Sunday, December 21, 2014

Old Speed's Best-ever Christmas...

The following is a Christmas story of sorts that I post ev'ry year~ 
It ain't about Santa Claus or magical elves or red-nosed reindeers, 'n  it ain’t about Christmas snow or a babe in a manger...  
It could be about good will among men, I s'poze, but any moralizing on my part was completely unintentional.  
I hope you'll take the time to read it 'n I hope even more that you'll enjoy it.

Now, this p'ticklar tale is set in the sumwhat mythical town of Riverton (South Shore) in Greenup county, Kentucky, in the early fifties 'n, give or take a lie or two is more or less true...
Oh, 'n just t'be on the safe side, the names have been changed to protect the guilty.  Justin Other Smith

Old Speed’s Best-ever Christmas
a short story by Justin Other Smith

It was comin’ on to Christmas before there finally come a freeze out on Beauty Ridge. It 'ud been rainin’ off and on since the last week of October and had turned the ridge road into an impassable strip of gooey red mud. The people who lived along the ridge had gone about their own private business pretty much as usual, preparing their homes and barns for winter, stacking firewood and plugging leaks, storing up what foodstuffs they could.
When the freeze came overnight, the soft clay hardened underfoot and them as had horses or mules hitched ‘em up and made their way to town. Everybody else walked or stayed to home.
Old Speed gave goin’ to town a lotta thought. He got out a jug of his latest makin’s and had a taste or two while he pondered. Then he had a few more tastes and decided that if he was goin’, he’d better go while the goin’ was good. He got a old burlap sack and filled it with his trade liquor, hung the latch outside his door and set off on foot for town.
Now if you go by road, it’s seventeen full miles from Old Speed’s cabin to Riverton but way less than half if you cut across the ridges. Which is the path that Old Speed took.
Now you need to understand that Old Speed wasn’t actually all that old since he was just in his early forties but the life of a back-country bachelor, ‘specially a careless, some might say shiftless, kind of fellow like Old Speed c’n make a body look old beyond his years. If you know what I mean.
When Speed started out on his little trek to town, he had six Mason jars filled right to the brim in his burlap sack and a old pint bottle p’ert near to full in his pocket. The day was clear and cold and on top of the ridge, there was a sharp wind could bring tears to your eyes. Cutting across the ridges was the short way to town but it was more up and down than it was straight ahead and being a cool day like it was, why Speed took a little nip ever’ now and then just to keep himself warm.
He’d about half-finished the pint when he ran into the Smith boys. They was out lookin’ for a Christmas tree for their Mama and quarreling fit to bust ‘cause they all had in mind their own special tree they was lookin’ for and nary a one of ‘em ready to give in to the other two.
Well, Speed, of course, being neighborly, stopped to say “Howdy” and ask after their folks and ever’thing and the boys, likewise being neighborly and polite young men were only too happy to stop and pass the time of day. 
Well, one thing kind’a led to another and Old Speed offered around his pint and one of the boys had a package of store bought cigarettes that he passed around and they all stood around smokin’ and sippin’ and passin’ the time of day the way men do and before you know it, the pint was plumb empty and Speed felt obliged to get into his burlap sack and open a jar of his trade goods and pass that around and it wudn’t no time a’tall before they’d emptied that one too.
Well, Speed allowed as how it was time for him to be gettin’ a move on and the Smith boys agreed with him because they still had to find a tree for their Mama. And while they was wishin’ each other a Merry Christmas, the oldest Smith boy pulled a plug of tobacco out of his pocket and gave it to Speed sayin’ “This here’s a plug of Daddy's new tobacco and I want you to have it for Christmas.”
Well Speed thought that was real nice of him so he reached into his bag and brought out a jar of whisky and gave it to the boy saying, “Merry Christmas to you and your family and please share this with your Daddy.”
Then Speed set off again for town only now with four Mason jars full of whisky in his burlap sack. He was figurin’ in his head that six jars of whisky would have brought him eighteen dollars and he could’a spent a couple nights in the hotel and had holiday supper besides. Now he only had four jars and that would only bring him twelve dollars. That wuz enuff, he figured that he c’ud still spend one night at the hotel and have holiday supper if he was careful.
On the other hand, it seemed to be gettin’ colder and he had developed an awful thirst for some reason. And if he was to open another jar, he’d still have three jars and at three dollars apiece, he’d still have.........nine dollars and if he was to lay out and skip the hotel, he could still have a nice holiday supper and more besides.
So he opened a jar. And he had a little sip. And another. 'Cause it was awful cold and he still had a long way to go. He was walkin’ and sippin’ and sippin’ and walkin’ and the more he sipped, the more sideways he got 'til he probably doubled the miles he had to walk. And it seemed like the more he sipped, the thirstier he got so when he finally stumbled into Riverton some hours later, it was gettin’ pretty dark.
Now the little town was all lit up for Christmas with lights strung all along the little shops and Roberson’s General Store really decked out for the holiday with window decorations just like the big stores in the city across the river. There was a Christmas tree with gaily wrapped packages piled beneath and a model train set chugging ‘round and 'round. In the corner sat a jolly Santa Claus holding a long Christmas list and Mrs. Claus peering over his shoulder.
Now it just so happened that me and Dog Wooten and Red Bill were standin’ on the corner when we saw Old Speed comin’ down the street. He had a burlap sack slung across his shoulder and we could hear the glass clinking as he stumbled and stuttered and generally took up a lot more of the right of way than any walking person would normally lay claim to.
Red nudged Dog, "Bet Old Speed’s got whisky in that sack.”
Red was seventeen and older than me and Dog by about a year 'n some, and he had lived out on Beauty Ridge for a couple years when he was younger.
"Folks on the ridge got no money this time of year,” he went on. "Old Speed’s run out of customers, had to come to town to peddle his whisky.”
"Well lemme see,” I said, “I’ve got about.......uh, not a penny. How ‘bout you, Dog?”
"Probably got the same” replied Dog. “I guess Red’ll have to get us some of that whisky if we’re gonna have any.”
Now the three of us had spent the biggest part of the evening in Pop’s Poolroom where we had swilled soda pop and shot pool until we’d all run out of money which basically meant that we’d each had a bottle of pop and a couple games of pool before we were dead broke. I’d started the evening with two bits, bought a Pepsi for a nickel, lost two games of pool and sat on a bench waitin’ for Dog and Red to lose their money.
Which, of course, is how we come to be standin’ on the corner watchin’ the world pass by, which now that I think on it, is an occupation common to the very rich and the very poor ‘cuz working folk just ain’t got the necessary time for it.  It was getting colder and spitting snow and I was about ready to head for home when we saw Speed staggering down the street.
"Hey Speed!” cried Red. “Come to town for Christmas?”
"Who’s that?” Speed asked, swaying to a halt, his burlap sack swinging, the jars clinking.
"Red Bill” grinned Red. “What’s in the bag? Christmas presents?”
"Well ....” said Speed, "It was just some whisky I brung to town to sell for Christmas but I think it’s pretty much gone by now.”
He swung the bag around, opened it and searched inside, coming up with a quart Mason jar about half-full of what looked to me to be water. He unscrewed the cap, took a drink and offered it to Red.
"Ain’t enough left to sell” he said. "You might as well have a Christmas drink on Old Speed.”
Red lifted the jar to his lips, tilted his head back and poured some down his throat. When he lowered it, he blinked his eyes a couple times, coughed and handed the jar to Dog.
"That’s good stuff” he said.
Dog sniffed the jar, took a couple sips and agreed, "Smooth as silk, Speed” he said. "Thank you.”
And he handed the jar to me. Now right here, I have to confess that I’d never tasted whisky before. I’d had some beer but that was all. I looked at the jar, sniffed at it the way Dog had, like I knew what I was doin. It didn’t look like much and didn’t smell like much neither.  I leaned into the corner of the building, out of the wind, and lifted the jar to my mouth and took a deep swallow. I mean a big, deep, swallow. And I got to tell you.....I have no idea what that stuff tasted like going down. But it went down my throat into my gullet where it did a quick u-turn and came boiling back up. Out of my mouth. My nose. I swear I think it might’a come out’a my eyes and my ears too. And it made a stone believer out of this old boy ‘cause to this very day, I don’t drink moonshine liquor.
Anyway, when they got through laughing at me, Red and Speed finished off the last of it.
Speed said, "Boys, I want to have myself a Christmas dinner and I ain’t got no money and no liquor to sell.”
And he reached way down in his pants somewhere and pulled out a big old pistol.
"How much will you give me for this here short gun?”
"Lemme see that” said Red. He grabbed the pistol and broke it open, peered through the barrel, snapped it back together and spun it on his finger like in the cowboy movies. It was an old gun with the bluing ‘most all gone and the hand grips wrapped with tattered black electrical tape and while I ain’t all that bright oftentimes, I don’t think I’d’a fired that pistol.
"We ain’t got no money, Speed” said Red, “but if you was to take it in the La-Z-Boy Shoppe there, Clyde might buy it. Or maybe loan you some money against it.”
Now the thing is, about twenty minutes before Speed showed up, the old Chief had gone into the La-Z-Boy. Old Chief Roy was Town Marshall of Riverton and he stopped at the La-Z-Boy Shoppe ever’ night about this time and had coffee and doughnuts.  Chief Roy was an old-time lawman who was working in Riverton ‘cause he and Mrs. Chief couldn’t live on his retirement.
He carried a long-barrelled, double-action .44 caliber revolver with engraved nickel plating and ivory handles that belonged in a museum. And he had no problem using it. 
When Red suggested to Speed that he take his old gun into the La-Z-Boy, I’m almost sure that it never crossed his mind that the old Chief might just take it in his mind to draw his own pistol and shoot Speed dead on the spot.
Which of course, he didn’t. He could’a but what he did was draw that old pistol and go upside Speed’s head and knock him colder than a well-diggers butt and drag his carcass off to jail.
The Riverton jail wudn’t nothin’ but an old cinderblock building with a dinky little office and a bathroom and one cell. It was kind of a lonely place to be, considering the time of year and all. And cold. And cheerless, too. And the Old Chief’s wife was a soft hearted woman and she just couldn’t stand the thought of Speed lying in a cell in an otherwise empty jail and she darn sure didn’t want her husband sitting down there keeping his one prisoner company on Christmas. So.......she made the Chief bring him home for dinner.
And she went all out! She and the Chief never had any kids of their own and it had been a long time since they had anyone else to share their holidays with. She made a humonguous dinner. Turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce, potatoes and gravy, corn and peas, fresh baked bread, two or three different kind of pies and a cake. And all served up on her good china that I don’t think had seen the light of day for years.
And she just bloomed. Now everybody knew the old Chief ‘cause he was out and about all the time but his Missus was kind of a stay at home and a lot of people in town had never even seen her, let alone meet and talk to her. 
All that changed that Christmas. The three of them were in church together. Speed, almost unrecognizable in one of the Chiefs old suits. The Chief, himself, all dressed up in the suit that he wore when he had to testify in court and the Chief’s wife, like Minnie Pearl, “just as proud to be there.”
After the season was over, I mean, after bringing in the New Year and all, the old Chief and his wife loaded Speed into the Chief’s Ford and delivered him back to his cabin out on Beauty Ridge.
I’d like to say that was just the first of many holidays that the three of them spent together and if this whole entire little story was just something that I made up out’a whole cloth, that’s probably what I would say. But the truth is that this was the one and only time it ever happened. 
It was a long time ago and they’re all three of them dead now but I still remember Old Speed sayin’ "Boys, I gotta tell you that was the best Christmas ever.”

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Satiday Strollin'.....

Strollin’ thru the ‘hood…

Me ’n da boyz on our reg’lar s&p tour of the village…Xmas tree lights in the park are different this year…normally, I c’n see ‘em from my front porch but  not this year…they seem to have toned them down for some reason…prob’ly some cultured nabob has moved to the front of the parade ’n devoutly believes that ‘less is more’ …ain’t true when it comes to Christmas…I mean, it’s possible to overdo the Christmas decoration thing, I don’t even know how many movies Hollywood as dedicated to that p’tick’lar premise but at least one or two too many…On the other hand, Plaza Park has never been known for garish Christmas displays…the only thing wuz lighting the durn tree at the front corner of the park…
Frankly, I didn’t notice until a couple village denizens pointed it out to me, in hopes, I s’poze that I’d be as outraged as they…I don’t know, older I get the harder it is to get genuinely outraged over much of anything…like the Sony thing…Obama said Sony should have called him before caving in to the North Koreans…Sony said they had called him…evidently his staff didn’t think it wuz something worth worrying their Lord ’n Master about…didn’t outrage me however…I don’t give a darn about a Seth Rogen movie…I barely know what a Seth Rogen is ’n I think his movie is prob’ly geared to that 13 or 14 year old crowd…the ones who believe that my opinion doesn’t matter becuz I’m olde and irrelevant…
On that note, I have a niece up on the northern border who thinks that Elizabeth Warren ‘ud make a fine President…I encouraged her in that belief…What the Hell?  A female poseur just got to be at least as good as the black poseur we got in the white house now…
Anyhow, on the tour, we passed The California House twice…got a bbq or sumthin’ goin’ on there ’n da boyz pulled ’n tugged ’n even whined a bit but I persisted in dragging them down to street to the Olde Manor house…
Home again, home again,

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


"You are old, Father William, yet you incessantly stand on your head. Do you think, at your age, that is right?
In my youth, Father William replied to his son, I feared it might injure the brain, but now that I'm sure I have none, I do it again and again."

Most civilizations of the world use’ta venerate their elders…the feeling wuz that they had somehow managed to traverse the rutted ’n dangerous roads of life ’n therefore, prob’ly had a pretty good take on the pitfalls of life ’n how to avoid them…
‘Course, not all civilizations have felt that way…for example there were a number of Native American Tribes (I call them Native Americans even tho’ they migrated here from other lands just like ever'body else 'cept they got here before my own ancestors) that when a member of the family got too old to take care of him or herself ’n wuz gonna require someone else to hunt ’n gather for them, the custom wuz to abandon them to their fate…they simply went off ’n left them…they didn’t seem to go in much for mercy killing back then as some of our more enlightened citizens of today are championing…Ezekiel Emmanuel, for example, one of the architects of Obamacare has stated publically that 75 years is a prime age for euthanasia ’n allowing anyone to live past that age is an unnecessary drain on the resources of the rest of the population…(since I’m already two years past that, y’can see why I might not agree with him on that position)...
Now, I’ve been told a couple times lately (by different people in different ways) that my opinion didn’t count for much becuz I ‘wuz old ’n irrelevant’…One of the people who told me that wuz my granddaughter who claimed that she wuz ‘just joking, Grandpa’…I didn’t pay any attention to her becuz once upon a time I, too, wuz 18 years old ’n knew ever’thing…
Another one, a young whippersnapper of my acquaintance wuz pontificating on his theory that the USA, under the closet Jew, Franklin Delano Roosevelt had intentionally provoked Japan into the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor so that he, FDR, could then make a Declaration of War to aid his friend ’n ally, Winston Churchill…
He went on to say, in a rather condescending manner, that in his opinion, the Japanese were probably the bravest ’n most valiant soldiers we had ever faced, how man for man, they were superior warriors, prob’ly the best in the world...
When I disagreed with him, ’n pointed out that I had lived thru the time he wuz talking about, he ’n his fellow conspiracy theorists opined that I wuz old ’n hadn’t the advantage of a modern education ’n probably learned my history from Time-Life ’n Hollywood movies ’n that, well, I wuz basically irrelevant...

The past actually happened but history  is only what someone wrote down.”

Saturday, November 29, 2014

November c'n be a tiring month...

I’m tired of politics…tired of things political…tired of ‘poor little me’ whiners who think people look down on them becuz they’re on welfare (sadly, a lot of them deserve being looked down upon)…tired of the damn immigration argument ’n I’m really tired of the phrase, “We’re a nation of immigrants”…it’s trite and it’s dumb ’n it applies to everyone all around the world becuz we’ve always been a race of wanderers, hunter-gatherers who have survived for millenia becuz we’re better at it than the other animals (at least, we think we are~ants ’n roaches ’n sharks might argue with us)…
I’m also really tired of all the damn Black Friday/Black Thursday/Black whatever the hell day of your choice retailers who are driving all the joy out of every recognized holiday that our petty government can come up with….I’m a little tired of ending some of my sentences with prepositions…that’s why some long ago newspaper scribe invented three-dot journalism to cope with…with which to cope…
I’m tired of professional sports, ‘roided entitled behemoths whose brains seem to have shrunk with their testes to the size of peas…as far as professional basketball is concerned, they should double the size of the court since they have darn near doubled the height of those outlandish specimens who ‘play’ the game…I use the word ‘play’ advisedly becuz that word should apply only to  childrens games, not the mockery that has developed over the years…
I’m tired of the endles ‘climate change’ arguments…of course, climate changes…it has always changed, always will so long as we humans inhabit this blue sphere…’n we ain’t gonna make it behave the way ‘we’ want it to, no matter what…My Gawd!  What monstrous egos some of us have, to imagine that we can control Mother Nature…I think Al Goracle ’n his adherents must never have heard about ‘pissing into the wind’…
Oh yeah, I’m tired of the Muslims too…or Moslems, or Islamists or whatever they want to call themselves…it’s easy to get tired of religious nutjobs, ‘specially if they practice a religion different than your own…I didn’t use to mind them so much before the ‘in your face’ attitude that has developed in recent years…same thing with the gays ’n lesbians ’n those muddled folk who call themselves ‘transgendered’…I personally don’t give a tinkers dam what tune these people dance to so long as they don’t dance (or prance ’n yes, that’s a bit of a cheap shot) on my toes…
I think government should get the hell out of marriage…marriage is a religious institution anyway ’n our gov’t ain’t supposed to mess with it…’course, gov’t don’t really care about marriage, it’s all about the money so far as they’re concerned…
Ah well, tidings of the season, my friends (if I have any such thing left, that is)…at least, my dogs still love me…I think…maybe it’s the treats...

Friday, November 28, 2014

How to become a Scrooge in November....

I’ll tell you sumthin…maybe it’s the latent curmudgeon in me but the day after Thanksgiving is too durn early to start shifting furniture around to make room for a much too soon Xmas tree…
Heck!  I ain’t even got the new Xmas lights strung around the porch/veranda in progress yet…the new lights are new versions of the olde-fashioned, over-sized Xmas tree lights of yesteryear…they’re spozed to be cheaper to operate (yeah, like big bizness really gives a darn how much it costs real people to use their products)…also, s’pozed to be cooler…ain’t no use to wrap ‘em around my citrus trees, they don’t give off enuff heat…speaking of heat, if you have some of those ‘green-lite’ bulbs suggested by SMUD…be careful ’n keep an eye on them becuz I’ve had two of ‘em catch fire…
you’re supposed to re-cycle them in a hazardous container if they quit working but they don’t tell you what to do when they catch fire…what happens to the darn mercury then…or whatever it is they use…
Anyway, yest’day was a big fam’ly day, lots of food ’n drink ’n She who must be obeyed got up early ’n stayed up late ’n now…THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING…she wants me to move furniture, dig out the Xmas tree ’n all the darn trimmin’s, re-construct the durn thing becuz she…”is getting old ’n wants to celebrate Christmas as long as possible.”
I’m thinkin’ I might be burned out on Christmas this year before it ackshully gets started…
I guess if I c’n say Bah! ’n Humbug! ’n really mean it, I c’n, at long last, qualify for my boy scout curmudgeon badge…
Delbert Fultz would  be so proud of me…..

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Another turkey day.....


Well, by gosh, by golly ’n all the other euphimistic things we tend to say when we don’t want to be accused of ackshully swearing…anyhow, it’s Thanksgiving Day again…if you stick around long enough, they keep on coming…
It’s a beautiful, sunny day here in Ol Fair Oaks…me ’n da boyz walked/strolled/ambled down the street (or up if you prefer) but we stayed on Crestline (more or less)…passed the time of day with a couple neighbors, chased a few chickens, da boyz got stared down by JonnyCat (he lives just up the street ’n he’s a killer~mostly red squirrels) but he ain’t afraid of Rusty or Willy…(he also stares down Rover the pit bull but that’s another story)…
Listening, at the moment, to Johnny Cash walking the line…b’leeve that dates back to ’52 or ’53….
Anyway, turkey is in the oven, onion soup on the stove, pies already on the table…only think missing is/are the kids… (Dave is celebrating T’sgiving in Dubai ’n Gina went to Sea Ranch) ’n I’m listening to ‘50s rock ’n roll on Sirius…

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

...of this 'n that 'n other things...

“There’s been a change in the weather…”

Well, not so drastic a change as they’re having back in the states…(fyi: that’s the way early Californio’s referred to the country east of the Sierra)...
The cold front that’s moving down ’n creating misery back there has brought us here in norCal slightly below temperatures for November…s’pozed to be in the high ‘60s today, sun is hiding behind the cloud cover…at least here in the valley…for all I know it could be shining brightly on the sierra…I could prob’ly find out if I’d turn on the local news…I’m just not that interested at the moment…
So o o o…it don’t really matter to Willy whether I’m innarested in going for a walk or not, when he has his mind made up, then a walk it must be…
Rusty, on that proverbial other hand, has entered a dotage (in dog years anyway) older’n mine ’n he don’t seem to care whether he does or he don’t…
spends most of his time sleeping ‘cept when he decides that he wants to go outside ’n then…’n then, I open the door for him ’n he wanders off in pursuit of whatever might be on his poodle mind…
I don’t know if you have a Habitat for Humanity Re-Store near you or not but it’s a great place to go treasure hunting…if you’ve a taste for that sort of thing….
Don’t seem to matter a helluva lot whether Obama’s stays home or travels, those little bumps in his road just keep coming…Now, it’s Gruber in the spotlight telling the world that the American voters are stupid for believing the Obamacare scam…
It’s what we’ve been saying all along…the Obama administration basically lies about everything because to them, everything is political…they lied about keeping your doctor, they lied about the death panels, they lied about fast ’n furious, they lied about Benghazi (wasn’t any real reason for lying about Benghazi but they did anyway)…They lied about the IRS…Hell, Obama his own self in that superbowl interview stated emphatically that there was ‘not a smidgen of corruption.’…
Didn’t stop there and it hasn’t stopped since…just keeps on going on…more dependable than a Timex, Obama’s lies just keep on keeping on….
Y’know, I didn’t like Obama, didn’t vote for him, basically thought he was just too inexperienced BUT, after he was elected, I thought his Presidency would be a good thing for this country by putting the final nails in the coffin of race discrimination…BOY HOWDY!  Wuz I ever wrong….
After the death of Lincoln, we had a true racist President in Andrew Johnson…He hated Negroes, Indians, Jews, Catholics…well, basically anyone who wasn’t a gen-ooo-wine Protestant American with British ancestry…’n he created the atmosphere of Jim Crow that persisted through the first half of the 20th Century…
Integration was difficult…I know…I lived through it…
The military was first to really integrate, beginning during WWII under the Roosevelt administration…prob’ly wudn’t FDR’s idea, however…we c’n thank Eleanor Roosevelt for that…and that was a good thing, a positive move that was long overdue…
Anyhow, by the time I got in the military in the mid-50’s, integration was a fait accompli…there was still some personal resentments but they were minor and containable…after the military, I attended Morehead State College and it was factually integrated…I say factually because the black students were pretty much segregated on campus, as were the Asian students…but, we made headway and when I came to California, it was even more integrated…if anything, the most segregated group in California were those of Mexican descent and that was rapidly ending…young people tend to fall in love ’n get married pretty much regardless of race and when your extended family consists of black, latino,  pacific islander, asian, etcetera ad infinitum, you just got to give up basing your opinion of others on the color of their skin….
We were doing pretty good, race-wise, and the civil rights blow-up in the ’60’s was a good thing…
But, something happened after that ’n it seemed like every time there was a relatively minor situation, there were race-hustlers ’n media to blow it all out of proportion…
I’m tired of ‘Divide ’n conquer’ politics…I’m tired of ‘special groups’…like Rodney King, I’m just wondering why we can’t just all get along????

I don’t normally ask for comments but this time, if you’ve a mind to ’n it ain’t too much trouble?????

Monday, November 10, 2014


EXCITEMENT last evening on Crestline as a small fire in the rabbitwarren apartments acros’t the street brought two large fire trucks, three smaller fire trucks ’n the emergency responder (also Co. Fire) plus a little later in the evening, an SUV bringing a fire supervison, I suppose, to bring a total of seven county fire vehicles (I’m told there was another one that responed on the back side, that being Fair Oaks Blvd, but I can’t confirm that)…
The resident (name withheld for no p’tick’lar reason) stated that she had just returned home, noticed smoke coming from her bathroom…
Someone, not sure who, called 911 ’n they responded in force…
I have no idea of the cost of this little adventure but seven fire vehicles plus manpower must add up to thousands, maybe tens of thousands…
Well, thank God ’n the little people, no one wuz hurt, the neighbors got to gather in the street (no booze passed around howsomever)…
I saw a little debris, detritus, garbage, whatever, on the street this morning when da boyz ’n I went for our daily S&P tour ’n I suspect the resident prob’ly spent the nite elsewhere but, of course, that’s just speculation…
Speaking of speculation, all (maybe not all but most of ‘em) the talking heads on television just keep speculating on the absurdity of the last election ’n what The Big O is gonna do ’n how the republicans are gonna respond ’n what it all means…sort of~he’ll say this ’n I’ll say that then he’ll do that whil’st I’ll respond with this ’n then he’ll do whatever ’n I’ll do the opposite ’n we’ll just see who wins in this very expensive game of musical chairs….
And that’s my p’litical comment for the day…
I’ve been working my way thru Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing Patton”…It is not a page-turner, no matter what you might have heard…It is, however, pretty darn interesting for a history book ’n requires, as practically all history books do, a slow ’n careful reading…otherwise, you might miss something ’n have to go back…(much like history books ‘way back in those long-ago school daze)…
Too bad you can’t pick up these books at your local library but they’re only available if you buy ‘em or if you have a friend that bought one...

Friday, November 7, 2014

There is a difference between moon 'n mooning.....

By the light…

…of the silvery moon…

Spent the day in Santa Rosa, left there a few minutes after 5:00p…never a good time to play in traffic, but…
Anyway, it was darkening when we turned onto Hwy 12 in Santa Rosa for the trip home….we saw the moon rise before we got out of the city limits, full, round ’n brightly silver…
Bumper to bumper traffic all the way thru Sonoma where I took a shortcut ’n got out of it for awhile…well, about ten minutes or so, then back on #12 where, mercifully, we managed to maintain a decent speed all the way thru Napa to the turn for Jamison Canyon….
Jamison Canyon use’ta take 20 to 30 minutes but they cleaned it up this past year, straightened out the curves, widened the highway ’n turned it into a 6 or 7 minute drive….until last nite…
Well, it was the first time I’ve negotiated the canyon at rush hour…bumper to bumper, stop ’n go…wow!  Took us all of 22 minutes or so but it felt like an hour….
After Jamison Canyon, highway 80 wuz a breeze, found the diamond lane ’n maintained 75mph all the way to Fair Oaks…well, most of the time…
And that big old silver moon leading the way, the entire way….
Got me thinking, reminiscing actually…
Novembers in Kentucky are ‘way cooler than Novembers in norCal…
And we lived in a small house in Beattyville, next to the railroad track, across the road from John Stephenson ’n across the alley from Ben Craycraft…
Anyhow, I remember how big ’n bright that full November moon wuz in Beattyville…bright enough, they use’ta say that you could ‘read a newspaper’…
if, perchance, you wanted to read a newspaper by the light of the moon…
Back then, given the plumbing of the day, if you had to use the bathroom in the night, it wudn’t a matter of a trip down the hall but a stumbling, humbling trip out to the far corner of our yard to the outhouse…
That meant some kind of shoes ’n a coat to throw over your shoulders ’n a shivering….well, I’m sure you get the idea….
Problem wuz, at least for us boys, that if all you had to do wuz what wuz euphemistically called in those long-ago day, #1…well, it wuz a long trip when you c’ud just as easy hang a right to the corner of the house where you had some little protection from that cold November wind ’n you c’ud stare up at that big ol moon that you c’ud read a newspaper by if you’da had a newspaper at that time of nite…

Monday, November 3, 2014

Autumn daze.....

Clear, cool, sunny with a hint of Autumn in the air…

Seasons almost never do dramatic changes here in the heart of NorCal…
Da boyz could hardly wait for our daily S&P tour t’day…barely got out of the driveway before they crossed leashes running in opposite directions, a tactic that comes naturally in dogs (I think) ’n doesn’t have t’be learned…
Once upon a time, I tried walking four dogs down our little street…but only once…all four were small, Willy ’n Rusty ’n two weiner dogs whose names I c’n never recall….one is brown with some black ’n t’other is black w’some brown…
Anyway, the four of them t’gether wuz ‘way, ‘way too much for this old man…don’t think I could ever take up dogwalking as a profession…
Took one a’them facebook quizzes…about what Calif city I should ought to live in….said San Francisco…’n I got to admit that San Fran is one ‘a my fav’rit cities in all the whole world…just not San Francisco of t’day…it’s still a pretty location for a city ’n still has pretty much the same population density that it’s always had…three quarters of a million, but that’s becuz that’s all the room they got down there…and one of the biggest problems with The City by the Bay is in getting there…I mean, it’s located in ’The Bay Area’  and that’s just a horrible collection of places, too damn numerous to list, with too many one percenters and too many wannabe’s…
And The Peninsula…omg, a truly loveable place but so full of people that you can hardly move around…BUT, once upon a time, San Francisco and the peninsula was a truly magical place…IF A BODY C’UD JUST GO BACK IN TIME…And you wudn’t have to go back to goldrush dayz or anything like that altho’ it’ud be tempting…I mean, The Gay 90’s on The Barbary Coast…Wow!  
Nah!  I’m thinking sometime after the earthquake of ’06 after it’d been re-built…maybe the ’20’s ’n the ’30’s….y’know, Dashiel Hammets San Francisco…
Ahhh well, makes a nice fantasy on a lazy day….I use’ta go down there in the ’60’s…but that wuz then ’n this is now ’n I don’t really want to visit my youth…not sure I c’ud get thru it a 2nd time, b’leeve getting thru it once wuz largely a matter of luck…
“I like that old time rock ’n roll, like to reminisce about the days of old…”

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The trouble with pondering is you just never know where you'll end up.....

“When American companys(ies) were allowed to produce their goods outside of the USA for cheap labor and lower taxes is when your freedoms started to disappear…”

I purposefully did not identify the young man who made that remark because I’m sure he didn’t  think it through, which is something that all of do from time to time…
Anyway, I tend to think that we Americans began to lose our freedoms when so many of us developed the idea that our government was actually in charge of us, that by electing them to represent us, they somehow had become our bosses and gained the right to allow or deny whatever it was that we wanted to do…
“T’aint so, McGee!”  Molly...

Our country, such as it is, exists because a small group of Anarchists, realizing that they couldn’t fight the British government on their own,  joined forces under a contract that realized that some anarchic freedoms could not be allowed, ie; shouting fire in a crowded theater, just for an example…
Somewhere during the signing of that contract, hereinafter referred to as The Declaration of Independence, one of them made the remark that if they did not hang together, they would most assuredly hang separately!
Over the years, that basic contract has continued to stand…
What caused companies to seek other, more favorable climes (lower production costs eqals higher profits) was the ever-increasing regulations levied by our own government.  
As a country, we have seen the results of unfettered capitalism which, at the turn of the 20th Century, brought on necessary regulations but now we’re seeing the result of going too far in the opposite direction…(pendulum swings) 
Too many restrictive regulations not only cause companies to flee but often force smaller companies into bankruptcy or worse yet, stifle the entrepreneurship that made the USA the powerhouse that it was.
So, the young mans basic error was in assuming that our government is supposed to be in charge of us when, in fact, it’s the other way round...
Y’see, our Constitution states pretty specifically that our government is not allowed to impinge on our liberties, that the government works for us, not us for them…
In the old world (historically speaking for the educationally challenged) ie; europe, et al, countries were ruled by Monarchs, Dictators, Chancellors, ’n a plethora of Kings, great and small…a few countries had developed into parliamentary rule (think England) but the State owned everything and the people were subject to the State (think property rights)….
In this, considered The New World back then, our Constitution stated emphatically, We, the people…we own the property and the government is prohibited by Law from trespassing or otherwise interfering with us…
That’s a pretty simple statement yet it enforces the fact that our representative government works for us and not the other way round…
In the last few decades, our population has increased by leaps and bounds, many people coming from countries where the idea of private ownership of real property is prohibited except by the government and the people are subject to that government and their lifetime expectations of looking to the government was brought here with them.  
Sadly, the elitists among us, those masquerading as liberal progressives, have seized upon this component and used it, fairly successfully, it seems, to remake America into a country more in line with their own ideology (think socialist states like Sweden)…
In my opinion, what these people lack is the understanding that countries like Sweden (’n to a large part, most of europe) only exists because of being subsidized by capitalist countries like the USA…
Socialist government are, by their very nature, nothing more than Ponzi schemes, an inverted pyramid that must  collapse of its own weight at some point in time (witness all past efforts of such governments throughout history)…
In California, though it is not readily apparrent, our very own inverted pyramid is growing heavier almost on a daily basis~Our governor and legislature tell us how well we are doing, how unemployment is dropping, that prosperity is just around the corner, two or more cars in every garage (no gas) and a tofu chicken in every pot (if you have a pot left)…the Supreme Court says plans for a high speed rail (that only the wealthy can afford to use) can proceed…soon we’ll begin construction of tunnels under the fragile ecosystem of our Delta will transport water to our arid south (home of most of our unemployed) ’n the evil corporate farmers will have to make haste to start over in China or somewhere…
"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things; freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." Mark Twain

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I wanted to call this 'All hat 'n no cattle' but, as is often the case when my fingers do the walking, this posting took a different turn....

T’day ain’t really been a good day…’n truth to tell, it ain’t been what I’d call a really good week so whatever I manage to put down here in this little espistle prob’ly won’t ever see the light of day…that’s alright…might not see the dark of nite either…. Anyhow, like most other people who manage to make it into their dotage, I make it a habit to read the obits, not only here in the Sac papers but back home as well ’n truth be told, I pay more attention to the hometown papers than I do here in norCal because that’s where I get the news about my oldest ’n dearest friends... Me ’n my peers are getting older, seems like sometimes, by the minnit…’n they just keep on dying…one or two, now ’n then, all adds up, y’know….same thing for She who must be obeyed…just one of the perils of aging… Thing is, we all gotta go ’n someday, it’ll be my turn…’course, when that day comes, it’s gonna necessarily be someone else reading my obit…well, that’s my guess anyhow….I really don’t know… My friend, Marvin, sez he just wants to wake up dead some morning…’n it just might be that when we die, why we just naturally come fully awake for the first time in our lives ’n maybe, just maybe, we’ll get to read our own obits….just gotta hope whoever writes ‘em will be kind… When my friends go, I confess, it saddens me a bit but since I’m expecting it anyway, the biggest surprise is in finding out who it wuz this time… There’s a line in one of my fav’rit songs that goes…”as the days dwindle down to a precious few…” makes me think ever’ time one of us dies, the rest of us get t’be ‘the precious few’ ’n that in itself ‘ud be embarrassing ‘cept I got so old I don’t really get embarrassed by much of anything anymore…. ANYHOW…because it’s kind’a suspected, it ain’t my friends passing that saddens me so, nuh-uh! It’s when one of their children goes ’n though, as the old preacher use’ta say, none of us knows what lies beyond, so the young that pass go into the same unknown that the rest of us are bound for…what really saddens me when the young are called is the overwhelming grief of the parent left behind…. There are no words of comfort, no healing act of mercy, nothing that we can say or do at such a time….while it’s a fact that parents lose children, it just seems wrong that a parent should outlive any of their children…it just seems so very, very wrong!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Six of one, half dozen of the other...

“In due time…” Back in the year 2000, after a lifetime of thinking of m’self as a southern fried Democrat, I made a decision ’n renamed m’self as a (gasp) Republican… I tho’t about it a long time ‘fore I done it… My views hadn’t undergone any serious change, I considered m’self t’be relatively liberal in both tho’t ’n action… I wuz in complete agreement with the Civil Rights Act ’n even tho’t the much vaunted ‘War on Poverty’ wuz a good idea… Well, Hell, ‘course I ‘d think it wuz a good idea, having grown up ’n gone to school in Appalachia, the son of a coal miners daughter…I’d wandered my share of the hi-ways ’n by-ways of eastern Kentucky, sat in on various ’n sundry camp meetings ’n listened to the barbershop chats in more’n one ‘wide spot in the road’ designation that seem, even in this 21st Century, to characterize so many of the little towns ’n hamlets of the Kentucky mountains…. ANYHOW in the year, 2000, I’d had my fill of the progressive nonsense spouted by the Democrat politicians here in California that seemed t’be spreading throuhout the country, including D.C. Enough is enough, I tho’t ’n I changed my registration so’s I could vote for John McCain in the California primary… There is an awful lot in McCain’s life to respect…he wuz a little rowdy but he stood up well during his stay in The Hanoi Hilton ’n his refusal to ‘jump the line’ to get out because of the status of his daddy impressed me… I wuz less impressed with his actual campaigning…I understood that he didn’t want to get down in the dirt ’n grovel, didn’t want t’be known as just another mud-slinger…I understood that but, by God, I’ve had more’n my number of fights ’n win, lose, or draw, if you’re gonna be in a fight, you’re gonna get dirty… As a first-time Republican, I lost my vote as George W. turned out t’be pretty darn tenacious as a campaigner…That wuz alright, I didn’t mind George Bush, voted for him twice (in different elections, of course, no Democrat double voting for a born-again Republican)... The second time around for McCain , I took up the banner again, but while no one in the world would doubt that he could take a punch, why in hell didn’t he throw one occasionally…just damned embarrassing…. And I liked Romney…I liked the thought that he wuz more of a businessman than a politician…yeah, I knew he wuz Governor of Massawhatever but he didn’t have the sheen of the professional politician…But then, he wouldn’t fight either…turning the other cheek may be alright in a church but it’s a poor tactic in a fight... Thing is, I grew up a Democrat…’n not just a Democrat but a southern Democrat ’n one of the lessons I learned is that if you gotta fight, hit first, hit hard, ’n keep hitting until someone pulls you off….or, as wuz far too often in my youth, someone pulled the big SOB off me before he really hurt me….

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


As we strolled thru the village this morning under the normal cloudless norCal sky…(I wuz gonna say we sauntered but da boyz never ever saunter, they scamper, they frisk, they run full-tilt to the end of their leash, they make a lot of moves but they never ever saunter)… Ah well, it’s fall out here but if you wuz visiting from South Shore, Ky, you’d never know it…seasonal change is subtle here in norCal….the most distinct season being summer…y’know it’s summer when it’s just too durn hot ’n when ’n if it ain’t hot, it just might be winter…if it’s raining, you c’n be pretty sure it might be winter…that’s when we usually have rain but the last couple winters have been kind’a hard to tell ‘cuz we ain’t had a heckuva lot of rain ’n without rain, it’s pretty much like summer….Spring ’n Fall, you can pretty much tell ‘cuz that’s when we have the time change which kind’a messes with our body rhythms ’n gives working people an excuse for oversleeping…”I’m sorry, that damn time change has me confused. It won’t happen again until the next one.” So, Millyrose had the book club t’day, told me to take da boyz ’n go away…I asked her if we c’d come back ‘cuz you just never know these daze… A good time wuz had by ever’body (I guess, I wuzn’t there…me ’n Paul ’n da boyz went to In ’n Out ’n thence to the park where we dined on cheeseburgers ’n salty fries ’n sucked up co-cola thru a straw from large paper cups… I use’ta eat like that a lot but it’ud been awhile now since I had a meal quite that satisfying….big change from turkey ’n lettuce….hmmmmm… Can’t talk about p’litical stuff t’nite…just too damn much of it…Obama wuz right when he said the world just seems t’be spinning out of control…mostly, I think you can’t believe a word he says but t’give the devil his due, he’s right on target with that statement...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Once upon a time, dear children, pennies were actually made out of copper.....hence the term 'copper cent'...but maybe you never heard of that....

A recent FB discussion veered into the ‘minimum wage’ idiocy…’n yeah, I fully realize that calling it an idiocy comes under the heading of ‘name-calling’…. It ain’t rocket science, people, or even higher mathematics…basically, it comes down to grade school arithmetic, which, sadly in this modern day ’n age seems to be sumthin’ of a foreign language to the children of t’day…’n by children, I’m talking about that age group, 35 to 45, whose maturity level seems to have stalled somewhere around middle school… Even that reknown sage, Bill O’Reilly, supports a minimum wage of 10 to 15 dollars….I suspect that his rise to affluence has affected his brain cells and he really has become the ‘simple’ man that he brags about…. Not too long ago, one of the tone-deaf friends opined that ‘it must’a been nice living back in the ‘50s with the muscle cars when the price of gas wuz so low that gas mileage didn’t matter’….And that brings us to the crux of the matter, friends, gas mileage mattered just as much back then as it does t’day, maybe even more c’uz we didn’t have anything like the minimum wage in those halycon days of yore….when your job (if y’cud find one) paid .20 to .30 cents an hour, it took an hour or more to buy a gallon of gas….T’day, with the minimum wage around $7.00 an hour, that same hours work’ll buy you two gallons of gas….and that, according to the liberal hearts, is how minimum wage is supposed to work…. Only problem is, first ’n foremost, y’got to find yourself a job! I ain’t talking welfare benefits here but I don’t doubt that some airhead Democrat politician would love to buy gas for the disenfranchised if he can only find a way to hide it in the budget… ‘Cause what happens to a small business, a fast food or similar business, is when you raise the wages of the employees, you automatically raise the price of doing business ’n in order to keep their profit margin (if it ain’t satisfactory, you close up ’n go on welfare same as your employees) WHY, they’re forced to raise their prices which pretty effectively cancels out the raise in pay they were forced to give their employees… And that’s how the welfare government works…the one percenters work ’n make money, lots of money, so we’ll just take it from them ’n the rest of us won’t have to do anything except sit home ’n watch our big screen teevee’s…oh, ’n drink our oversized sodas that go so well with the starchy fast foods that we live on because it’s too demanding to learn how to cook for ourselves…. I could go on ’n on, I suppose, but it’s getting a little wordy ’n I’m just repeating m’self ad infinitum ad nauseum to an audience that won’t read it anyway ’n if they did manage to get through some of it, it would only raise their blood pressure ’n they’d call me an angry old white man who is just pissed off because they rule the country now….

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Satiday yawning.....

Tossed ’n turned all nite…up ’n down ’n lost my fight with the covers AND the pillows, tried to find my slippers in the dark ’n stepped on the olde poodle dog who wuz sleeping on them…finally drifted off early this morn only t’be awakened by the olde poodle dog ‘cuz he wanted a drink ’n tour of the south forty….it wuz raining, a soft, gentle rain that I tho’t felt pretty good but the olde poodle dog evidently decided that he didn’t like it so back in the house ’n back to bed only to rise again c’uz an old man’s prostate refuses t’be ignored….AND THAT’S WHEN I FIND THAT THE OLDE POODLE DOG FIGGERED OUT WHAT INDOOR TOILETS ARE REALLY FOR! Ah well,….time flies whether you have fun or not….Old name out’a the past surfaced t’day…Frank Bryson….Frank’s older’n me (his sister, Julia, is younger) altho I haven’t got a clue as to why that should make a difference or why it even popped into my head for that matter….anyhow, the last time I saw Frank, he wuz a slender, studious, red on the head young man with a reputation for being exceptionally brainy…he seemed to vanish immediately after he graduated from good ole Mckell ’n this is the first time I’ve heard of him since…Okay! I know…you don’t have to tell me…ever’one else in the whole durn world knew where he wuz ’n what he wuz doing except me…prob’ly c’uz I’ve always been too self-centered for my own good….I don’t think I ever tho’t of m’self as being self-centered, I just didn't seem to worry much about what the rest of the world wuz doing…I think that ever’one believes that the world spins around their own self ’n no one else…at least, when they’re young…when you arrive at your dotage, you’ll realize the incomprehensible ignorance of your own youth but you’ll just have to live with it….So the dogs pestered me ’til I walked up the street with ‘em…they wanted to go to the park but, for some reason, even tho’ it’s a perfectly nice day t’day, I feel incredibly weary ’n lethargic…hope I c’n get over it before it’s time for my afternoon nap…..

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Birthday boyo.....

The party’s over, it’s time to call it a day…. Ever’one went home with a care package ’n peace descends once again upon the Manor House…. Brother William did a truly reasonable facsimile of Mom’s Chocklit Cake ’n I have leftovers, thank the good Lord…I loved my Mother’s chocolate cake, it being every bit as addictive as crack cocaine…. Anyway, ever’one except son Dave was here (sorry about that, Dave ’n Kris)… A good time was had by all (or so they claimed)…they were spread throughout the manor house, snacking on snacks (not much else y’can do with snacks)…beer ’n soda ’n champagne for toasts ’n a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to me… Just want to say Thanks again for all the well wishes from family ’n friends and, God willing ’n the creek don’t rise, we c’n do it all over again next year…..

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Road Trip...

Beautiful day t’day for a trip to Santa Rosa, leaving the heat ’n the smoke from all the fires behind for awhile….zipped thru the morning traffic without a fault or flaw, maintaining that old right foot cruise control at 70 mph….we slowed a bit on the west side of Fairfield debating American Canyon or the almost finished Jameson Canyon road…in the end, we decided Jameson Canyon just becuz we hadn’t been that way for some time ’n wanted to see what progress had been made…. In the olden days (last year) the drive thru Jameson took about 20 or 25 minutes, depending on conditions (Our last trip, at the beginning of construction took over an hour)…Didn’t time it on the way down but it wuz fast…timed it on the way back, from the turn by N. Kelly Rd to the freeway at Red Top took ever’ bit of SIX MINUTES…. In contrast, had we gone by American Canyon, estimated time wud’a been 20 to 30 minutes… Anyhow, it’s been a longish day ’n I s’peck it’s an early nite for she who must be obeyed ’n m’self….. \

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September song.....

“It’s a long, long time from May to December ’n the days grow short when you reach September….”

Some days it’s easy to say a bunch of nuthin’…sort’a let my fingers do the talking…surprise m’self sometimes with what comes out….for example, yesti’day afternoon whilst we wuz on our 2nd S&P tour of the day, we passed what my neighbor calls a ‘flowr’ing quince’….ain’t nuthin’ but a crabapple bush that never has apples on it….but, right in the middle of the bush, wuz a big ol crabapple which I just had to pick…’n since I didn’t have anyone to throw it at, I stuck it in my pocket ’n brought it home…can’t eat it ’n it’s bound to end up in the garbage pretty soon but in the meantime, it’s sitting on the file cabinet next to the computer…
When I wuz a boy going to school at South Portsmouth, we use’ta have crabapple fights in what passed for a school playground back then…
Last time I looked, it wuz a rather small, not quite rectangular field in the hollow behind the school house but in my mem’ry, it wuz a whole lot bigger….we did a lot more than throw crabapples at each other, we use’ta play football…well, our form of football anyways, more like Rugby, I guess, than actual football…we kind’a lacked most of the necessary equipment for what most people here think of as football…well, except for the football itself…we had a reg’lar football…I don’t recall exactly how we chose up sides but they wuz almost always pretty near equal ’n we fought up ’n down the field ’til our lunchtime wuz over…I don’t remember anyone getting seriously hurt in our rough ’n tumble game…well, except for Roger Kilgore (Happy Birthday to you Roger)…he wuz at the bottom of the pile one day ’n came out with a broke leg…but  nobody got killed which sometimes happens t’day even tho’ kids t’day got all sorts of equpment, helmets ’n pads ’n knee pants ’n the whole nine yards but it seems t’be a much more dangerous game t’day with little kids risking life ’n limb ’n parents calling for an outright ban on football ’n other such barbaric games that little boys so dote on…..
I don’t really believe that children t’day are all that much different that what we were back in that long ago era that pre-dated video ’n computers ’n cell phones but, that could be, in my dotage, just living in an old man’s  reverie…..

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Things that go bump in the nite.....

Among other things…..

Dave ’n Kris are here….well, here ’n not here perzackly since they’re rushing around doing last minute things before leaving here in the middle of the night to catch their flight that will eventually take them to Oman (pronounced O-Mon for those of you in doubt but I personally think Oh Man!  with the exclamation point is prob’ly more apt given the present state of the world)….
I find that I have a tendency to become ‘snide’ lately…I apologize for my snideness, not sure where it comes from but dotage prob’ly has sum’thin’ t’do with it…that’s become my ‘go to’ excuse for durn near ever’thaing lately even tho’ I know full well that getting old ain’t a valid excuse for anything…
Well, the clan gathered to bid their farewell to Dave ’n Kris…gathered around the olde oaken table for a veritable feast of…beans ’n rice ’n tamales ’n fajitas ’n guacamole ’n other stuff, all washed down with Dos Equis ’n Tecate (they ain’t gonna get that in Oman)…
They’re planning on leaving here around 3:30 in the AM…
We got up at 3:00 in the AM to watch…well, most of you know what parents are like….they rolled out of the manse here in Olde Faire Oakes at 03:25 for the drive to SF International for their early morning flight to Dulles where they had sumthin like 45 minutes to catch their o’seas flight to…well, wherever it is that will eventually lead them to Oman….but, there is almost always the Old Murphy’s Law at work ’n the best laid plans o’ mice ’n men aft gang astray (so I’m told)….at any rate, the last word (at 9:30 or so this morn) finds them still at the aeroporto in Baghdad by the bay….
Anyhow, we wish them well on their stop ’n go journey….

Monday, August 25, 2014

A rose by any name...

Just musing on what seems t'be an ever-changing world.....

“Even old New York was once New Amsterdam,
why they changed it, I can’t say,
People just liked it better that way.
Istambul was Constantinople,
Now it’s Istambul, not Constantinople,
Why did Constantinople get the works,
That’s nobody’s business but the Turks…”

Son Dave is a traveling man…he’s flying in tomorrow for an o’nite stay ‘fore he flies out again, this time to Oman….when I wuz a boy, long ago in Beattyville, Ky, I had a teacher named Miz Fanny…she had her desk at the back of the room so if anyone turned their head to far to either the left or the right, she saw ’n acted immediately…sumtimes sooner…she wuz a sneaky old witch ’n every boy ’n girl in the 3rd ’n 4th grade wuz scairt of her (’n anyone who sez different is lying)…
Anyhow, one of the subjects that wuz mandatory in that long ago age wuz geography ’n we wuz supposed to memorize all them countries ’n be able to identify ‘em on a map where all the names had been covered….sort of like learning to type on a typewriter where all the keys are blank…(for ever’one who don’t recall typewriters, they’re sort of like a computer keyboard…for all those who don’t remember what a computer keyboard looks like…well, they keep sayin’ technology is wunnerful)….
Anyhow, not so long ago, son Dave wuz in Vietnam, in Ho Chi Minh City, going to a branch of Cambridge University…says it’s a very interesting place ’n he intends to return sometime ~ in the future ~ funny, but that’s what I said about the Grand Mesa in Colorado, among others that I never seem to be able to work into my scedule…
Ho Chi Mihn City use’ta be Saigon, well, since the 17th century anyway, ’n many of the South Vietnamese, at least those living in the USA, quite vehemently prefer Saigon ~ but, as we are so often reminded, the winners get to write history pretty much anyway they want...
Burma, which wuz really a big deal when I wuz a kid, what with the Brits getting their butt kicked pretty much all over the world (t’be fair, they were spread pretty durn thin) ’n then all the war news about The Burma Hump…’n, yes, I wuzn’ t very old ’n didn’t read all that much of the newspaper (much more innarested in the latest comix)…
The Portsmouth Times wuz a real newspaper back then ’n adults read the war news, ’n listened to war news on the radio, ’n talked about the war news (adults only since children were t’be seen ’n never heard at that time)…
There wuz usually a map on the front page denoting where we were ’n where the bad guys were ’n they was all strange names…Burma ’n Wake Island ’n Bataan ’n other hard to pronounce places were in all the adult conversations ’n yes indeed, little pitchers have big ears...
The Burman Hump wuz p’tick’larly puzzling to a little boy in Beattyville, Kentucky…I knew what a hump wuz, of course, but I think I wuz a little confused about what a Burma wuz…It sounded like a place but you could never be sure what adults were ackshully talking about…
Fortunately, there were news reels ’n movies ’n such but it wudn’t until I saw Burma on the big screen (in magnificent black ’n white, of course) ’n the announcer talked about the mountain range that separated Burma from China that I understood why they called it ‘The Hump’….
Anyway, t’day’s Burma is offically named Republic of the Union of Myanmar (dunno why Commies seem to like such complicated names) but to most of the world, the old world, anyway, it’s still Burma as it has been called that since…oh, the 9th century or thereabouts….
And Russia, oh good God, Russia has been Russia for…oh, hell, I don’t know how many years ’n I don’t want to look it up tho’ I suppose I could (9th century ’n named for a wildass group of nomads that called themselves, the Rus…well, makes sense then)... 
For awhile, the Commies renamed it the United Soviet Socialist Republic (long, complicated name again) but now, it’s back to just plain old Russia…unless Putin c’n pull it together again ’n I ain’t got a clue what name he’ll come up with if he gets t’be King or Tsar or Vlad the Bad….
And China, or if you prefer, The Peoples Republic of China, since 1949 anyway…Well, ever since Formosa became Taiwan ’n almighty China became the PRC ’n seems like everyone just has to start changing names that have served humankind pretty darn well for thousands of years, well, the ubiquitous ‘They’ say that the only true constant is change….howsumever, if you go to a Chinese restaurant ‘most anywhere in the world ’n order Peking Duck, you pretty much get Peking Duck ’n not Beijing Duck….I don’t know if that holds true in Beijing/Peking or not but if anyone would like me to personally check it out, I will be happy to accept donations to defray the expense of the trip…
Caused me to wonder, if the Germans had won World War II, would they have changed the names of Paris ’n London ’n what might todays world call them…
As King Mongkut of Siam said, “t’is a puzzlement.”