Monday, October 31, 2016

 O, Bring back my Buddha…

For the last six or eight years, give or take a day or so, we’ve had a Buddha residing under the live oak in our front yard…He wasn’t a large Buddha, somewhat on the smallish side, but he seemed pefectly content where he sat…
A year or so ago, I tho’t he looked a bit lonely so I placed a smallish gnome on his left, about a foot or thereabouts so’s he’d have some company yet not feel crowded…
It seemed to be a happy arrangement and Willie ’n I would greet the Buddha ’n the gnome every day…well, most days…
Until this morning…
Last night, as Millyrose ’n I sat watching the ball game, Willie seemed a bit…well, t’be honest, unsettled…he came t’me several times wanting out…I, of course, having co-habited with dogs for most of my life, took him out…every time he ran to the front porch, nosed around a bit ’n came back in…
This morning, when we went outside for the morning pee, he again ran to the front rather than his normal trip to the rear…being the human, I went along with him and that’s when we discovered that someone had stolen our Buddha…
It’s been a very strange year what with medical emergencies, etcetera, not to mention the strangest election in American hist’ry (worst case scenario, one of ‘em is gonna win)…’n it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings (I know, I know, not PC sighhh)…
I’m pretty sure that the Buddha thief won’t read this, I’m just venting, ’n perhaps he (or she) needed the Buddha in their life a little more than we do…
Happy Hallowe’en to everyone including the Buddha thief…
Justin Other Smith

Sunday, October 30, 2016

In the movie, The Sand Pebbles, Steve McQueens character is shot and he is leaning against the wall with a surprised look on his face, he mutters to himself, "What happened?  What the Hell happened?"
If there is any justice in this country today, Hillary Clinton is asking, "What happened? What the Hell happened?"

There is no place like this place anywhere near this place…

The national news media, for the most part, seems to be celebrating Hillary winning the election next month already…Trump is dead!…so they say, killed by his own words…as an aside, it seems that it also cost Billy Bush his job on NBC but that is another story…
Celebrity elitists have been screaming that they will leave the USA if Trump wins the election but if Hillary and the democrats win, there is no place for conservatives to go…
This is a last stand situation because the USA is an original, a one of a kind, the shining city on the hill (so to speak) and if it dies, as seems likely, there is truly no place for the deplorables to run…the dream will have ended…the liberals can re-write history to suit themselves…
In the liberal history books, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (gasp) were slave owners and not representative of the new, sensitive and diverse US of A…ditto, of course, for practically all of the signers who were from the despised (by liberals) and racist South where white fortunes were built on the backs of Negro slaves…Hillary referred to Spielbergs movie vision of Lincoln rather than the actual person who, it is claimed, really believed that those of African descent were inherently unable to compete in a white world (shades of affirmative action) and should be returned to Africa (although most of them actually wanted to stay)…

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Up 'n Autumn.....

Two biscuits, two eggs ’n coffee…..and a morning newspaper…well, a facsimile of a newspaper anyway….which is by way of my saying this is NOT about my breakfast on this fine October morning….
The Sac Bee Editorial Board has done it again…I’d write a protest letter to them but they’d never print it…they’re, I think, more into printing ‘made-up’ letters from purported republicans claiming to switch parties because of the abominable Donald Trump…
See, I’m pretty sure that so far as the Editorial Board of the Sacramento Bee is concerned, the only good republican is one who shouldn’t ever be allowed to cast a vote.  
To that end, this morning they castigated the horrible Donald Trump for writing his business loss off his income tax. What a terrible person he must be.  Such a wealthy man and obviously cheating in some way.  What kind of business genius loses almost a billion dollars anyway??
Well, both Warren Buffett and George Soros have lost more than that in a single year AND used the tax system to write off their losses…
I suppose that’s okay since they’re both democrats (and huge donors to the democrat party) and, of course, it’s perfectly acceptable in the progressive liberal democrat (read socialist) party to have two sets of rules…one for the obviously smarter, more informed and superior liberal minds and another rule for the rest of us ‘deplorables’ who, damnation anyhow, are needed to work the fields, mow the lawns, cook the meals, etcetera ad infinitum, ad nauseum….
What an absolutely fine way to begin the first Tuesday in October….Justin Other Smith