Friday, January 30, 2009

A state of bliss......

“If ignornace be bliss, t’is folly t’be wise.” Willie S.

I was just thinking that way back in the ‘blissful sixties’ I once described the perfect breakfast as being a cup of coffee, a cigarette ‘n the San Francisco Chronicle.... Back then coffee was a dime, cigarettes were about thirty cents a pack ‘n I always read the restaurant copy of the Chron....’course, in those pre-computer days newspapers were what you had t’read t’find out what was going on in the world.....or what we tho’t was going on in the world......we were pretty unsophisticated then...we actually believed what we read in the papers or heard on the news...Cronkite ‘n Huntley-Brinkley, those guys...c’mon.... after all, the papers couldn’t print it or the television couldn’t say it if it weren’t true, could they?.....
The Chronicle was a great morning ‘paper then (The Examiner was the other SF ‘paper ‘n it came out in late afternoon)....y’could skim the front page ‘n go immediately to the important stuff....Herb Caen, Charles McCabe ‘n Stanton Delaplane....’n for sports, the Chronicle more, no more.....
We no longer live in a state of bliss, more’s the pity...
newspapers are dying the world over ‘n television news is about as reliable as backfence gossip....’course, backfence gossip ain’t over the back fence any more, it’s over the internet ‘n cell phone....comes in txt ‘stead of text.....but it’s instantaneously c’n happen in the darkest corner of darkest Africa or in an alleyway in Podunk ‘n you can bet your booty that someone somewhere will have it on YouTube within minutes....y’want the news.....Google it! Want’a read the newspaper.....Google it! ‘n the comix are better read online than on paper....matter of fact, the cartoonists are having a problem finding newspapers that’ll buy their strips.....’n then what will we do?....
O for those long-gone days of yesteryear ‘n the sound of the William Tell Overture......”Hi yo, Silver.....Awayyyyyyy

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ol d dogs......

“Old dogs ‘n children ‘n watermelon wine...” Tom T. Hall

The winter sun pops out now ‘n then like a promise, y’ teasing.....Californians tend to pout if they don’t get sunned on a regular basis....feels like the world is picking on us...which it does from time t’time..
Thank God for the occasional Minnesota which takes us out of the spotlite occasionally.....First it was Jesse Ventura, now it’s Al Franken.....who’s next.....Andy Dick? Watching some other State mooning the world for a change is refreshing.....mostly, howsomever, (just threw that in for Kellye) I’m reduced to getting my kicks watching my dogs interact with the squirrels ‘n the chickens....well, that ‘n Fox news.......
T’ween the squirrels ‘n the chickens, I don’t know which one affects the dogs more tho’ I suspect that chickens are stupid ‘n squirrels are smart....well, smarter than chickens anyway...the chickens just kind’a wander thru ‘n always seem surprised that the dogs want’a chase ‘em but the squirrels, the squirrels tease the dogs ‘n I know they do it on purpose.....well, it’s bad luck when they tease Kellye’s dog, Buddy...I’ve seen Buddy go at least 8 or 9 feet up a tree after a squirrel ‘n he’s caught two or three of ‘em ‘n he’s dreadfully hard on ‘em....
Rusty ‘n Willie are a different story altogether....they ain’t got a chance with the squirrels ‘n the squirrels know it ‘n they’re unmerciful......
I got grey squirrels in the back yard ‘n red squirrels in the front ‘n they don’t seem to mix.....I guess you c’d say they’re segregated....’n I don’t know why...they look the same ‘cept for the color....’n they act the’d think there’d be some miscegenation...ya gotta wonder what color their offspring ‘ud be.....not too far from here, a half-mile or so, there’s a colony of black squirrels....they don’t seem to mix with the reds or the greys either.....t’is a puzzlement.....well, it’s a puzzlement in the wee hours when a body can’t sleep ‘n the tho’t processes are firing out of sync.....

Monday, January 26, 2009

seems like old times.....

it’s three am ‘n i can’t sleep ‘n i was wondering whiy.....
rusty got me up almost four hours ago ‘n i haven’t been able t’go back t’sleep....i had some crackers ‘n ‘s a funny thing t’eat, i know....everybody says so....well, everyone ‘cept the folks in my family ‘n we all of us eat soda crackers ‘n cereal...i have a weird son in law that shakes his head ‘n wonders why we don’t put sugar on it as well....we all tell him that the addition of sugar would just be plain nonsense but he doesn’t get it...
i’ve been drinking fat free milk for years ‘n years....what my folks use’ta call ‘bluejohn’.....’n i got used to it even tho’ when you pour it over cereal it’s very of the hardest things was putting it with crackers....just didn’t seem t’work as well ‘n for a time i passed on this p’ticklar comfort food of the smith family....t’other day (at costco, of course) i picked up whole milk by accident...two gallons of it....we opened one before we noticed the (my) mistake...we gave the unopened one to kellye ‘n proceeded to use the open one....figured we c’d use it in cooking, etc. cuz it’s much too rich to drink....i tried some in hot chocolate.....really good.....then we had some instant pudding made with it....also really good... this morning....well yesterday morning now... i had some with bananas ‘n now in these wee hours, being unable to sleep let alone perchance dream...i had some over soda crackers.....seems like old times but i know i’m gonna have to kick the habit again...if you go cold turkey to get a monkey off your back what happens to the leftovers? hmmmmmmm.......

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Now you see it......

Now you don't.....
I was just thinking....wassup wit’ Obama ‘n Limbaugh? I mean, Ann Coulter ‘n Bill O’Reilly have been getting all the press lately ‘n nobody’s been talking about Rush Limbaugh at seemed like ‘The Mouth that roared’ had been silenced or at least put on hold...’n then Obama tells the Congress not to listen to him....well, he told the Republican members of Congress not to listen to him.... ‘n now “He’s baaaack!” The Mouth is all over the tube again simply becuz of Obama-mania...all it seems to take is for Obama to mention sumthing ‘n it becomes an overnite gotta-have for the worldwide media......
I’ve heard it said that you measure a man by the scope of his enemies ‘n since Johnny ‘Mac’ McCain seems to have embraced his former opponent, maybe Obama just needed an enemy to focus on.....ergo: Rush Limbaugh...
Reminds me of Elwood P. Dowd talking about his friend, Harvey.....”And then I introduce them to Harvey...’n he’s bigger ‘n grander than anything they offer me. ‘N when they leave, they leave impressed. The same people seldom come back, but that’s envy, my dear. There’s a little bit of envy in the best of us.”
Now, I ain’t saying that Rush Limbaugh is a six foot white rabbit 'n I ain't saying that Obama ‘n Limbaugh are friends or even casual acquaintances...I don’t think they dislike each other but they are both opportunists first ‘n foremost ‘n a good, loud, public argument does seem to focus the publics attention....Magicians even have a term for’s called ‘misdirection’....pulls your attention away from the real trick.....but y’all knew that when you voted for Obama anyway....didn’t you?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sour grapes......

“Still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” Paul Simon

T’ain’t sour grapes at all at all......I mean, my guy didn’t win but I ain’t obsessing over it.....’n I certainly ain’t screaming foul or declaring that Obama ‘stole’ the election altho’ I do believe theres a high degree of chicanery going on up there in Minne(haha)sota cuz I just can’t believe that there’s enuff idiots in any p’ticklar state to elect Al Franken to any public office at all ..even dogcatcher in Arkansas.....(Well, there's Bill Clinton but still.....)
But I digress, I guess....I didn’t think that I was crying about the fact that my man didn’t win the election but evidently that’s what at least some people tho’t....
It’s my opinion that John McCain lost the election rather than Obama winning....’n I think McCain lost it because he wouldn’t fight back....John proved once again that he can take a punch but we already knew that....what I didn’t know, what I didn’t suspect was that he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) hit back. It doesn’t matter if you can take a beating for the duration of the fight ‘n still be on your feet at the end....if you can’t counter-punch, if you can’t hit your opponent, the outcome will always be the’ll lose! And John McCain lost because he didn’t fight. Not just that he didn’t fight back but he didn’t fight.
So Obama won. He won big in the Electoral College but the popular vote was much closer. No matter. Obama won ‘n unlike the Bush-haters that prayed for him to fail, I want Obama to be a successful President. Not a successful Democrat President but a successful President and I’m sick of the stupidity of the Bush-haters...Get over it!

How far c'n you ride a dead horse....

“For starters, he’s a damn Democrat!” J.R.Smith

The country’s in a tizzy....we’re broke, about to go two trillion dollars in debt....TRILLION...OMG! Talk about a divided country....the haves ‘n the have-nots, poor old Everett Dirksen ‘n his “a million here ‘n a million there ‘n pretty soon you’re talking real money” ain’t even a joke anymore......Those that got (the haves) are lining up with their hands out wanting to get more from the guv’mint while those that ain’t got (the have-nots) who know they ain’t gonna get are screaming that they shouldn’t have to bail out the crooks ‘n schemers (the haves)....AND in the meantime, we the taxpaying multitude (the have- nots) ain’t gonna get no bailouts but we are gonna pay a HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS for the Obama hundred ‘n fifty million taxpayer dollars not counting private donations which y’all know ain’t really donations but money spent by fat cats to buy influence so that they (the fat cats) can get fatter....(the rich get rich ‘n the poor get poorer...ain’t we got fun) ’n the folks who are clamoring the loudest for this celebration, the very same folks who take every opportunity to disparage the Bush administration, the self-same people who claimed that Bush shouldn’t have had an innauguration celebration after winning his second term because of the cost, the none so blind as those who will not see, the liberal elite can’t see the inherent hypocrisy in this upcoming innaugural celebration of Obama....Hey people, it’s only money......
I find it hard t’believe that we have citizens in this country that hate Bush so much that they’d see the whole country go down the tube just so they c’d gloat.
On this mornings ‘View’ Joy Bexar declared that the “long national nightmare is almost over.” Well, maybe for her ‘n the rabid rabble she represents...I don’t think she’s aware that almost half of the voters in the USA voted for McCain (whom she also despises) ‘n for at least some of ‘em, a new national nightmare is just beginning.....I gotta say that while I don’t like ‘n didn’t vote for Obama, I don’t hate him ‘n frankly hope that during his presidency the country (heck the ‘hull world) c’n recover from this economic trainwreck...‘n No, I don’t think Bush was responsible for the economic meltdown but it did happen on his watch ‘n as Harry Truman said, the buck stopped with George (I’m not sure if that’s the exact phrasing but it’s pretty close)...
‘N the biggest problem for the Bush-haters, the biggest ‘n most unforgivable sin that George committed, the one they’ll never ever in this lifetime get over....He won in Iraq....He was right ‘n all the politically correct liberal elitists were wrong.....the unwinnable war is won.....’n Harry Reid c'n go whistle up a tree (or piss into the wind f'r all I care) Harry 'n Nancy ‘n all the rest of ‘em might not be able to stand it....but, I’ll bet you a nickel that Obama will stand it.....Obama ain’t ever gonna admit that the surge worked but he’s pragmatic enuff that he’ll somehow manage to live with it.....maybe even take credit for winning that ‘unwinnable’ war.....

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm positive, I think.....

Monday morning sun is streaming thru the window ‘n glancing off the ‘puter screen...the dogs get me up early even when I think I’d like to sleep in....I’ll tell ya it’s hard to sleep when you have a dog sitting on your legs ‘n another one nosing around your face....I tried pulling the covers over my head but that just makes ‘em think it’s a game.....
Took ‘em out, fed ‘em breakfast, made coffee for m’self... that’s the order of things ‘round this household in the mornings......the thing about dogs is they pretty much got their priorities straight right from the get-go....they get up, go out, eat ‘n go back t’sleep...later, they’ll wake, stretch ‘n then pester me to go out again t’see what the chickens ‘n squirrels are up to.....I tell ya, it’s a laff a minnit around here......
Millyrose has got me on a diet of sorts, not really to lose weight tho’ that’d be a good thing since I gained about 30 pounds on the chemo diet.....I blame the chemo ‘stead of the snacking ‘cuz I learned early in life that you shouldn’t waste a good excuse.....Nah! The diet is spozed to help me control my blood works but it’s boring when you give up all the snacking.....
I’ve been eating toast with peanut butter ‘n bananas for breakfast.....I used to eat just toast with butter ‘n the dietician yelled at me ‘n Millyrose griped that I wudn’t gettin’ enuff protein....they both told me I should have peanut butter on my toast ‘stead of butter....’n y’know, it ain’t half-bad....speaking of butter, when I was first diagnosed with diabetes, the dieticians told me to give up the butter in favor of margarine....I tried a lot of different margarines ‘n they all sucked...ev’ry one of them....anyways....Millyrose got me t’try Challenge soft spreadable butter with canola oil (sounds yucky, don’t it) ‘n you know ain’t bad.....I don’t know if it’s healthier or not, I like butter ‘n I don’t believe that it’s bad for people to eat butter...same with eggs ‘n coffee...
‘n chocolate....mustn’t forget the chocolate....dieticians get a little nutz from time t’ time...(well, ok, most of the time).....the thing about people is that we’re naturally omnivorous which is one of the reasons why we get t’be a dominant species on this planet...our outsized egos are what convinces us that we are ‘THE’ dominant species.....
The power of positive thinking is what makes us think that we are smarter than dogs who c’n fall asleep anywhere, jump up ‘n play, eat any garbage that strikes their fancy ‘n have the whole world for a bathroom.....
“I yam what I yam....” Popeye.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Who'll stop the rain.....

Here t’is Sunday all over again....seems like the weeks are rolling over faster’n ever but at least the weather is nice...well, nice for us at the moment but if we don’t get some rain ‘n snow, it’s subject t’be a long, hot summer....’n maybe a thirsty one...I read a couple months ago that we were in one ‘a them El Nino weather patterns which meant a dry winter for us ‘n lots of snow ‘n hard weather up north ‘n back east ‘n it looks like that’s what we got alright already.....
I seem to recall that in other El Nino years the rain started here in February or March ‘n darn near drowned us....all that springtime rain don’t do a lot of good as far as our resevoirs are concerned ‘cuz it’s the snow melt that’s spozed to fill them up....what the spring rains give us is floods ‘n mudslides ‘n lots of scrub growth so when the rain stops ‘n the sun comes out we’ll have enuff fuel to burn the state least, that’s the way it seems t’me.....
‘N then of course we got the bureaucrats managing our water supplies ‘n they get panicky about overfilling the reservoirs from the snow melt that we don’t have ‘n they open the damn dams t’let the water out so as t’be sure that ....well, whatever it is that they imagine is gonna happen....seems like the same mindset runnin’ the water as we got runnin’ the finances so it’s a toss-up whether we run our of water before we run out of money.....the thing those experts can’t seem to grasp is the fact that we only get as much rain ‘n snow as Mama Nature thinks that we ought’a have ‘n it’s up to us to figure out the best way t’use it...or lose it as the case may be....
sort of like that bottomless purse of the taxpayers....
They’ve used up all the golden eggs ‘n now they’re squabbling over the best way to cook the goose...ah well, it ain’t gonna matter to most of us....we ain’t gonna be invited to dine.....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yesterdays (sighhh....)

Do you know what happened
this week in 1850... 159 years ago?
California became a state. 
The state had no electricity...
The state had no money....
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.... 
There were gunfights in the streets.

So basically, it was just like it is today,
except the women had real breasts
and the men didn't hold hands....

Free ride.....

“T’is a cramped ‘n lonely place,
this little blue marble that we stride,
spinning itself to death in space,
so all of us may ride.......”

Ev’rybody wants a free ride but back in those halcyon days of hippiedom when personal freedom was the goal, seems like ev’ry psychedelic VW van wore the same motto...”gas, grass or ass, nobody rides for free”.....
which was actually a fairly clever way of stating that life is really pretty much a pay as you go state of affairs...
ah well.....I don’t really believe those long ago hippies were thinking that deeply....possibly becuz ‘clouds’ got in the way...
‘N clouds may be getting in the way of Obama as more ‘n more (seemingly anyway) of the national media are beginning to question some of his campaign rhetoric...I guess it didn’t matter to them until after the election ‘n now some of ‘em are having second tho’ts....well, sweeping rhetoric is nice s’long as there is someone coming along behind to sweep up things....talking about clean ‘n green is nice but someone has t’pick up the trash ‘n you can bet the farm that it ain’t gonna be Obama or Gore....f’r that matter, don’t look t’see Joe Biden out there either...or any other of the 535 members of our ‘do as we say, not as we do’ Congress...Heck! We all know who’s gonna be the ones to actually do the grunt work...
(You already knew the answer to this one, didn’t you)....
That’s right! The invisible people who can’t get their green cards.....mostly Mexican but what the heck, we won’t discriminate...anyone who sneaks into the good ol US of A illegally is qualified t’do stoop labor....cuz, y’know, there ain’t no such thing as a free ride.....

Monday, January 12, 2009

'n if the whisky don't kill me, I'll live 'til I die....

S’trewth be told, the old man said, “I’m sorry I’m old but it’s better than dead.”

Ol George (George Herbert Walker Bush, that is) said t’other day that all his friends were dying alphabetically. I remember like it was yesterday when he said he didn’t like brocolli ‘n since he was President of the USA he didn’t see why he should have to eat something that he didn’t like. ‘N brocolli farmers ‘n health nuts marched on Washington ‘n threatened to secede from the Union ‘n the State of South Carolina offered to fire the first least, it went sumthin’ like that as near as I c’n recall....he’s 88 or 87 years old ‘n likes to skydive on his b’days ‘n there’s just a ‘hull lot of people that’d like the chance to throw anybody named George Bush out of an airplane...we c’d sell lottery tickets ‘n put all the money raised against the national debt... that’s what I’d call redistributing the wealth....
ah well, it’s just a tho’t......
Parson Vic told me that multiple seers ‘n predictors agreed that the world as we know it is going to end in 2012...none of us here was around when the world (as we know it) began but if we could stick around ‘til it ended, at least we c’d get some closure......

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Puerility for it's ownsake.....

"In the soft twilight of the evening when the stillness comes to lie upon the land and the shadows ease into the coming dark; in that half-world where humans cannot tread, that land of spells and magic.......
Dorgon led the beast into the orchard. The humans were gone, snug in their homes, their doors barred against the coming night. Dorgon kicked here and there, turning over the occasional fruit. Once bruised, it wasn’t good enough for the humans. Except in time of need, of course. In hard times, humans would eat anything. Well, anything they could see and catch, Dorgon thought. “Have no fear” he said to the beast. “I’ll not let the humans eat you.”
The beast was far too busy sniffling the fruit in the tall grass to pay him any attention, any attention at all."

It’s three o’clock in the AM ‘n I’m wondering why in the world am I awake ‘n writing such puerile nonsense....It ain’t the first time that I find m’self doing this ‘n hopefully, it won’t be the last...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ponzi, Ponzi, Ponzi....(sigh)....

Y’know I almost miss the good old days of the never-ending campaign...key word being almost...I gotta say tho’ that having Illinois politics in the news is a welcome change from the everlasting joke of our California situation...I understand that the old joke about fruits ‘n nuts ‘n California never gets old back in the colder half of the USA ‘n I can live with that the same as I live with the incessant earthquakes, fires, mudslides ‘n illegal immigrants...but anyone that follows California politics at all knows that poor ol Arnold is being lobbed back ‘n forth like a shuttlecock in a never ending game of Badminton...our California Legislature has an approval rating just slightly higher than the Congress which is easy to understand since for some reason we keep electing the Al Frankens of the country to represent us.....Minnesota is a lot funnier than California...They had Jesse Ventura ‘n now they got Al Franken plus they got mosquitoes bigger’n our California condors...The only place worse right now is Chicago...I don’t think I c’d take living in wonder Mike Royko died, the politics just plain wore him out....
Anyways, the question raised was....”Somehow we have to find a way to reform campaign finance! We can’t keep shaking down state contractors, foreign donors, and city employees!”.......And the answer is.......wait for it..... straight from the Democratic Party playbook....wait for it....wait for it...”We’ll just shake down everybody else...well, everybody but us cuz, y’know, somebody has to run the darn thing.” Y’know, the famous Ponzi scheme actually worked until Albert Ponzi began to believe his own scam ‘n darned if I don’t believe that our wunnerful politicians have hoisted themselves on their own petard.
Let’s give it up for Blago!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What makes'em tick.....

"Ya gotta know when to hold 'em,
know when to fold 'em......"
Kenny Rogers

I’m a terrible poker player...I have trubble enuff trying to figure out why I do what I do, let alone what makes other people tick....on that proverbial other hand tho’... I do so enjoy watching other people tick....
I get scraps of songs that pop inta my head for no apparent reason....”I don’t get nearer nor futher nor closer than a country mile....” Now, I just happen t’know how long a country mile is ‘n I’m pretty sure that most people younger than me ain’t got a clue...(I googled it just t’make sure)....most folks just assume that it’s a ‘long way’....’n in a way, of course, they’re right! ‘n just for their information in case it should ever come up as some kind of trivia question....a country mile is a quarter mile longer than a regular mile.....might come in handy if you ever find yourself wand’ring ‘round ‘n about the twists ‘n turns of the Kentucky hill country where there ain’t no street signs ‘n directions are liable to consist of being told t’turn left ‘just past the old Leadingham place’ or ‘cross the crick at the old ford ‘n take the first dogleg t’the right’......’Course as with any ‘furrin’ country, it helps if you can speak the language...
Now what that has t’do with what makes people tick escapes me’s just my way of explaining why I don’t play poker....

Monday, January 5, 2009

Java jive......

"I love coffee, I love tea,
I love the java jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup (boy!)

“I’m glad I never got hooked on the fancy latte’s etcetera... I c’n remember when coffee was a nickel a cup...”

On these yucky cold mornings, FB is full of people drinking coffee, making coffee, thinking about coffee, talking about coffee...’n that ain’t just the Smiths altho sumtimes it seems that way....
I first began drinking coffee when I was just a small boy ‘n I drank it the way my Grandpa Smith ‘n black ‘n served in a saucer...I haven’t heard of anyone ‘saucering’ coffee for a lot of years ‘n I bet there’s a lot of folks out there in the Blogosphere that ain’t got a clue what it is....(but they c’n figure it out for themselves ‘cuz I ain’t gonna s’plain it)
Anyways, my Mother was a dedicated coffee drinker ‘n she passed it on t’me..She took her coffee with cream ‘n so did I for a lot of years...then restaurants switched from cream to half ‘n half ‘n so did I....then at home I began using milk...(whole milk, not that junk I drink now)...
THEN the restaurants switched to (gasp) non-dairy creamers ‘n they tasted so bad I went back to my Grandpa’s straight black coffee (tho I didn’t saucer it)...’n I’ve been drinking it straight ever’ since...
When we lived in northern Ohio, Millyrose ‘n I drank Maxwell House but when we came to California, we switched to Yuban ‘n we stuck with Yuban for decades....
Yuban (back then) was Colombian coffee ‘n that was pretty much all we drank... altho I used t’drink a lot of coffee at Denny’s...they served Kona Coffee which was ranked at one of the worlds best coffee, right after Jamaican Blue Mountain which costs a nominal egg ‘n I’ve never really tasted....sort’a like Dom Perinon Champagne which was always so expensive that I never got around to trying no one t’blame but m’self for that.....
I blame Kellye for hooking us on Starbucks French Roast ‘n grinding our own beans which kind’a spoils restaurant coffee....
On t’other hand, when buying coffee ‘on the road’...I’m told that Dunkin Donuts has a good brew ‘n I c’n testify that McDonalds Bold brew is pretty darn good....a lot better than most restaurants...say, like Denny’s which used to serve a really good coffee at a reasonable price but now pours crap ‘n charges way too much for it...bad ‘cess t’ya, Denny’s.....
S’funny, I drink Starbucks at home but I don’t like the blend they serve at their outlets...I tried Peet’s the other’s pretty good ‘n I like their French Roast ‘n also their Italian Roast but I don’t like paying three bucks for a cup of coffee no matter who makes it....

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside....

The sun is shining bright which is very strange as it is the middle of the night....or maybe it’s the middle of the morning ‘n it just seems like the middle of the night ‘cuz “Baby, it’s cold outside.”.....I mean, like twenty-six (26) degrees cold ‘n that’s pretty darn near cold anywhere y’go....’n especially so here in Ol Fair Oaks where the durn chickens are really complaining about sumthing this mornin’.......prob’ly the cold....I wonder how the little hen with the dozen chicks is doing this they’re some cold little bug-eaters.....Willie got too close to her ‘n her brood yesterday down by the Catholic Radio Station (which ain’t really a radio station a’tall, just where they do all their paperwork - disappointing) ‘n she came out of the bushes (the Mother Hen I’m talking here) doing the old broke wing thing ‘n leading Willie away from her chicks huddled in the shrubs....Willie was so excited he was almost beside himself what with twisting ‘n turning ‘n twisting again....I laughed so hard I almost dropped the leash ‘n Rusty cudn’t quite make up his mind if he wanted t’play or not...anyways, betwixt the two of ‘em ‘n my own ineptitude, we managed to wrap both leashes around ‘n about all three of us ‘n cudn’t quite chase the Mother Hen who got so agitated that she cudn’t lead us away that she ‘bout had a conniption fit....(‘n if you’re too young t’know what a conniption fit is, look it up or use your imagination)......
Anyways, it’s cold here this AM ‘n Millyrose went back t’bed......Rusty ain’t sure if he’s s’pozed t’go back t’bed or not so he’s sleeping in the doorway....Willie’s keeping an eye on me just in case I go off ‘n get sumthin’ to eat (he don’t like t’miss a chance to eat)....I think I should follow brother John’s lead ‘n make another pot of coffee....