Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A warm summer eve....

So, the grey squirrels in the front are getting bolder.....they (at least one of ‘em) figured out how to open the plastic shoebox that I store the birdseed in....He’s robbed it at least twice now...drives Willie absolutely nutz...even gets Rusty Poodle-dogger a little antsy...The squirrel is a little messy so I had to sweep up after him today
....the seeds that he spilled, I simply swept into the little garden but I have placed a bowl full of stones on the shoe box lid...if he’s able to overcome that, I may just have to recognize Squirell Sovreignty.
It’s so hot t’day (108o) that I put off walking da boyz almost two hours....Rusty Poodle-dogger is pretty blase about that but Willie is an impatient sort. He began pestering me at his usual time ‘n when I didn’t get up t’go, he upped the ante...’n then when we got out there, he was all over the place...
Well, there ain’t so many chickens when it gets dusky ‘cuz they begin to roost along about that time...on the other hand, the cats come out to prowl in the evening hours so that kind’a evened things out...Willie finds cats much more interesting than chickens...for that matter, so does Rusty...
The cats, however, take an entirely different view...they know that the neighborhood belongs to them when the shadows form ‘n they cast some evil ‘n malevolent stares at Willie ‘n Rusty, ‘n at me as well, if truth be told ‘n as ev’ryone knows by now, I’m a stickler for the truth, as I know it anyway...
T’morra, early in the A.M. I get t’go ‘n have a cataract popped...ev’rybody ‘n their brother tells me that it’s really a simple thing, in ‘n out, a piece of cake, 20 or 30 minutes or so, a patch over the eye for a day or two ‘n walk away looking at a brand new world...more or less....then I’m told I’ll get a little help (financially) replacing one lens in my spectacles but only if I do it promptly within 2 or 3 weeks....
Ah well, I’m just sayin’.....

Life goes on...'n on 'n on.....

Y’know, I’m pretty sure I understand the ‘liberal’ point of view concerning the death penalty. Putting someone to death is an irreversible process and if you make a mistake, there is no correcting it. There is no way around it, you simply cannot apologize to a corpse.
That said, there is no excuse for not executing some people. Certainly not cost. The concept of unlimited appeals, costing millions of dollars and taking years to arrive at justice is solely for the benefit of trial lawyers and the support system that has grown around them. The outrageous cost of pursuing the death penalty is to the benefit of the bureaucracy that has taken on a life of it’s own.
This bureaucracy has fostered the idea that the taking of a human life in retaliation for and as a deterrent to the act of having committed an horrendous crime, ie., murder, rape, etcetera, is somehow barbaric and archaic. It seems to me that what the bureaucracy is really concerned with is keeping their own jobs. Rather like a welfare worker that actively encourages people to stay on welfare in order to secure their own job.
There is, I believe, a corollary among all entrenched bureaucracies wherein they take on a life of their own, existing not for the benefit of their original purpose but more selfishly as a haven for opportunists to function, as for example, the bloated bureaucracy of our government.
It is difficult if not impossible, to kill a bureaucracy. Like the proverbial snake, it simply grows another head. Like Robespierre who fell victim to his own guillotine, his bureaucracy lives on.

Hot August nite......

It’s hot!....
well, that ain’t unusual in Sacramento in August, it’s normally hot but this has been such a cool summer....70’s & 80‘s....guess i’ve been spoiled...
Had a couple phone calls this evening, no big deal but broke up the teevee viewing...
sometimes, it gets hard to watch summer television, short attention span, I guess...
ADHD for adults....anyway, after the last call, I decided it was a good time for a run to’s gonna be hot again tomorrow ‘n going out in the noonday sun is for mad dogs ‘n Englishmen ‘n I don’t fit either category (least, I don’t think I do) we loaded up Willie ‘n the poodle-dogger, rolled back the top ‘n headed out in the cool of the evening (car thermometer said 93o)....drivin’ down the street in my faux Cadillac, both hands on the wheel ‘n my shoulders r’ared back....well, it’s a Toyota ‘n not a Cadillac ‘n there weren’t no ‘girls in the front ‘n girls in the back ‘n there darn sure wasn’t no money in a sack in the back....anyways, we wandered the aisles of Winco gawking at the sights, spent all our money ‘n half of the rent (still hung up on that old Roger Miller song)... joked with the cashiers ‘n exited into the night air where the car thermometer said the temp had dropped to a cool 92o....the boyz were a little quiet on the way home...Willie didn’t even bark when we heard another dog ‘n when we got home, Willie was first at the door to get in....ran straight for the water dishes on the floor ‘n pretty much drank up both of them, then flopped down on the kitchen floor ‘n took a little nap....
I carried in the groceries (all that money for something that c’d be carried in one trip)...took out the garbage (tomorrow is collection day) ‘n had a big dish of Tillamook Chocolate ice cream....what a life!.....
I’m just sayin’........

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lookin' good.....

Exercise is over-rated......I think....people who exercise regularly rave about it....but, I know a lot more people who don’t ‘n the funny thing is....well, people who don’t exercise may be a little fatter ‘n they don’t run off here ‘n there to see ‘n be seen...I have to admit that fit people are out doing...I mean, you see ‘em everywhere, walking, jogging, swimming....they play tennis ‘n golf ‘n go off to concerts ‘n hike ‘n camp ‘n tell great stories about snorkeling in the Bahamas or climbing Kilimanjaro, doing a walking tour of Scotland or Wales or tripping off to Katmandu....I mean these people operate as tho’ they had a built-in perpetual motion machine stuffed up their keisters....The un-fit (of which there are many, many more) putter...they putter here, they putter there, I think it’s just ‘cause they forgot where they putter whatever it is that they’re looking for but I could be wrong.....The un-fit people seem to ‘lunch’ a lot ‘n they take cruises ‘n talk about the is a major interest of the un-fit ‘n they all seem to enjoy it....’n the wine ‘n cocktails ‘n such that goes along with food, of course.....’n naps....the un-fit are big on naps....two or three a day, some of ‘em....’n shows.....the un-fit like their shows....they like theater ‘n movies ‘n free concerts in the park....they especially seem to like free concerts in the park where they bring folding chairs ‘n the occasional bottle of wine or spirits....nothing increases the enjoyment of music in the park like a little wine ‘n cheese, maybe a few crackers, some salami...’course, that kind of diet just runs the fit people up the wall...
funny thing about being fit when age creeps up on a gets so you can’t eat much of saturated fats, no sodium, no sugar (God knows no high fructose corn syrup) no alcoholic beverages, no sodas, no ice cream, no have to keep a close eye on your caloric intake, your blood sugar, your blood pressure....don’t overdo the carbs, don’t overdo the protein....and when you die, whether you’re one of the fit or one of the un-fit, if you get a good make-up artist at the funeral home, your friends’ll say “You never looked better.”

To be or not.....

Rusty’s gullible, Willie is naive ‘n me, well I’m just old ‘n don’t give a big RA.....
It’s been an unusually cool summer here in Ol Fair Oaks, the coolest in 20 or 30 years or so, I didn’t catch the timing when Whatsisname the weather guy was opining about it the other day but that ain’t important...
The ubiquitous ‘They’ say that timing is everything ‘ they may be right but I don’t care....several years ago, oh maybe 30 or even 40, I disremember which, I had a Timex watch that was a lot smarter than m’ was programmed thru the turn of the millenium ‘n the durn thing kept track of ev’rything in the world....or almost...
problem was, I got tired of knowing the time to the fraction of a was just too damn precise for me was the I gave the damn thing away ‘n got m’self a fairly accurate timepiece that showed the time give or take a minute or so ‘n I figure that’s close enough for government work anyway....actually, that’s a lot closer than the government ever gets.....I mean, they ain’t exactly known for getting things done on time and under budget...just the opposite...My grandma use’ta say, “If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” Our government seems to work on the assumption that if a thing seems t’be worth doing, they should make a lot of regulations to insure that it’s done in perpetuity....LOL...maybe that’s why so many Congress persons seem to belive that they’re entitled to lifetime jobs...I betcha if they c’d leave their positions to their children....oh, wait a minnit....that’s how the concept of royalty got so entrenched over in Europe in the first place.....I wonder if that’s why the Democrats are so all-fired set on turning the USA into some kind of european clone......
Rusty ‘n Willie, my two little dogs are just natural born Democrats...gullible, naive ‘n they look t’me to provide both of ‘em with food, drink ‘n a warm bed....Nah! They ain’t Democrats, they’re just dogs doing what dogs do ‘n they ain’t bad at it.....

Monday, August 16, 2010

Politically correct or else....

So Bloomberg sez, “It’ll be a sad day for America if opponents of the proposed mosque get their way.”
I think it’s a sad day when our elected officials, officials that are supposed to represent American citizens take it upon themselves to chide those citizens for being upset over Islamic radicals thumbing their noses at America....
One of the major flaws with the Democrat-controlled Obama government is the ‘holier than thou’ elitist attitude that thinks they know better than the poor, dumb average citizen, and if they could only dumb down their language enough, why we would all understand that it’s all for our own good.
Obama tells us that it’s all about ‘Freedom of Religion’ as “That’s all you need to know.” But, maybe Obama and his hand-picked posse ‘ain’t really as smart as they think they are’...because every informed American citizen knows that historically, Muslims have built mosques to celebrate their victories and they build them on or as near to the site of that victory as possible.
This proposed mosque is not about a house of worship for Muslim masses. If it were, they would have acceded to David Pattersons offer to help them relocate. No! This is Racidal Islamism thumbing their noses at The Great Satan.
It should not be built. No American should work on it. And should any structure arise on that site so long as it is in Muslim hands, it should be destroyed.
During Islams ‘Glory Days’, it was common practice when they triumped over an area to slaughter every man, woman and child, along with the animals and, in some cases, salt the ground so that nothing would grow there in the future.
Mohammed proselytized, not with words but with Fire and Sword.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Cary Heather.....

My baby had a birthday t'day and the clan gathered in celebration....we've been lucky in life, Millyrose and me....Millyrose and I ... the both of us.....good karma, Millyrose was told recently....of course, it helps if you have enuff sense to come in out of the rain but, all in all, good luck is more to be desired than brainpower.....There's a line in an old Roger Miller song, "You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd but you can be happy if you've a mind to."
And quoting Red Skelton, "Good night and God bless!"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"You're either in or you're out of the money....."

I recently rec’d one of ‘those’ e-mails, you know the kind.....this one had a good line in it ‘n as you might know (or not) I like good lines....
so I quote: “Urine or you’re out!”
Now what they’re advocating is pretty simple, they think that in order to receive welfare, the recipient should be able to pass a urine exam for drug use ‘n if they’re found to be using drugs....No Benefits!
I can’t even imagine that states could save if people had to pass a urine test in order to get a PUBLIC ASSISTANCE CHECK! Plus, Obama could take credit for ‘creating’ jobs for the drug testers... sounds like a win-win situation.....
I’m just sayin’........

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Recycling ain't a new thing.....

T’day I had an errand that took me to O’vale...’n got to see the g’daughters....while I was there, I took advantage of the opportunity to turn in some recyclables....when I was a boy in Kentucky, all the kids used to keep an eye peeled for recyclable bottles, they being worth two cents apiece 'n money being just a little difficult to come by for kids....anyways, since Sophie was off skating with friends, only Emily was there so I just naturally took her along....’n I just naturally let her turn in the recyclables ‘n keep the money...
“Can we stop at the Dollar Store?”
And the Dollar Store got all but twelve cents of the recyclable money...I sang a line from an old Dean Martin hit, “Money burns a hole in your pocket”.. but I don’t really see anything wrong with ice cream, I mean it kind’a makes the world go ‘round in the middle of a Sacramento summer....just sayin’....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

An eye for an eye'll leave the whole world blind....

“Feudin’ and fussin’ and a-fightin’
Sometimes it gets to be excitin’
Don’t like them ornery neighbors down by the creek,
We’ll be plumb out of neighbors next week...”

Y'know, in that Hatfield/McCoy thing, neither side won.......

I b’en a’thinkin’....’At there war we got goin’ on over there in Afghanistan ain’t really a fit war atall....I mean, it ain’t like we ‘uz fightin’ ag’in another country like we was when we went into Iraq ‘n don’t ask me why we didn’t get the hell out of Iraq right after we destroyed old Saddam Hussein ‘cause I ain’t got no way of knowin’ that.....but over there in Afghanistan which is a hard-scrabble country if there ever was one, it’s like we brung a thorobred race horse to a camel race....We just bound to win ever’ little sprint ‘cause that race horse is just natcherly faster than any old camel....on the other hand tho’ and you always got to watch out for that other hand, you just try runnin’ that race horse flat out for about twenty miles against one of them poor old camels ‘n you ain’t even gonna make a showin’.....
Now, I’ll just grant you that that there Taliban is one really bad outfit ‘n if there’s a way of helpin’ all those folks over there stand up ag’in ‘em, why I’m all for it...I just don’t think it’s a good idee to kill a lot of people that we’re s’pozed t’be helpin’.....
I’m just sayin’.........

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Deeds, both good and evil.....

So....."No good deed goes unpunished." The Talibani has struck yet again, murdering Doctors 'n translators who wished only to help those less fortuanate....Afghanistan is a territory resisting becoming a country...There is a government that would like to be representative of the people but they are in place only because foreign interests put them there...a government being easier to do business with than a territory peopled by tribes (extended family units governed by a strong man).... T'is always been true, all over the world....our American west, for example, was populated by a multitude of aboriginal tribes with whom the US gov't made scores of treaties (almost all broken) thusly keeping them from uniting and allowing them to be subjugated (pacified).
The outcome for American aborigines had been foretold in countries around the world since time immemorial and it is foretold for the tribal societies of Afghanistan....There is great wealth buried in the rocky peaks and valleys of Afghanistan waiting only to be exploited....It will not come at the hands of any Imperialist government but rather from the greed of corporations....The private corporations that will profit from the exploitation of Afghanistan may well foment the intrusion by foreign powers, Russia and the United States are only the latest but there have been many over the years since at least the time of Alexander.....The simple truth is that greed pretty much rules and governments, like individuals, are merely chess pieces to be played.....

Gimp I am....

So the other day I’m out in the south forty cutting down a small forest of Chinese stink trees (Trees of Heaven, for those sticklers) ‘n I picked up a mess of foxtails in my sandals....
certainly wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done but I took off the sandals when I got back to the porch, cleaned them out (I tho’t) took a shower ‘n forgot about it....
The next day as I walked the boyz down the street, I developed a severe pain in what my Dr calls my ‘pinky toe’....Hey, go figure! Anyway, I checked my toe to see if I’d got a cut or bruise (nothing that I c’d see but I almost never wear my glasses in the shower)...I limped around for a couple days ‘n then I went to the Dr for an unrelated matter....after she was finished, she asked if there was anything else she c’d do for me ‘n I asked her to have a look at my toe....
While I was showing her exactly where it hurt, I found what turned out t’be a...foxtail....Well, it ain’t really a bad day when you c’n leave your Dr laughing as you leave her exam room...but at least, I’m not limping anymore....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A dogs life.....

Willie ain’t feelin’ well, bless his little doggie heart, ‘n he’s being bedeviled by the ‘trots’ as my old Granny use’ta call ‘em....I’ve learned that when Willie has’ta go, he has’ta go ‘n it ain’t sumthin’ you want’a fool around with....
At ‘ny rate, ‘round ‘n about 4 o’clock in the A.M. (those wee small hours) he let me know that he hadda I stumbled out’a bed ‘n hurried to the door, grabbing for his leash as I did so ‘cuz Willie ain’t really t’be trusted if you ain’t got a hook on since he ain’t been feelin’ too well, he’s just been hotfooting it to pretty much the same spot just in front of the Falcon ‘n s’long as I’m holding the leash he hasn’t been running......’Cept this time, being in those dark hours of pre-dawn, he disappeared whilst I was in the midst of a yawn....’n he wouldn’t answer my calls ‘n whistles....finally, I got in the car ‘n drove around the block ‘n found him down by the village deli happily nosing around ‘n mainly just being a happy little wanderer....well, y’know....the trials ‘n tribulations of living with dogs...whatta ya gonna do?