Friday, October 31, 2008

Hollow Weenies......

Hallowe’en is upon us once again...truly a holiday for young ‘n old alike unless you’re Seventh Day Adventist which views it as ‘The Devil’s Holiday’....ah well, live ‘n let live, I guess....Hallowe’en is pretty much an Anglo-Saxon, Scotch-Irish kind’a thing but the USA is so diversified and it’s such a kid thing that it’s been adopted by almost ev’ry culture that resides here, ‘cepting for the aforemention SDA’s.....
It ain’t changed a whole lot over the years ‘cept t’get was wartime when I was a little boy, WW2, y’know, but little kids still liked to dress up ‘n go trick or treating...we didn’t have the commercial costumes like they do t’day, we had to make do with old bedsheets or g’parents old clothes...that was alright....imagination allowed a stick to become a horse or a towel to be transformed into Superman’s cape...or a forefinger ‘n a thumb to be a blazing sixgun....’n the treats were apt t’be a piece of fruit or, sometimes, home-made candy... fudge or taffy or suchlike....Heck! It was wartime ‘n sugar was rationed.....’n besides, trick or treating was just for little kids anyway....the bigger kids just wanted to play tricks....which mostly consisted of knocking on doors ‘n running to hide in the dark...maybe soaping windows...nothing really destructive ‘cause people didn’t really have a lot of stuff so private property was pretty much sacrosanct...well, except for maybe the occasional outhouse that got overturned......not that I ever did that myself but I heard stories.......
It’s a big deal for kids t'day....lots of nice costumes and lots ‘n lots of candy....bags full of your local dentist....’n you get lots of big kids knocking at your door looking for candy...well, any tricks that they would play t’day would prob'ly border on vandalism ‘n that would bring the cops....
What blows me away however are the decorations ‘n the parties.....all the lawn thingies started, I believe, in the South but it has spread all over the country....not quite as big as Xmas but still a big deal.....and the adult parties, well....One of my favorite bartenders used to tell a joke in a Swedish was the only faux accent he c’ud do ‘n he didn’t do it all that well anyway...

“Vell” he’d say, “First I t’ink Vell, den I t’ink Hell, den I t’ink, Vell, wot de hell!”

Maybe gonna rain....

I think it's gonna rain.....
Overcast ‘n cloudy.....maybe gonna rain...been a long time since we’ve had a real honest to goodness rain but it’s the end of October.....November is ‘pon us ‘n it’s time for rain.....
what it’s time for is for da gurlz to get out’a school (they get out early on Thurs) which means it’s time for me ‘n da boyz (Rusty ‘n Willie) to go to O’vale....

And so the rain came to Fair Oaks.....late in the day, from low’ring skies....a soft rain, gentle and unassuming, making the blacktopped streets shine and glisten with reflected lights.....Well, heck! It’s been a long time since we’ve had rain so I feel just a little bit entitled to ramble on.....
Rain in northern California ain’t like the rain back east...
for one thing, it ain’t as wet....well, all water is wet of course but back east when it rains, it rains all over you and you get wet....really, the rain is more like a mist that just floats around you...if you stay in it long enuff, you’ll get wet but if you’re just walking from the car to your front door, you won’t really notice it....
Anyways, it’s Thursday evening ‘n it’s raining.....Da gurlz are watching my teevee......
Y’know, one ‘a the things that I forgot about the rain...
walking the dogs in the rain is an adventure all by itself but it don’t end there.....becuz when y’get home, y’gotta dry off their feet....’n in the case of Willie, cuz he’s built so low to the ground...y’gotta wash off his belly as well...
ah well, dogs.....y’gotta love ‘em if you’re gonna put up with ‘em....
anyway, it’s a quiet rainy evening ‘n I’m gonna watch some teevee ‘n go to bed...make an early nite of it....

And it dripped all nite...
Ev’ry time I woke, it was dripping....Ol Edgar rapping, tapping at my chamber door....but it didn’t seem t’bother the chickens...I didn’t hear any of them until morning...a grey and somber morning but that didn’t stop them from crowing....
Ah well, coffee’s on the boil, our sad excuse for a morning paper is here ‘n the dogs are circling...they want Millyrose ‘n me t’be in the same room....nuthin’ like t’getherness on a damp Friday morn.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Falling leaves 'n other thot's....

These Autumn days are, as Lawrence Welk used t’say, “Wunnerful, wunnerful.”.......Cool nites ‘n warm days, changing leaves....’n changing time this weekend...Fall back, r’member....Spring ahead ‘n Fall back.....that means early dark ‘n in this age of gas ‘n eco-conscious people, that means more hard t’see pedestrians ‘n bicyclists on the streets....’n you don’t get ‘extry points’ for runnin’ down Hollow weenies either....
‘Course, y’just gotta enjoy the ‘in the meantime’ days of falling leaves...I’m making a little more coffee in the mornings now....movin’ up to 8 cups ‘stead of to linger over my coffee on these fall morns.....only dim spot is my morning paper...The Sacbee seems t’be going steadily’s a smaller paper these days, reminiscent of those regional newspapers in Alabama ‘n Virginia...they’re asking people to vote on their favorite comics this week...kind’a pointless, I think, since they offered only what they now carry...mostly I find myself going to the internet now to find my favorite strips... kind’a funny, I s’poze, that at 71 years old, I still like to read the comics.....I have the Sunday comics from the Bee way back when it was a ‘real’ newspaper in the ‘thirties.....they were large, easy to read, colorful (better than t’day) and so far as comics go, the old days were demonstrably better.
Hallowe’en is upon us ‘n I was just wondering if placing the presidential election so close to Hallowe’en was done on purpose...Probably not since I can’t imagine politicians having that much sense of irony.
And as sick as I am of this never-ending campaign, I find myself compelled to make an observation:
A judge in Ohio has ruled that a homeless person can claim a park bench as a residence for purposes of voting. I wonder if they’re following in the footsteps of Alabama ‘n Mississippi...Ohio has a population of a little less than twelve million ‘n they’ve already registered more than fifteen million Democrat voters.....’n a goodly number of ‘em live under that same bridges as John Edwards homeless veterans.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hanged as a horsethief......

'n I use that title in lieu of one that is coarser 'n much more offensive....

I promised m’self that I wasn’t gonna talk about politics least, for awhile.....but it’s so hard not to comment sometimes.....About Colin Powell, f’rinstance.....a man spends his ‘hull life as an honest, hard-ridin’ cowboy ‘n only steals one horse to get hisself hanged as a horsethief....
‘N Tina Fey who doesn’t think she’s smart enuff t’be in public office...just goes to show ya how insecurities c’n mess up a body’s game plan....
And y’know, Tina’s not the only one I’ve heard comment that they think people elected to office should be smarter than plain ol’ folks....
I gotta take umbrage at that. And not becuz I’m smarter than the average bear, I’m not....I’m just one of them plain ol folk ‘n most of the people that I know are plain ol folk ‘n most of ‘em seem not only smart enuff to run this country at least as well as all those ‘superior’ types that Tina Fey wants to kowtow to but smart enuff to do a better job. At least they all manage to live within a budget without stealing from their neighbors. Y’know, I really don’t understand where that attitude came from anyway...I can’t ever remember anyone I grew up with saying that they tho’t someone was better or smarter because they went to an ivy league school...
The only thing proved by attendance at such a school was that more money was involved...’n having more money didn’t make anyone least, not back then...
‘n I don’t think things have changed that much...reminds me on an old Tom T Hall song....’faster horses, more money, younger women’.....’cuz if you got more money, y’can buy faster horses ‘n younger women.....still, the old aphorism of getting what you pay for applies....I expect that if you believe that people with more money are smarter than you, they probably are....but that don’t mean that you’re smarter than people who have less than you.....what it means is that you’re a shallow person with a lot of insecurities....too bad for you.
Feels good to vent.....especially at three in the AM....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Early morn, again......

T’is Sunday.....5:30 in the AM ‘n still dark outside.....well, inside too except for the ‘puter screen.....Chickens are screaming ‘cause the newspaper lady (?) woke ‘em up ‘n they don’t like for anyone else to sleep in if they have t’be awake......
There are people like that....y’know the kind I mean, the ones that get really ticked ‘cuz they haf’ta wake up ‘n they want’a take their spite out on someone, anyone’s one of those ugly parts of childhood that most people grow out of fairly quickly but there are those who walk among us that carry their childhood resentments all the way to the grave......
Em’ly had a b’day last Thurs.....yesterday (Sat.) we had a breakfast celebration at Brookfields....Millyrose likes their fried gums are still a little sore so as I’m still having ‘soft’ food, I t’uk the opportunity to have a short stack....I don’t have pancakes very often ‘n these were pretty tasty....only problem was what they did to my blood sugar ‘n that wasn’t pretty at all...guess I’ll skip the flapjacks ‘n syrup in the future.....pity!
‘N Dave is comin’ home for T’sgiving....if you’ve been reading his post ( you’ll know that his adventures have taken him to fabled India, land of contrasts ‘n other amusements.....
‘Comin’ up on six AM ‘n the chickens are still angry...too bad Old Coyote cudn’t climb trees...they’d make a lot of tasty meals for him.
This ‘chicken thing’ is getting way out’a hand....there are several hundred at any given moment wand’ring ‘round Fair Oaks Village....they’ve crossed the river now...there was two of ‘em sightseeing at Brookfields yesterday morning ‘n that’s gotta be 3 or 4 miles away and heavy traffic.....there just ain’t enuff of ‘em getting ran over...
‘n over in Orangevale at the up ‘n coming ‘Upscale Safeway (oxymoron ?) Shopping Centre.....there’s a hugmongous chrome sculptured rooser at the entrance...
I’m told that chickens are descended from dinosaurs...I wish they’d hurry up ‘n turn into oil...
Vote for McCain/Palin ‘n keep Tina Fey working.

Friday, October 17, 2008

To view or not to view......

My current schedule has me watching ‘The View’ .....not on a daily basis but pretty often....I think Bexar is an idiot ‘n the token Republican is out-numbered....Sherry (?) is....has a great smile....we’ll discount Barbara ‘n that leaves Whoopi as a voice of reason...who knew?
Anyways....this entertainment (?) show has become something of a forum on politics this year...fortunately, they all tend to talk at the same time which makes it more laughable than serious...which brings me to this morning when one of their guests was Richard Lewis, a comedian who was funny years ago for discussing his neuroses....He still wears black, still wears his hair in a sixties ‘do’ and is still discussing his neuroses tho’ they seem t’be wearing a little thin....So the big topic t’day among almost everyone is what has become known as ‘the race card.’......And primarily, the entire Liberal Elite thinks that if Obama should somehow lose (gasp) the election, it will be because of race. It don’t matter if you think that McCain is simply, ‘n obviously, more qualified....a vote for McCain is racist. Ah, the Liberal Elite.....ya just gotta love ‘em or else you’re a redneck dolt clinging to guns ‘n religion.....And while it may seem like I’m digressing here, the truth of the matter is that Richard Lewis spoke the most racist line I’ve heard on television this political wit: he.....”doesn’t care who gets elected President as long as he’s an African American.”
Now Richard Lewis is a racist boor whose neuroses have taken him completely out of reality. I don’t expect the Ladies of the View to take him to task for his statement but, then he definitely ain’t Sarah Palin.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Faith, Hope 'n Charity......

...three broads from Pomona.

After the debate......
......which I don’t think changed many minds (if any) I took the dogs for their evening was later than normal ‘n with the reported Old Coyote lurking in the ‘hood, I took ‘em one at a time ‘n I carried a big flashlite ‘cuz it wuz dark....Dark don’t really faze dogs tho’....they’re just as curious whether they c’n see or not...’n who knows, maybe they’re like cats ‘n can see in the dark...Nah! Rusty has enuff trubble seein’ in the daylite....he always runs with his nose to the ground except somehow he manages t’see Neighbor Doug up to a block away...Doug was putting out his garbage (tomorrow being pickup day) ‘n Rusty had to stop ‘n say,,,well, whatever it is that he says ev’ry time he sees Neighbor Doug ‘n he always says it loudly....
I told Doug about the Old Coyote sighting ‘n his response was that there are a lot of houses ‘tween here ‘n the river ‘n it seemed unlikely that a coyote would come so far for a little cat food ‘n that he’d believe it when he saw it....On the proverbial other hand, it c’ud happen ‘cause you just never know what a wild critter’ll do...anyway, he said he’s grateful to the cat ladies for putting out the sumptious feast for the wild things ‘cause the family of skunks that had taken up residence in his back yard has moved to the basement of the garden shed at the Catholic Radio Station thank god for small favors.....Doug said he’d been talking to the cat ladies ‘n had been surprised to learn that they bought all the cat food themselves (he’d tho’t it was donated)...I said I’d never given it a thought one way or the other, I was just amazed that they would drive their round twice daily when they had to pay for their own gas.....Both of us said that we’d told the cat ladies that most of the food they put out was going to the skunks ‘n raccoons ‘n ‘possums rather than cats but it seems that none of ‘em believed us.....well, those involved in charitable work need tunnel vision, I, hope, ‘n charity...’n the greatest of these is.......
It’s four o’clock in the morning ‘n philosphy will help a body while away the hours.......

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Free lunch.....

I ain't posted for a couple days p'ticklar John was wondering if I had a case of writers block....No such luck...I've had writers block before 'n in order for it to exist, you gotta be trying to write something....which I ain't....I'm just blogging the evening away.....
It ain’t enuff that we got deer napping under our back deck...or that one of my valley oaks is dropping hugmongus limbs which makes ya glad that you weren’t standing there when it fell.....’n I bet it made a lotta noise even tho’ I wasn’t there to hear it....It ain’t enuff that we got deer ‘n raccoons ‘n ‘possums ‘n skunks....nah, that ain’t near enuff....’cause now we got a coyote skulking in our back yard....which means we gotta keep an eye on our little dogs ‘n not let Rusty out to wander around the south forty on his lonesome....we let him on his own ‘cause he’s got enuff sense to not wander out of the yard into the traffic which we got more on Sunrise Blvd in one day than a lotta towns east of the Sierra get in a week.....but I digress....we don’t let Willie outside without a leash ‘cause Willie’s a runner.....’n he don’t even look back.....loves to chase anything that moves ‘n if takes off, I hav’ta get in the car ‘n chase him down... ‘Course, when he does that....all I have t’do is pull up beside him ‘n he hops in the car like that was all he ever did it for so’s he could have a ride in the car....
Ackshully, the coyote has been hangin’ out down at the Catholic Radio Station in the evening ‘cause that’s when the cat ladies come around to spread their largesse....
That Evening Cat had better watch out or the coyote’ll have him for a snack ‘n if he eats the cats, the cat ladies’ll stop comin’ around to spread their largesse ‘n the coyote’ll have to find another free lunch....Hell, I bet Acorn’d register him to vote...if they haven’t already...
wouldn’t be surprised if they find he’s registered already back there in Ohio under the name Wiley Coyote....Coyotes are, by their very nature, entrepreneurial in their behavior ‘n not ones to pass up a free lunch....sort’a like politicians in that respect but I don’t know that you could really classify them all as Democrats.....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cheer up.....

....things could be worse.

So, I cheered up and, sure enuff, things got worse....
Can’t get away from this’s been almost two years ‘n counting ‘n I gotta say, I’m tired of it ‘n Millyrose keeps changing the channels to cooking shows...
Y’know, I use’ta be a Democrat....I never really considered being anything but a Democrat even tho’ my mother was a Republican. Greenup County, Kentucky was and is a Democrat county and my mother was, to put it mildly, a bit of a contrarian. We all tho’t it was a mild aberration, ‘n didn’t pay much attention to it. Turns out it may have been something over which she had no control, sort’a bred in the bone, y’might say.
I never knew my mother’s father, the Bradshaw....he died in a mining accident when she was a baby, and I never really knew any of his family. Anyway, based on my knowledge of her family ‘n the little bit I know of my grandmothers family, I’d guess it was something in the Bradshaw DNA.
And that’s as good a place to lay the blame as any, I suppose.
As a natural born Democrat then, the first national election I got to vote in was in 1960 ‘n I voted for John Kennedy. I liked Kennedy ‘n I bought into the whole Camelot thing ‘n I remember a tee shirt with a picture f Richard Nixon ‘n the caption, “Would you buy a used car from this man?” Turned out that Nixon was much more qualified t’be president than Kennedy but, that of course, is water over the bridge. In later years, I realized that I voted more for the image than the man himself. In my own defense, I was young and the young are natural rebels. In ‘The Wild One’...Marlon Brando was asked what he was rebelling against and he replied, “What do you got?”
Young people always rebell against the status quo. That’s what they’re s’pozed t’do...’n old people always try ‘n maintain the status quo because that’s what they’re comfortable with...Their mantra is, ”Change it all you want after I’m gone because I won’t give a damn then.”
That’s because it’s their status quo and young people always want their own status quo because everyone wants instant gratification. Which is pretty much what got us into this mess in the first place...well that, 'n the Democrats that think the right to want something is the same thing as the right to have something....Hey! Go figure.....
I’m a Republican now but my feelings really haven’t changed....I think my friends still feel the way they did, tho’ everyone hasn’t changed their party status. Change is difficult when you get to the point that buying green bananas is a risky financial move.
The Democrat party has always had a policy of building their base by appealing to the young and discontented, to the recent immigrant (legal or otherwise) who come to America not only seeking the holy grail but expecting to find it for under a buck at Micky D’s.....
Lover’s promises are written in the sand t’be washed away with the next wave but a politicians words are spoken into the wind. And the young and disaffected and the less than sophisticated immigrant travelling arm in arm along the yellow-brick road in search of the Great and Magnificent Oz are destined to discover that hidden behind the phony tinsel ‘n glitter of Hollywood is the real tinsel ‘n glitter.
Like turning twentyone and finding out that you’re expected to pay your own way...Now, that’s a bummer....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dangling conversations......

“Lost in the dangling conversations
and the superficial sighs,
are the borders of our lives.”
...Paul Simon

It’s all about death and taxes, ain’t it? Almost all my conversations this past weekend were either related to health issues or politics....
Somebody told me that the best thing about ‘old age’ is that it don’t last too long (Da-Dum)...Well, heck, there ain’t any segment of your life that lasts too long. Youth, they say, is wasted on the young and parents worry about their kids growing up too fast and not having enough time to just be a kid....And that celebratory flush when you turn 21 disappears almost before the first hangover is gone.....and we all kind’a back into middle ain’t happenin’ to me, I’m still young, Migawd! How’d I get t’be thirty?......and suddenly, without any effort on your part, AARP starts sending you ‘stuff’.....(yuck).....and all of a sudden, celebrities are looking older and magazine articles state that ‘Sixty is the new Forty’.....yeah, of course it is.....and black is the color of your love’s new hair and every conversation you c’n now recall concerns itself with pills and operations and ‘so ‘n so is looking really bad.’
And politics, c’ gotta think that this election has just gone on too darn long....the Democrat primary was so divided that Republicans were laughing at ain’t so funny now.....that division has spread to the ‘hull damn country......this may be the most divisive election since 1860 when we had three parties vying for the presidency and Abe Lincoln won with 40% of the vote...
It’s comin’ down to the wire with Obama ahead by a nose
‘n Bobby Barr ‘n Pecos Bill hanging like a dead weight to McCain’s coattails....
McCain’s a little guy with the Rocky Marciano style....he takes a lot of punches but he just keeps movin’ in throwing that jab, throwing that jab.....and Obama’s doing that ‘ropeadope’ Ali shuffle but we don’t know if he c’n take a punch....I used to wonder what would have happened if Ali had fought Marciano...Marciano was a short guy who couldn’t box worth a tinkers damn but he could hit. Archie Moore said, “Marciano hit me in the left arm ‘n I couldn’t use it no more, then he hit me in the right arm ‘n I couldn’t use it no more.....then he hit me on the chin ‘n I don’t know what happened after that.”
McCain needs to hit Obama on the chin.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cream rises to the top.....

for a reason.....

I don’t mind that the Liberal Elite look down their collective noses at McCain ‘n Palin.....I mean, he’s a just a former fighter jock who barely got through Annapolis (sixth from the bottom, I hear) and probably wouldn't have got that far if his father hadn't been an Admiral. Granted, he's pretty tought. He survived five years as a POW (which he lets everyone know ad nauseum) used his connections to get himself a job in Congress because the US Navy had no more use for him.
The Liberal Elite would never do that. They got their place at the public trough because they’re smarter than the rest of us. They deserve to be there.
And Palin, she’s a nobody that barely got through a state college in Idaho, fr’crissakes, and who’s dumber than a beauty queen? C’mon!....And so far as having the ‘common touch’ is concerned, why d’ya think they call it ‘common’?
We need the Liberal Elite because too many of us already have the ‘common touch’ and simply are not smart enough to lead the country.
Everyone can't go to Harvard and Yale. There isn't enough room and besides, they have standards. If everyone got in, they'd be no better that a State University. Athlete’s go there. Football players and basketball players. Jocks attend State Universities because everyone knows they’re the gateway to the money. Well, except for baseball or golf. In college, everything that isn’t football or basketball is simply affirmative action.
The truly Elite would never be caught dead attending a less than prestigious school. Oh, they might speak at one occasionally, providing the fee is sufficient. After all, most people are doomed to lives of ‘quiet desperation’ and children need a hero.
It takes a superior person to be capable of managing an Enron, a superior person that can take 90 million dollars out of a Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a superior person to stand up to an Ahmadijenad (?) It takes a superior person that’s capable of pronouncing and spelling Mahmoud Ahmadijenad without resorting to Google.....
And me, I’m just a hillbilly from Greenup County, Kentucky...what could I know?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A matter of perspective......

Y’know, being old (or older) gives you a perspective that youth just can’t, it don’t necessarily follow that age brings wisdom...if you’re dumb when you’re young, there’s a better’n even chance that you’re gonna be dumb when you get old....that said, we all know what we know only in relation to ourselves and how things relate to us. In other words, I only know what I know ‘n unlike Will Rogers, it ain’t from what I read in the newspapers. Or from NBC. Talk about faded glory. That venerable old institution has become a ridiculous parody of what it used to be. I’ve been watching NBC since the days of Dave Garroway (and the nite’s of Jack Paar)...’n I still like Tom Brokaw tho’ I feel he must cringe at the thought of Brian Williams and his nitely recitation of the newspeak he’s given to read. One of the things about being old(er) is recalling when you actually believed that Cronkite was being truthful, that he valued his own reputation above and beyond his salary.
Of course, I recall as a young man growing up in Greenup County, Kentucky, that everyone knew that politics was ‘bent’....that friends and family were rewarded and foes were trashed...that every four years (at election time) the roads would get a fresh coat of asphalt....and that suddenly the candidates would remember your name...
Well, was just ‘southern’ politics.....local stuff, y’know.....disillusionment set in with age...I think it was Tip O’Neill who said, “all politics is local.” Federal politicians are no better than State politicians who are no better than local politicians....There is no honor among thieves.....and as calling someone a ‘used car salesman’ denotes a lack of character, calling anyone ‘political’ infers a lack of integrity. My Mother dismissed the entire Kennedy family by remarking that “the Kennedy’s were always political.”
Now, in my way back when daze, I voted for John Kennedy for Prez.....He had a ‘vigah’ that was definitely lacking in poor old Nixon....of course, I didn’t really listen to what either of them said actually....I only heard what I wanted to hear...looking back from the perspective of age, Kennedy was affable, charming, and, what’s that word so popular t’day, charismatic ....Nixon, on that proverbial other hand, wasn’t. What he was, was smart, knowledgeable and nerdy. Kennedy went down in history as the Prince of Camelot and Nixon became known as ‘Tricky Dick’.....and my Mother was right, what the Kennedy’s lack in integrity, they make up for with Irish blather. A blatherskite is a Scotch-Irish term meaning a scoundrel who talks at great length without making much sense.
I’d like to point out that not all blatherer’s are scoundrels just as all scoundrels are not blatherer’s....
I’m not sure how that applies to politicians.....but,
“somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright; the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light......”

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pie in the sky.....

"On the good ship Lollipop......."
I don’t remember the Great Depression. It was winding down when I was born in 1937, but I’ve heard stories all my people lost their jobs, their homes...their dignity. One of the things that I learned from listening to my elders is that dignity is on the table, a warm fire ‘n a safe place to sleep...those are important...’n people who care about you, people to care about...that’s what gives life its meaning.... makes everything worthwhile...
Pie in the sky signifies hope....Hope is important when material things get taken away...especially when losing those things was no fault of your own....
T’day, while the blossoms still cling to the vine, I’m reminded of the stories I heard as a child...of families ‘on the road’ searching for a job, any job, something to put a roof over their heads ‘n food on a table....
The economy is in a meltddown mode, people are losing their jobs, their’s possible that we’re facing a worldwide depression that could rival that of the ‘thirties...Maybe we’ll learn just how much dignity there is standing in a bread line or waiting for a cup of soup.
Maybe we’ll get some modern ‘Bluebird of happiness’ singing about ‘pennies from Heaven’ and hou you can’t keep a good man down....especially if you look on the sunny side of the street....
‘Course, we may just find out that we really are a ‘nation of whiners’...’n we could find out that people t’day are just as tough as people were way back then...that when the going gets tough, the tough’ll get going...the question is: Where’n hell are we going?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yes...'n then again, No....

Ah, sure and it was a lovely debate....Joltin’ Joe kept a lid on his temper tho’ there were moments where it was obvious that he got a little tight-jawed...still, he’s an old pro ‘n he did a professional job....All Sarah had t’do and I don’t think it was a secret, was not make a fool of herself...I c’d almost hear the Republican prayers that she not fumble for answers, please God don’t give Tina Fey any more ammunition, and don’t die of stage fright...
Well, it’s pretty obvious that she didn’t die of stage fright or Biden fright or any other kind of fright....what she did was surprise opponents and supporters alike by taking the fight to Joltin’ Joe....I didn’t see a knockout punch from her, but her jabs ‘n hooks ‘n parries kept the old pro off balance thru the entire match....I give her every round and a TKO....
‘Course, this was just a pre-lim....the heavyweights are yet to come....McCain ‘n Obama for the heavyweight champeenship of the world....Well, the world within the confines of the USA...We have a tendency to consider our champions as world champions even tho’ we don’t allow anyone else to actually compete...
So, one of my daughters informed me that she’s against Palin because “she’s against abortion rights.”
And I saw in the unofficial State newspaper (SacBee) that Sarah Bernhard lost a job (like I care) for declaring that Palin is “against abortion rights.”
And...I have a son in law who refused to believe me when I told him that I saw Palin in an interview where she denied that she was “against abortion rights.”
I saw the Couric interview with Palin and, yet again she answered the question (asked multiple times by Couric) that she was anti-abortion for herself, that she believed in the right to life, that she believed life begins at conception, but she wouldn’t attempt to force anyone else to share her beliefs and didn’t think it was a good idea to send people to jail for believing in abortion rights.
It’s been my experience that liars believe that everyone lies. The reverse is also true. People who are basically honest themselves believe that everybody is basically honest. I’m not sure what that says about people who believe that Sarah Palin is lying about her beliefs but who refuse to believe that Obama lied when he said that he had never heard Jeremiah Wright make a racist statement. Obama says he and his family attended the church at least every couple weeks for twenty years yet in all that time, he’d never heard a devout racist speak on racial issues. A cursory search on Google gives the lie to Obama's statement. To believe Obama betrays a naivete that simply boggles the brain. The scary thing about Obama is that he might become the next President of the US. Judging on what I’ve seen so far of this man,that could lead to a scenario so frightening that it would take all the fun out of saying “I told you so.” Not that I’m ready to leave the country or anything (like so many deluded Dems threatened over Bush).....I consider Obama to be a tsunami, full of sound and fury signifying nothing, and we have survived Katrina and Ike and I’m pretty sure we would survive an Obama wind (if we absolutely must)....I think this younger generation that believes so fervently in Obama will find their idol has feet of clay.

You're a Democrat if......

Art Linkletter wrote a best seller called, ‘Kids say the darnedest things....’ because you just never know what gonna come out of the mouth of unrehearsed children...Heck, you never really know what’s gonna come out of the mouth of a child, whether or not they’ve been rehearsed....sort of like politicians...
The upcoming debate between Joe Biden ‘n Sarah Palin is one of those watching a world series game or a championship fight...or the last hole of a golf match...the suspense is not so much about who’s gonna win or lose but who’s going to do the unexpected....Joe Biden has been around f’rever (almost) ‘n we know that he’s a comedy of error just waiting to happen....we also know that it ain’t gonna matter to Obama’s campaign what Joe says.....Nah! America is not going to be watching t’see what Joe says or does....America is going t’be watching Sarah.....Love her or hate her, the world is going t’be watching (with bated breath, whatever than means) t’see what she says and how she says it....and by the way, I’m aware that some people (mostly feminazi’s) hate Sarah Palin....I’m not one of them. I think she’s attractive and smart and a thoroughly likable person. I don’t know her or her family very well but I’m inclined to like them as well.
I think the lies that are told about her are petty and pathetic. I think the people who go into meltdown over her belief system yet refuse to acknowledge Obama’s lies about his religious ties, his political ties, his accomplishments and his voting record border on insanity. If you pull up to a stop sign, look only in one direction and then pull out to be run over by a truck, AND then blame the truck, you must be a Democrat.