giant in a world of giants is just us.....Justin Other Smith

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Grampa Fuzz.......

The California poppies are in bloom....also, the almond trees & flow’ring plum.....lotta green t’day, under sunny skies streaked with clouds.....bright yellow watchamacallits all over my yard.....went swimming t’day..
didn’t count the laps but I did about a dozen, give or take....whatever exercise I do, I only do ‘til I get tired..
that translates to......oh, about 15 mins here & there ‘til I figger I have an hour in....then I give up ‘n go home......
gonna tell da gurlz to start calllin’ me ‘Grampa Fuzz’..... I’m sprouting what looks like white fuzz all over my dome......’Course, I can’t really judge what color it is but I suspect white.....I don ‘t care.....s’long as I get some hair out of it........
I’m sitting here at the ‘puter with the door wide open.....
1st time in a long time that the furnace hasn ‘t been running.....I’m looking fwd to the day when I c’n turn it off ‘n get out from under PG&E.....wish’t I c’ud do sumthin’ about SMUD as well.....
On the campaign front, someone floated a pic of B.Obama in the guise of a Kenyan elder (?)...I think Kenyan youngers dress in t-shirts & sneakers but I don’t know.....I’m not sure if that pic is s’pozed to hurt him or help him but he doesn’t look any more ridiculous than any other politician that’s got themselves all spiffed up in foreign garb........Heck! If’n he’d put on a big ol’ hat down in Texas, he would’ve looked just as silly.
And Millyrose pointed out that since one of the worst things a Muslim can do is become Christian, if Obama wuz t’ be elected Prez, how’n the world is he s’pozed to negotiate with Muslims????? “T’is a puzzlement.”
As is the world in general. Justin Other Smith

Monday, February 25, 2008

A boggled brain........

The storm has passed. Over the mountains & ‘cross the plains to Brother John. Maybe it won’t be so bad when it gets back there....Well, it could’a been worse here..... On the positive side, it dumped from 2 to 4 feet of snow on the mountain & that’s a good thing......They may have skiing in June altho’ with the southern bound economy, the price of fuel may keep the schlussers at a minimum..
campers also.....snow camping ain’t for sissies......
Are we seeing the dying gasp of the Clintons? The pundits seem to think so & they put a lot of the blame on Bill.....Almost all the pundits seem to think that Barack or Obama (whichever name you like) is a shoo-in for Prez & they’re all taking flying leaps at the bandwagon.....if we go by the accuracy of their predictions this year, BO has gotta self-destruct.....Maybe we’ll have a Huckabee or Nader for Prez....I wonder who the NY Times is betting on......A couple years ago, when we goofy Californians kicked out Gray Davis & elected Ah-nold as Guvenator, the rest of the country made lots of jeering noises.....I ain’t sayin’ Arnold is the best Govenor we ever had but he’s a long way from the worst & his centrist stance seems the logical way to go.....prob’ly a good thing he can’t run for Prez....I bet if he did, Teddy would have apoplexy....(sumtimes, ya gotta look for the silver lining).
I can’t help wondering about my friend, Pig you might know, or guess, Pig is a bred in the bone, 100% Union-made, lifetime Democrat. Not p’tick’ly unusual in Greenup County, Pig has any number of endearing qualities which I won’t comment on at this time but what I’ve really been wondering about is his vote in the general election.....I don’t think Pig has ever voted anything but a straight Democratic ticket & it appears that he may be facing a difficult choice......
Obama or Clinton.......well, Greenup County ain’t New Hampshire or South Carolina....still, pondering such a problem c’n boggle an already boggled brain..........
2:30 in the AM on a Monday morn....Justin Other Smith

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Waitin’ for the big one........

Here t’is, the lull before the storm.....barely a breeze, cloudy & overcast, nervous chickens.....those feral fowl of Fair Oaks get noisy when they get nervous & they seem to know that a storm is coming even if they can’t read.....Now the truth of the matter is that I don’t know whether they can read or not....I’ve never seen any of them perusing a magazine or newspaper, let alone a book, I just assume that they can’t read.....Maybe they can but just prefer to spend their time raping and pillaging.....Quite often, however, I’ll spot a big rooster seemingly frozen in reverie, oblivious to the world around him & if he’s unlucky enuff to be in the middle of the street, hopefully run down by some uncaring motorist.....”I have a dream.....”
Anyway, I haven’t had the telly on this morning but the Bumbling Bee was warning readers this morning that we shouldn’t drive in the midst of the storm that’s s’pozed to hit us this afternoon.....heavy rain & high wind is unsafe, (they say).....and we should be stocked up on food, water, batteries, books & dvds....altho’ if the power goes out, books & dvds might be a no-go......
I wonder how many people read the paper & tho’t...oops, better run out & buy sumthin’ prepared for the storm & help the economy at the same time.........
“Everytime it rains, it rains sunshine & flowers......”
.....unless, of course, you happen to be homeless, in which case, you’re gonna get wet......Justin Other Smith

Friday, February 22, 2008


Here t’is, winter again......cold & rain & snow on the mountain....major storm warnings in the paper & on the telly.....wind & rain to come.....street flooding & falling branches & trees......situation normal here in norCal..... Well, we need the rain & snow....we’ve been in drought mode for a long time & if we don’t get water, how’re we s’pozed to give it to el lay to wash their autos, driveways & sidewalks.....y’know, if soCal had to live on their own water supply, they’d have to lose 99% of their population.......& where d’ya spoze they’d all go......prob’ly here & nobody wants that so we grit our teeth (all that dust, y’know) & send ‘em water......’n if water gets any more expensive, we’ll find it cheaper to send ‘em wine...
a loaf of bread, a jug of wine to keep the Hollywood Liberal Elite at bay.....& prob’ly worth the cost to keep ‘em all corralled in LaLaLand.....on permanent strike.
S’funny how the only people who seem concerned about the so-called writers strike are the media folk (gives ‘em sumthin to yak about)......if H’wood folk ever figure out where they really stand in relation to real life (as opposed to reel life) they might collectively stew in their own ego juice......on that proverbial other hand, if you’re a bigshot actor being upstaged by a twangy, guitar-playing Huckleberry frum the grate state of R-kansas who is himself being upstaged by the cardboard cutouts of ‘clintonobamamccain’, y’might just as well fire your publicist & go for another facelift........
Wot the heck? Winter weather depresses me......
At least, it’s Friday.......Justin Other Smith

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rainy day soapbox......

(SIGHH!) It appears our faux Spring is over.....we have cloudy skies again albeit without the nonstop rain that blanketed us all day yesterday & all thru the nite. And yeah, I know we need it & more snow in the sierra, the more the merrier. I looove seeing the teevee personalities from Ch. 3 standing waist-deep in the snow at Blue Canyon (well, tall man Teselle standing knee-deep) prattling on & on how they love the snow (or sleet, rain, wind, etc)....TVP’s must all be wanna-be actors who will do abso anything just to be on camera....which brings me to Michelle Obama (wife of Brackobama) who evidently couldn’t stay in the background any longer & just had to express herself on camera....(for the 1st time in her 45 year life, she wasn’t ashamed of being an American, godhelpher) I just wonder why, if she was so ashamed of her citizenship, she didn’t walk away years ago.....I mean, it’s pretty much a free country & she could’ve gone to Darfur or Zimbabwe or France....I don’t think anyone here would’ve missed her & maybe someone else might have benefitted from from all the opportunities she had here in the bad ol’ US of A......
But, let’s be fair...she and Brackie-boy are both ethnically-deprived, having been denied the oppty of growing up in a ghetto......why, I s’pect they’ve had to learn Black English from a textbook or reruns of ‘Good Times’.......(sorry, I know that wuz mean)........
Ak’shully....they are, both of ‘em, attractive, articulate, well-educated, charming (sounds like Cary Grant, don’t it) people who are the antithesis of the popular view of American Blacks and much closer to the real-life middle class African Americans as portrayed by the Cosby family (Huxtables, for the teevee impaired).......
I expect I’ve been on the soapbox too long this morning, blame it on the weather......later, Justin Other Smith

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Of polls & pundits.......

Mid February & no news doesn't mean the media shuts up.........

It’s been a long, lazy Sunday.....sunshiny & warmish, a fine faux Spring day before a holiday...George’s B’day tomorrow......s’pect there’ll be sales galore for Prez Day but I intend to miss all of them......(it’s the economy, stupid).....not really but if sales don’t live up to dreams, that’s what the media will say.......
‘Course, the media also say that Obama’s got the election all sewed up & is bound to be our next Prez....
Coupl’a months ago, that’s what they were saying about Hillary....& their excuse is.....”that’s what the polls are saying.”.....and we all know how accurate the polls have been this year.
According to the pundits, Geo Bush has been so bad as Prez that the Repubs will likely not survive as a party at’s gonna be Dems all the way.....and the world will be a better place..(is that a song lyric?)
Can it be that since the pollsters have it all wrong this year that the pundits may also have it all wrong.AND (GASP!) could the media be wrong as well......might we indeed have another republican presidency hard on the heels of one of the most reviled Presidents since A. Lincoln?
You heard me. Our most revered President, Abraham Lincoln, was one of the most reviled politicians of that turbulent era. The media despised him and took every opportunity to mock and dismiss him. Cartoonists of the day showed him as an ugly, ungainly apeman, a barely literate, uncouth and boorish backwoodsman lacking in wit, charm & education that should never have been allowed at the same podium with his more distinguished opponents. (Quick! Name Lincolns opponents).........
Now, I’m not saying that George Bush will go down in history as one of our better Presidents but I’m not at all sure that history will be any kinder to any of his opponents. Fortunately for most of us, history is pretty dismissive of us all. And none more deserving, I suppose. Justin Other Smith

Friday, February 15, 2008

Faux Spring..........

February in norCal & it feels like Spring, it looks like Spring but, it ain’t’s false Spring but it’ll do until the real thing comes along....
we get spoiled here, darned if we don’t......winter temps that rarely get below 30o....daytime highs in the 50’s......
the worse part is when the skies get grey & cloudy & we don’t see the sun for a few weeks & it makes us cranky...
then in the middle of February comes false Spring & we come to life again......ragtops drop, bicycles proliferate, blooms & buds pop, and joggers & walkers come out of hibernation & politics take a temporary backseat..... God’s in his heaven and all’s right with the world.
It’s all an illusion, of course. Like a mirage. A magic trick by Mama Nature. A few days, a week or so, if we’re lucky.......the wind will turn, the skies will darken & the rain will fall, snow, maybe, in the sierra. Doesn’t matter ‘cuz we know that Spring is coming for real... & the long hot summer after. “In the summertime, when all the trees, the leaves are green........” R. Miller
Justin Other Smith

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Semper Fi, Marines......

I don’t mind Berkeley city council being against the war in Iraq. As individuals, they have a right to speak their mind whatever their state of mind might be.....As individuals, they are protected by the First Amendment. However, as representatives of a taxpaying population, they have a responsibility beyond their individual rights which they have woefully abused and they should be recalled. I’m not gonna hold my breath ‘til that happens.
But as a suggestion to that council & the code pink people, p’haps they could hold their collective breaths until they turn blue. Kicking & screaming & stamping their feet are time-proven tactics also.
If anyone cares, I think the war in Iraq was a mistake & shouldn’t have happened....I also think it was mishandled after the fall of Saddam but I didn’t have any input in that either. HOWEVER, since we’re there, since we’re committed, we should support our troops who have given so much. It’s okay to protest the war. That’s an American right. The city council of Berkeley & the code pink people have gone too far in stepping on the rights of people who are risking their lives in defense of those rights.
From the halls of Montezuma to the streets of Berkeley, Semper Fi, Marines....Justin Other Smith

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

101 spotty l'il blogs........

So, I did it. I’ve been saying I would & I did. I went to the gym. Well, what the heck, it’s a beginning & that’s what counts, ain’t it? there ‘round about 8:00 am.....did a few lite weights, 10 mins on treadmill & broke a sweat.....hit the steam, showered & wuz on the road home by 9:30.....nuthin’ if not efficient...... sort’a like that old’s been real & it’s been fun, but it’s not been real fun......I know, I’m stretching........but, what the 'hay....this is the hundred & first of these meandering trips & now I don't even have the excuse of chemo brain....
It’s just that it feels funny, y’know...getting back to doing normal stuff. And not having cancer & chemo to talk about kind’a leaves a hole. A lull in the conversation. So, I guess I’m having a lull. There are worse things in life than the occasional lull. Everyone needs a lull now & then, time to look around, take stock of yourself, see what lies over the next hill......
Had my coffee & morning paper at Kellye’s this the gurlz off to school...after they all rubbed my bald pate for luck.....I hope it works for ‘em.....& I hope you enjoy my lull..........Justin Other Smith

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A rare day..........

This is the century note for this blog.....a whole hunnerd of 'em.......
Tennyson wrote, “and what is so rare as a day in June...”
Well,......a sunny day in February is purty darn nice.... temps approaching 70o...window down on the car, sunroof open...... s’Tuesday afternoon & the feral fowl of Fair Oaks are making a nuisance of themselves.....& so are the d### turistas who ooh & ahh while feeding them...... Gah!!!!!........ I must be feeling a lot better since I am carping about the chickens again......& another thing.... we’ve been getting mail from a group calling themselves ‘The Village Enhancement Buttinski’s’..... what the world definitely doesn’t need is another group of fascist do-gooders who want to fix somebody else’s problems...or what they view as problems.....of course, what I view as a problem is anyone who wants to tell me what to do and when to do it.....and Yeah, I know I have authority issues.. I’m 70 years old & I’ve had authority issues for most of those years......
On a more pleasant note......I wuz goin’ to the gym t’day...
packed my bag & put on m’sweats only to find Millyrose asleep on the sofa...Now, she’d sed that she wuz goin’ with me ‘n I certainly knew better than to leave w/out her.....being unable to wake her, I sat myself down & waited.....& biggie, I’ll go tomorrow.......
I hope ever’one had a pleasant day....Justin Other Smith

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Blue marbles & stuff........

Saturday, February 9......Just hangin' out waitin' for hair & whatever........
This world, this little old blue marble spinning in the vastness of space, this speck in the universe, this world. Our world. As someone of note once remarked, the world is always with us.
And has been since our beginning. It’s such a part of us that, like breathing, we mostly don’t take any notice of it. It’s so integraged into our being, is such a part of our essence that it’s almost inconceivable that one could exist without the other. But, on the proverbial other hand, I’m pretty sure that if we humans were to become extinct tomorrow, the world, this ‘blue marble’ of ours, would continue spinning. The seasons would continue to pass and the world would go on without us.
I’m pretty sure that our passing would create a void and if, as t’is said, nature abhors a vacuum, something would replace us. I cannot predict what that might be. Perhaps as the elephant replaced the mastodon, our replacement might be a variation of ourselves, as we may very well be an evolutionary substitute for whatever humanoids preceded us.
And let me point out that this has absolutely nothing to do with the theories of evolution or creation. Those
are simply words created by us in our egotistical attempt to define and understand ourselves and since our language will disappear with our extinction, of little import to the world.
Abe Lincoln began his speech at Gettysburg with the words, “The world will little note nor long remember”.......Our history, what we know of it, goes back only a few thousands of years. Our best guesses as to what preceded us can be likened to the blind men describing an elephant.

John Godfrey Saxe's ( 1816-1887) version of the famous Indian legend,

It was six men of Indostan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.

The First approach'd the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
"God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -"Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me 'tis mighty clear
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!"

The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a snake!"

The Fourth reached out his eager hand,
And felt about the knee.
"What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain," quoth he,
"'Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said: "E'en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!"

The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Then, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!


So oft in theologic wars,
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!
And so forth and so on ad infinitum, ad nauseum....
Justin Other Smith

Thursday, February 7, 2008

and the beat goes on .........

Fair Oaks....February 7.......

And the beat goes on, the beat goes on ............
Just a short post 'cause it's a good news day ......saw the C-Doc this afternoon......sez my latest CT scan shows me cancer free......sez I don’t need to come for another scan until June.....I was spozed to get a scan every 2 months w/progression to 4 months so starting out at 4 month intervals is goooood!.......
I plan to spend the next few days walking the dogs & hopefully get back to the gym early next week...& if the weather continues to improve, back to the pool......
I want to thank everyone for all their prayers & good much as I like words, I just can’t find enuff to express my gratitude..........Justin Other Smith

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SOOPER NUTZ.........

Wednesday, February 6, the day after sooper 2’s day.....
The Republican triumphirate, the three’s company road show making their way thru the hinterlands of the land of the red & blue as the pithy pundits pay it fwd just in case........just in case what you may ask........Well, the Clinton/Obama mutual admiration society might stall, might disintegrate, no pun intended.....seems t’be a hole new game what with the gender card & the race card....
making it up as they go and nobody knows what trumps what......I think NBC had chosen Clinton to be our new Prez but then in midstream, they seemed to switch horses & suddenly Obama was to be it appears to be a toss-up & Brian & Tim are confused.....
As indeed it appears we all are confused...who will we vote for if Brian & Tim don’t tell us????.......& whattaya make of Ann Coulter coming out of the closet for Hillary?........Maybe Rush will get behind Obama.........who’ll think for the poor Conservatives then?
On the proverbial other hand, the sun is peeking thru the clouds, the temp is spozed to get up to 60 & almost every one I know has way too much on their plates to pay a whole lot of attention to the dog & pony show that has dominated television lately.....I guess we c’ud blame it all on the writers strike......Justin Other Smith

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

T'aint Spring yet, but.........

When the sun comes shinin’ thru in February & all the weeds are green & the racket of the Blue Jays is on a par with the damn chickens....... with the dripping eaves, & flutterin’ leaves, & dappled old man’s fancy moves to tho’ts of warm & turnin’ off PG&E.....
O frabjous day, calloo, callay, he chortled in his glee......
Nobody ever chortles in mid-winter.....they might laugh boisterously, (too much egg-nog p’haps)...or they might work up a chuckle or a wan smile...children are exempt, of course, they can get gleeful any time of year & that’s alright......children don’t reallly chortle tho’ ....babies chortle & old folks chortle (we have much in common)...working adults seldom ever chortle.....well, they almost never have anything to chortle about’s hard being a working, responsible adult.....Heck! It’s hard being an adult no matter what the condition......the ‘Human Condition’ is ‘specially tuff in this election year with all the candidates spreading doom & gloom like manure....’minds me of that ‘ol canard’.
.....”Recession is when your neighbor’s out’a work, depression is when you’re out’a work.”.......
And ever’ damn one of them has a plan to fixit!! S’funny how all those plans disappear like morning mist as they drop by the wayside......S’funny how every sure thing plan falls apart in daylite......S’funny how gullible we all are, believing that any self-serving politician c’n wave a magic wand & make Humpty Dumpty whole again.......
“Oz never did give nuthin’ to the Tinman that he didn’t already have...........” Justin Other Smith

But I digress..........

Captain Charles Boycott was so hard on his Irish tenants that they ostracized him, refusing to work for him or to do any business with him. The tactic was so successful that all such actions became known as ‘Boycotts’....the truth is while most boycotts seldom work as well, it is one of the few tactics that the mob (us) can use to defend against power-mad despots (them). ‘Course, one of the disadvantages we have is that a lot of us’ns ‘ud rather be thems. Which was Capt. Boycott’s problem. Seems he wanted to impress his employers by grinding his bootheels on the necks of.....well, I’m sure you got the idea already.
Doesn’t really matter, I spoze, as I only brought it up to express my irritation with the Hershy Co.......I boycott Nike for exploiting children in 3rd world countries & I pretty much won’t buy Shell gas & I’ve boycotted Raley’s off & on for about 30 years (not that any of these companies have noticed)......Anyway, Hershys recently closed their Oakdale operation. I c’n understand business closing an operation that is losing money & I c’n understand consolidating operations as a means of more productivity so when I first heard that they were gonna close Oakdale, I tho’t..”that’s a shame” but stuff happens as the world changes.......THEN I heard the reason they closed Oakdale (at the cost of 700 or so jobs) & a few more locations (at the cost of over 3000 jobs) was to consolidate & move the operations to Mexico, (much cheaper there)....Well, hurrah for much for ‘the all american candy company’...
as far as I’m concerned, they can sell their candies etc in Mexico & bad ‘cess to ‘em.....I’ll just ‘Kiss’ them off & never buy another Hershys product.
Beware the Jabberwock & take evasive action from the vorpal blades.............Justin Other Smith

Monday, February 4, 2008

the coming Spring.......

Here t’is February already & looking back, I gotta say that while it’s a given that there’s no such thing as an intrinsically BAD month, as months go, January is pretty darn dreary. On that other hand, the one that I mention so often, paperwhites (narcissus) bloom in January, at least here in & there come little shoots of green sprouting almost whimsically under grey skies......
Guess you c’d say, I’m looking fwd to Spring this year...maybe a l’il bit more than usual after an unusually depressing (for me anyway) winter.....but Chemo is over & winter is withdrawing, at least here in the valley...More snow to come in the sierra where we really need it.....and I’m looking forward to NEW GROWTH.......
“I think the worst is over now. Yeah, I’m gonna be alright, and the morning sun is shining like a red rubber ball.....” Paul Simon.....
All that as a prelude to the new growth-thing, the blooming narcissi, the l’il shoots of green, the coming of Spring is bustin’ out all over......Running my hand over my bald pate, I feel..........wait for it.........FUZZ!...It ain’t really hair yet but it’s the precursor to real hair.....I’m growing facial hair also....not the stubble I was used to having, but what the heck? I’ll take what I c’n get.....whiskers, then (hopefully) eyebrows ‘n maybe by April or May, Millyrose might say I c’d use a haircut........
Justin Other Smith

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fading Glory.......

As I’ve stated before, sumwhere in that long list of blogs, I’ve beat the cancer & now I’m into my 2nd week of recovery from my ‘Last Chemo’.
Looking fwd to a dry Satiday & evidently another wet Sunday.....T’is SUPERBOWLSUNDAY, I’m told. Over & over. I’ve tho’t about a Sunday matinee, a trip to La Cinema, as a means of escape but perusing the list of available titles finds them overly dramatic or hopelessly sophmoric...P’haps I’ll stay home & watch ‘Harvey’ for the umpteenth time.
I’m beginning to think that the run for the White House will never cease...& watching the candidates reminds me of that old quote about stripping away the phony tinsel & glitter of Hollywood to get to the real tinsel & glitter underneath.........I heard where Romney has already spent over 40 million dollars of his own money & is prepared to spend maybe that much more...That’s what I call an EGO!
Or maybe that’s a small investment compared to what he envisions as the future earnings of a President of a fading world power......Faded Glory is, I think, a Walmart brand & everything in THE GREATEST STORE IN THE WORLD is made in China...D’ya think they’re trying to tell us sumthing?.........
On the other hand, (luv that phrase but, since humans have only 2 hands, t’is limiting)...what China sez & what China duz seem often t’be at odds, ya gotta wonder.....
Reminds me a bit of those old Charlie Chan movies of yesteryear......y’know the ones, the inscrutable Oriental knows all, sees all, & explains everything vis a vis a cryptic quote apropos confusing Confucious (?).......Too much information in this media-concious world...Man who see everything, understand nothing.......Justin Other Smith
On the proverbial other hand, man who see nothing, understand nothing....must be a better way somewhere......

Friday, February 1, 2008

Just wonderin'.....

I’ve heard it said, “if a man has nothing to say, he hadn’t ought’a say it.”
That particular witticism has never stopped me in the past so I see no reason to abide by it now.
I agree with the Sydney Greenstreet character in the Maltese Falcon who said, “Now sir, we’ll talk if you like. I’ll tell you right out I’m a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk.”
We’re enjoying a brief respite from the rain altho’ it’s still cloudy & overcast. No matter, we’re gonna take this opportunity to run some errands - Post Office, pay some bills, etc - filled out our absentee ballots t’day, gotta get’em in the mail.....pretty simple y’r choice for Prez, no on all the props, sign & drop in the mail.....’course, we waited ‘til the last moment to get’em in the mail but as everyone knows, I’m a lifelong practioner of the art of procrastination & I fear I’ve infected Millyrose as well.....
I hear my friend, Mollie Burke Phillips, is doing well albeit still very weak.....when you get knocked down so far that bottom looks like up, you gotta expect to take a long time to get your sea legs back....but Mollie is tuff & I expect she’ll come roaring back...
I’ve been thinking about what Mitt had to say about bringing the auto jobs back to Michigan which has about a snowballs chance in hell of happening...OK, sumtimes I’m a slow thinker....anyway, someone pointed out to me that while Ford, GM, & Chrysler are losing money & moving mfg to other countries, Japanese manufacturers are building plants here in the US of A.....makes me wonder who knows what & why...
Ahh well, just wonderin’......Justin Other Smith