Saturday, July 31, 2010


This is a very short street....two blocks but one block is really an alley with no homes at all so we are really only one short block ‘n we’re the only house on this side of the street ....well, there is a house next door but the owner died a few months ago ‘n her children seem to have little or no interest in the property...I s’pect they’ll sell it one of these the meantime, the old house is deteriorating day by was built in 1900, the same as our house, ‘n by the same builders, at least according to old Mr. Beauchamp who used to live across the street....he told me he was a boy when the houses were being built ‘n his father was one of the workers....the Beauchamps ended up owning the property across the street and built two homes there...Mr. Beauchamp told me that when the last oak tree on his property died, so would he ‘n that’s exactly the way it happened...after Mr ‘n Mrs Beauchamp died, their son inherited the property ‘n promptly sold it’s changed hands a couple times ‘n now some developers own it ‘n I s’poze at some future date when the economy improves, they’ll build there....of course, given the state of the economy ‘n the scope of Obamas dream, that may never happen....
Anyways, what I was gonna point out at the beginning of this mish-mash, is that I have now become the oldest inhabitant of this little other words, I have seniority....’n that is something I never, ever thought would happen in any category.....

Reiteration is funny, it c'n make a cloudy day sunny....

In a blog titled 'Falling Chips' I stated that Obamas presidency was causing some folk to pine for the 'good old days of George Bush'....and I got a comment asking if I really, really missed the 'Village Idiot'...sooooo, I reiterate....
Obama has done so well as prez that he makes George W. Bush look good. And, yeah, I really, really said that.
Thinking people did point out to anyone that was capable of hearing that Obama was seriously lacking in experience, even less than Sarah Palin that so many in the media lambasted mercilessly. It's too bad that those members of the 'liberal' media couldn't have brought some of that attention to bear on Barack Obama.
George Bush will, I'm sure, go down in history as a mediocre president whose major claim to fame was that 9/11 happened during his tenure. On the other hand, Barack Obama will go down, not only as our first 'Black' president but, as the most divisive president in our nations history.
Of course, if Obama and/or 'his' liberal media get to reconstruct history as is their wont, his failed presidency will be George Bush's fault.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ROF 'n the constraints of time.....

In the ongoing saga of ‘stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive....’ an endeavor that provides an answer to the age-old question so often asked of Retired Old Farts (ROF) “What d’ya do with all that time now that you ain’t working?”
One: There are many answers depending on the time of day, how much (or how little) coffee has been consumed, the latest p’litical nooze out of DC, the latest p’litical nooze out of Sacramento, whether or not you’ve seen the g’children lately, whether the weather is too hot or too cold ‘n a whole lot of other factors including the state of one’s health.....Now as you might imagine, ‘n p’tickly if you’ve ever seen a sit-com where all people over the age of 40-something (not including the ‘starz’ of course who are very careful t’keep their true age secret in the (vain) hope that we (the viewers) won’t really notice that they’re getting much too long in the tooth to continue playing (gasp) twenty-somethings)....getting back, anyone in a sit-com who is over the age of 40-something or is portraying someone over the age of...well, y’know what I mean....’n the writers all write the same lines for them... all about their aches ‘n pains, their medications, their operations, how they plan their dinner dates in the early afternoon so they won’t miss Jeopardy ‘n the really big one....THEIR OPERATIONS!
Which just shows t’go you that art imitates life imitating art ad infinitum, ad nauseum....
Which is prob’ly a good thing for the nations highways ‘n byways cuz you can’t go gollylagging all over the country when you got Dr. appointments.....well, that ‘n the high cost of diesel....’n the hundred ‘n forty bucks an hour the RV shops charge for labor rates....but mostly it’s the time frame inbetween doctor appointments that don’t leave enuff time to gallivant ‘n gallivanting ain’t nearly as much fun if you’re under time constraints.....
So, what it is, is that I had an appt with the eye doc t’day....well, one of my eye docs....’n it seems that if you live long enuff, you’re gonna get cataracts ‘n I got some...
‘n the one that’s been lurking in the right eye was evidently emboldened by the steroid shot that I had in that p’ticklar eye a couple months ago ‘n went ‘n got all buffed up ‘til it’s reached the point that I have t’do something about ‘round ‘n about the end of August, I’m gonna have it’s an out-patient thing, sort of a here a snip, there a snip, go home ‘n take a nap for a couple days...come t’think of it, that’s right up my alley anyway.....

Monday, July 26, 2010

Falling chips.....

Interesting how less than two years of Obamas hope 'n change has America pining for the 'good ol days' of Geo. Bush.
C'mon folks, we all know the enormity of the problem that confronted the Bush administration.
The huge cost of war exacerbated by worldwide profiteering pushed us down the road toward an impossible position between a rock ‘n a hard place.
The 'Tax 'n Spend' philosphy of the Democrat controlled Congress has taken us over the brink.
We suffer under too much government, too much taxation, and too much regulation.
I don't know how many of you have noticed, but Obamas sweeping changes come not from Congress and voter approved legislation but from additional and unwarranted regulation.
Our rising unemployment (in excess of 20%, not the 9% claimed) is the end result of over-regulation, hidden taxes, 'n the growing bureaucracy. Y'might say the Europeanization of America.
We have given away our manufacturing capability in favor of 'Made in China' products.
Our unions, which far too many people still blindly believe in have helped to drive our jobs away.
Countries that receive billions in aid from us are thriving as we founder.
Obamas Congress borrows trillions to provide our unemployed with welfare disguised as 'unemployment benefits'.....there seems no end to our culpability putting the lie to Lincoln's "You can't fool all the people all the time."
Evidently, you can!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A quest for sanity.....

T’is the quietest of Sunday mornings as I sit here watching the computer clock tick off the seconds as they pass.....reminds me of all the clocks counting down the seconds until the turn of the century ten years ago...
There were some who swore the world was coming to an end, that the millenia somehow marked the end of humankind on this spinning blue ball we’re riding....
I saw a scientific article (not that I have any great faith in science) that the deep-space camera had revealed a large number of earthlike planets in our expanding view of the universe.....English is such an imprecise language...
one of the articles I read said that we have a lot more universes than we ever imagined....I suspect that’s a case of good, better, ‘n best where something is good but better is gooder ‘n best is goodest ‘n it don’t get any better than that.....ah well, the hunt for superlatives is a never-ending quest....
We are inundated with superlatives on the telly ‘n the ‘net...we have a plentitude of magnificence in the tawdry world of advertising where ‘nothing was ever as great as the product of the moment but we’re coming out with a new and improved version of it tomorrow.....Once upon a time in the long, long ago (well, maybe not that long ago) there was a bar, a saloon really, out on Franklin Blvd in south Sacramento called ‘Club Four’...I don’t know that the name had any great significance but I imagine it had least, to the owner....I’ve forgotten his name altho’ at the time I considered him t’be a friend ‘n we had many long ‘n serious discussions about his hometown of Chicago ‘n the relative merits of beer.... particularly Chicago brews versus California brews..... He was fond of the heavier brews of Chicago (higher alcohol content) and he seven percent beer shipped to him from a back home relative....if the bar was empty during one of our conversations, he would go into the back room ‘n return with uncapped bottles of seven percent Stroh’s beer from Chi-town....but I digress (not unusual) as I was talking about tomorrow....there was a huge banner hanging over the bar at the Club Four that read, “Free beer tomorrow!”.....’n of course, tomorrow is always tomorrow ‘n you can’t ever get there from here.....I’m just sayin’.......

Friday, July 23, 2010

justinother p'litical rant.......

Sometimes I just can’t help m’self ‘n it comes bubbling out.....I just saw POTUS on the teevee explaining how he just signed a bill that’s gonna save the poor but honest Homesteaders from the rampaging Cattle Barons...oops, I mean he personally stopped the evil Republicans from stopping unemployment payments to the poor but honest Democrat working men ‘n women....He (POTUS) also signed a bill making it illegal for the government to continue breaking the law by writing checks to people ‘n institutions that aren’t supposed to get them...’n by making it against the law to break the law, he’s gonna cut those ‘illegal payments’ in half....
I gotta stop now, I think I’m getting a headache......

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't tread on me......

So, I was just thinking.....what, exactly are ‘liberal values’.....I mean, as opposed to ‘conservative values’....
The Democrat ‘n Republican parties seem to be at polar opposites.....whatever one is for, the other is against....
seems kind of childish but, after all, t’is politics.....but what about real people ‘n real values....If I, as a conservative, value human dignity, does that mean that self-identified liberals don’t.....If I value truth, do liberals value lies? That doesn’t make any sense at all...
So here’s my list of values:
I place a high value on truth. I’ve seen and experienced the damage that a simple lie can effect and, as a result, aver that truth, no matter how painful in the moment is less painful in the end.
I believe in the rule of law. Again, I’ve seen and experienced the damage of injustice.
I believe in the responsibility of self. Every action has a consequence. Quoting Baretta, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”
I believe in charity and the karma that comes from helping someone in need. I believe that ‘what goes around, comes around.’ I’ve seen the good that comes from people helping people.
I believe in the efficacy of prayer.
I’m finding, in this list, that I believe in a great many things, so many in fact, that I hesitate to go on. I don’t believe that these values are of a conservative or liberal bent, but more likely just plain old basic human stuff.
Oh, and from a strictly conservative point of view, I don’t believe in having a government tell me what time I should go to bed or get up in the mornings; nor shall it tell me how often I should eat or what I should eat. It is not government business to tell me that I’m too fat or too skinny. Whether I smoke or drink or eat fattening foods is nobodys business but my own. I don’t understand why someone who favors abortion can oppose the death penalty. I oppose government interference in anybodys personal life. I’m pro-marriage but I don’t give a damn who or what someone else may marry. I don’t care what my neighbor does so long as he has enough respect not to step on my toes while he’s doing it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Remind me to tell you some day......

“There y’go again.” Ronald Reagan

Quoting m’daughter who was quoting someone else, I’m sure...”The ability to quote is a good substitute for wit.”
That said, I wuz thinkin’ agin, mainly cuz I can’t get to sleep, about all the quotes I’ve used over the years....I try always to identify who or where I’m quoting from but I don’t always remember (Been known to sumtimes think I made it up m’self)....t’nite I wuz reminded that an awful lot of the quotes come from the Bible....I spect in the Jewish world, a lot of quotes come from the Talmud ‘n in the Islamic world, when they c’n get past the Allahu Akbar nonsense, they prob’ly quote a lot from the Koran (or Quran or whatever else they might be calling it)....
Also, y’get a lot of quotes from Shakespeare albeit sumtimes unknowinly....I still remember seeing a Shakespeare play as a teenager (a movie of one of his plays ackshully) ‘n being surprised that so much of the dialogue was familiar t’me just from daily speech... not all that surprising when y’consider that the lowly ‘n disdained hillbilly jargon that the elititist show bizness people made so much fun of wuz basically the language of Shakespeare ‘n hillbillies prob’ly wouldn’t have had any trouble understanding the actors at the original Globe Theatre of Shakespeares time.....(I’m just sayin....”)
Anyways, if I can’t identify something as having come from the Bible or Bill Shakespeare, I find that it usually came from Mark Twain or Will Rogers (both of whom, I believe, were voracious readers ‘n inclined t’take credit for whatever issued from their mouths)....
I began this little discourse with a quote from Ronald Reagan who was famous for quoting old movie lines, so much so, in fact, that he sometimes confused old movie plots with real life but, what the heck, somebody once famously said, “Art imitates life imitating art.”....or vice versa.....
Obama who is famous for being a great orator (altho’ I for one don’t see it) has yet to say anything memorable, other than ‘hope ‘n change’ that is ‘n Sarah Palin made that line more memorable than Obama....y’know, for a great orator, he sure has trouble explaining himself to reg’lar folk....which reminds me of an old movie wherein that great character actor, Walter Slezak, said, “Why should the little people have to think for themselves when they have great minds to think for them?”
I dunno, I’m just sayin......

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Possibilities.....(the argument against AZ 'n other things)

I don’t think I c’d handle affluence very well...not that I’m ever likely to have the chance but, I’m just sayin’....
What brought this to mind was a scene in an old movie where the hero was spreading caviar on a cracker ‘n preparing to wash the ‘hull thing down with a glass of champagne....not that I don’t like champagne....well, I used to like it back in the, it’s the tho’t of eating those little black fish eggs....or the cheaper red least, I think the red is cheaper than the black but honestly I have no way of knowing since caviar has never been a part of my diet.....
I dunno, maybe I'm beginning to understand Obamas' tactic of dealing with our immigration problem...IF he bankrupts the USA and sends all our jobs to other countries, then we'll be poor and people in other countries won't want to immigrate to the US....a really simple solution....if nobody wants to come here, we won't have the problem....I don't know why I didn't see this before now..
my fault, I spoze, for having been born a hillbilly....

Monday, July 19, 2010

When I grow up.....

I was watching that commercial again, y’know the one, all those old people saying what they want’a be when they grow up.....I told Millyrose that I want’a be a curmugeon when I grow up ‘ n she told me I already I looked it up....the word, I mean.....”a angry or surly person”.....I don’t think I c’n do it...Oh, I c’n get grouchy for a little bit but I can’t stay that way ‘n I ‘m almost never surly which translates as “bad-tempered and unfriendly”....too much Smith, I mother, on the other hand, could be curmugeonly at times....I expect it was a bit of that dark Irish soul that was buried somewhere in her psyche ‘n no doubt had its roots in The Bradshaw.....Mom never talked much about the Bradshaws....didn’t seem to like ‘em all that much...
said the old man had a brogue so thick that she couldn’t understand much of what he said....anyways, when the temper was upon her, she’d cloud up like a summer storm in the mountains ‘n rain on everybodys parade....
fortunately, her storms didn’t last too awful long, at least not long enuff for her to be a successful curmugeon ‘n I suffer from much the same Smith curse....I just can’t seem to stay angry long enuff to be a really good curmugeon (sighhhhh...lack of talent, I suppose)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Huh? Did I miss sumthin'.....

Will Rogers said, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”

Obama could take some advice from Old Will....Heck! At this point in time, Obama could take some advice from darn near anyone ‘n he’d do better than he is right now..
‘course, Obama has a monster ego....Shoot, he wrote two autobiographical memoirs before he was thirty years old...could be that a lot of our problems in this old US of A is that we common folk just don’t understand his vision of what we’re supposed to be....I mean, he keeps talking ‘n explaining ‘n I find m’self scratching my head ‘n saying “Huh?”

Innarestin’ juxtaposition in t’days Bee....Paul Krugman sneering at tax cuts for the wealthy ‘n Barbara Boxer explaining how tax breaks for small bizness will help the economy.....

During the famous ‘Run for the rose garden’ that saw a historic ‘first’....the election of ‘a black man’ to the Presidency, I kept telling liberal friends ‘n fam’ly members that Obama was a liar....The universal response to that allegation was, “George Bush lied!” or “Bush ‘n Cheney lied us into the Iraq war.” I pointed out that those allegations were unproven and that, indeed, the Democrats controlled the House ‘n the Senate ‘n there were enough enemies of Bush ‘n Cheney to impeach both of them...ah, if only the allegations could be proven.....
Didn’t make any difference to the raving mob however, the blood-lust was upon them....
Now, to quote that poor, stupid, really, really dumb cow of a traitor to womanhood, that pathetic piece of Alaskan trash that had the temerity to actually run for the office of vice-President, Ms Sarah Palin, “How’s that hope ‘n change workin’ out for ya?”
Obama lied during his run for the Presidency ‘n he has lied as President. He seems almost pathological about it, lying in the face of proof.
One of his lies during his run was about taxes....Poor people weren’t going to have to pay taxes. Only the rich would be taxed. No one, no family that earned less than 250 thousand dollars a year would see a tax increase...
Sixteen days into his Presidency, he broke that promise.
He has spent more money than the treasury has, he has spent more money than the country is able to borrow ‘n he evidently sees no reason to slow his rate of spending just because the USA is approaching bankruptcy. It’s almost as though that has been the intention from the very beginning.
He has deliberatly dragged his feet throughout the ordeal of the BP oil spill ‘n he’s refusing to do anything about our illegal immigration policy.
Obama is a big fan of unions ‘n union policy. I worked for a few years at the Roseville Rail Yard. Railroad unions are forbidden by federal law from striking without permission. Work slowdowns are also prohibited ‘n can result if being fired. One of the engineers (nameless, of course) advised me that they didn’t have to strike or organize a slowdown, all they had to do was follow the book of union rules concerning their particular job ‘n the trains simply would not run. I personally saw this self-same engineer sit on an engine for twelve hours without ever moving the train so much as a foot. The previous engineer on that train had done exactly the same ‘n the engineer that followed did the same for 3 or 4 hours until the Southern Pacific ceded the point, at which time the train left the yard in less than five minutes.
I think that’s exactly what the Obama administration has been doing during the BP oil spill in order to make a political point about the dangers of drilling for oil in America. Of course, Obama doesn’t have a problem with loaning taxpayer monies to a George Soros company that wants to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil......I’m just sayin’........

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gettin' old ain't for wusses (pt.2)..update..

I ain't at all sure what exactly happened 'cause I'm getting all this 2nd hand (maybe 3rd hand) but it seems that when the Deacon got into it with the State Trooper 'n got hisself transported to the Greenup County Gaol where a minor disagreement with the Gaoler ensued, somebody called in one of them liberal people-person to question his 'state of mind'.....which resulted in the Deacon being placed on a 72 hour hold in the Greenup County think tank...after 3 days of prison food, his blood sugar was way out of whack (actually illegal in most of the country) 'n his blood pressure was on a deep space mission, all of which resulted in a week long stay in an actual hospital....Boy, I'll tell'ya, life may not be easier when you're young, but it don't hurt as much....

Gettin' old ain't for wusses (pt.2)......

So, the Deacon went t’ seems that he had a little contretemp with a couple diputatious neighbors, Ratliff ‘n Hunt, one of whom threatened to ‘kick his ass’...well, the disputatious neighbor is a young man in his thirties ‘n the Deacon is almost seventy...I ain’t saying that the young man is stupid for threatening a much older man but obviously he ain’t the brightest bulb in the string cuz when old guys get too old to fist-fight, they tend to seek out a little help from Smith and/or Wesson....or maybe, Col. Colt or one of them fellows...Will Rogers said that you should never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco ‘n that’s a lesson usually learned in the school of hard knocks (life experience for the younger set)....anyways, it seems t’be an on-going feud ‘n I would’a tho’t that the Deacon ‘ud know better than to argy with boneheads but y’never know when it comes to old guys...sometimes, y’just get lost in that time-space continium thing ‘n somebody pushes a button ‘n you’re off ‘n running without knowing why...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gettin’ old ain’t for wusses.....

Went to a fam'ly reunion over the Fourth...had fun but seemed like all the kids are getting older...not sure how that happened but as I always say, "Time flies whether you have fun or not!"....All the kids are middle-aged now 'n all of their kidz were really cute 'n we enjoyed the day a lot but when one of the kids ('n I ain't sayin' who it was) packed up 'n left the picnic to go home 'n take her grannynap....ah well, gettin' old ain't for wusses.....
Went t’see the eye doc t’day....met an affable couple in the waiting room who live in Sun City...told us how nice it was to live with people their own age, then told us that eleven people on their block died last week....guess ev’ry paradise has its drawbacks.....
Anyways, back to the eye doc, a couple weeks ago, Doctor T gave me a steroid shot in the old eyeball to reduce some swelling...that was the 2nd time I had ‘THE SHOT’ and it wasn’t quite as scary as it was the first don’t really hurt, y’know, it’s more the tho’t of the thing, eye open wide, the needle coming in, etcetera....well, it knocked the swelling down ‘n improved the vision in my right eye last year, so this year we did it knocked the swelling down just like last year but with a kicker...this time the steroids worked like a vitamin B12 shot for the cataract that has been lurking, in a few weeks I get t’go see the other eye doc to find out when they’re gonna cut the cataract out....
I swear, if it ain’t one thing, it’s the other.....

The future ain't carved in stone.....

The ‘Federal Guvmint’ is suing the sovreign State of Arizona for passing a law to protect their border from an unwarranted ‘n unwanted invasion from Mexico. The reasons given for this lawsuit is that the protection of the border is Federal responsibility ‘n Arizona doesn’t have the right to enforce federal law that the federal guv’mint don’t want enforced anyway....’n of course, enforcement of the Arizona law might lead to racial profiling even tho’ the Arizona law absolutely forbids it.... course, one of the problems is that the Federal Government under the Obama Administration has refused for unstated reasons to enforce the Federal Law regarding border security thereby forcing the State of Arizona to live with what is increasingly an armed invasion from the country of Mexico...Our enlightened government seems to be against curtailing this invasion much as they seem to be against the State of Israel protecting themselves from the armed invasion of Arabs who have vowed to destroy Israel. Now, I’m not saying the invading Mexicans actually want to destroy the state of Arizona as the Muslim world seeks the destruction of Israel...Nah! First, y’got an awful lot of citizens of Mexico just trying to flee the war zone of the border states in, even with our failing economy (thanx in large part to Obama’s mgmt) there is still more opportunity in North America than south of the border down Mexico way...’n of course, there is always the possibility that if they get up here ahead of immigration reform, why they’ll just get assimilated ‘n become good little Democrats...
which may well be the whole basis of the Obama Theorem! .....ah well, knowing the past is helpful in predicting the future but it ain’t carved in stone....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Et tu, Brute.....

Y’know, the tax ‘n spend liberals don’t really have a clue...Paul Krugman just published an article favoring extended unemployment benefits ‘n damning conservatives for being against it....”It’s a good thing” he says, unconsciously quoting Martha Stewart, I suppose...’n of course, unemployment benefits are a good thing, at least they’ve been a good thing for as long as I c’n remember...but the fact is, that unemployment benefits were able to be paid only because workers were taxed by the essence, the worker paid for his (or her) own benefits while working....A good thing, because as ‘worker bees’ we didn’t have the necessary smarts to save some of our own money for the lean times so the elite ‘know betters’ did it for us....and in the ebb ‘n flow of normal times, the system worked wonderfully...well, it worked wonderfully for some, not so wonderful for others but it, however, it ain’t normal, it’s another ‘great’ depression....’n I say great depression becuz that’s what it is becoming with all our government help...that’s exactly how the last great depression got to be a ‘great’ depression also...with a lot of government help...the elitist liberals still tout FDR as a great president ‘n in years to come, I spect they’ll tout Barry Obama as a ‘great’ president but the truth of the matter is that all FDR did was play the ancient Roman game of ‘bread ‘n circuses’ for the mob ‘n that’s pretty much what ‘bama is doing as well...
that’s prob’ly what’s behind his ‘immigration policy’ as well...create a mob, give ‘em welfare (healthcare ‘n unemployment benefits paid for by someone else) ‘n make ‘em all Democrats that’ll keep Obama ‘n his posse in power, a twentyfirst century Caesar, f’sure, f’sure.....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Yankee Doodle.....

Back in the valley heat again, back from the weekend travails...the annual Fourth of July fam’ly reunion in Santa Rosa, begun by ‘n perpetrated to this very day by J.P.Polen who yet wears his ‘70’s pornstar ‘stache ‘n does it with great panache if I do say so ‘n I do say so m’self ‘cuz it’s my blog....anyways a great time was had by all...
or so they all professed ‘n I for one choose to believe ‘em....Spring Lake is a good place to spend the 4th of July even if the ol swimming hole is polluted by those damn Canadian geese...didn’t seem to bother the kidz but I’m old ‘n of fragile health ‘n temperament ‘n just ain’t into flirting with some unknown illegal immigrant infection...See, historically we’ve never ever dealt with an infestation of geese...former generations of Americans use’ta shoot ‘em ‘n eat ‘em...’course, the geese knew that ‘n didn’t stick around but t’day, they’re enjoying the protection of various ‘n sundry governments ‘n the simpleminded teevee generation that grew up watching Flipper, etcetera....
Anyways, here’s another quote from Mr. Rogers (Will, not the sweater ‘n sneakers guy)....”Good judgment comes from experience ‘n a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” Maybe that’s why so many liberal dems keep talking about Jerry Brown...
his judgment during his governorship was so bad that you can trace most of Californias fiscal problems directly back to his administration. You can look it up.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The moon is made of green cheese.....

I wuz just listenin’ to Prez ‘bama sayin’ as how he couldn’t enforce border law cuz we just had too much border.....I wonder if California’d quit enforcing traffic laws cuz we got too much traffic...
Maybe Obama c’d take some advice from Will Rogers....”If you’re riding ahead of the herd, y’should take a look back ev’ry now ‘n then t’make sure it’s still there.”

So many of my liberal friends complained about George Bush being a liar...They seemed to blame him for ev'rything up to 'n including the weather...I mean, it had to have been his fault when Katrina hit New Orleans...'n it didn't matter what he said, he was a liar...they durn near got apoplectic yelling "Liar, liar, pants on fire." plumb boring after a while....I tried pointing out that if it could be proved that Bush lied, why that was against the law 'n was an impeachable offence...'N that he had enough political enemies that he would have been prosecuted....BUT that didn't didn't happen because they couldn't prove seemed to be enough for them to just call him a liar...which was a classic lie in itself....the old maxim: Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it. Well, unthinking people will believe it. And they still insist, without a shred of evidence to back up their claim, that Bush lied. And if you point out that Obama lies, sometimes on a daily basis, and often contradicts himself in the same speech, they won't believe it. Even when you offer them proof. I swear, it boggles the brain that seemingly intelligent people can't look at Obama in his new clothes 'n realize that the man is naked.
Ah well, have a glorious 'n safe Fourth of July!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Fourth of July is comin soon to a town near you

Gibbs Rule #51.......”Sometimes you’re wrong!”

“Of course, he was given to exaggeration.

The Fourth of July is durn near on us....June went flying by like a cat with a firecracker affixed to its was here ‘n gone so fast that I’m sure some people didn’t even notice it at all...’course, you understand that some people don’t notice anything at all unless it’s all about their own personal selves...
Our President in name only, Mr. Obama, seems to be one of those kind of people...we’re two ‘n a half months into the BP oil spill ‘n he’s still hemming ‘n hawing ‘n what’s worse is, he’s got a ‘hull lot of people that work for him that are hemming ‘n hawing also...what I mean is, whenever somebody shows some initiative ‘n tries t’do something about the spill, his people seem t’be trying their darndest to tie everything up with government red tape so nuthin’ much gets done....Now, I heard some rabble rouser claiming ‘way back at the beginning of the spill that Obama engineered it ‘n didn’t want to stop it so’s he could use it as an excuse for a permanent moratorium on drilling for oil...I, of course, didn’t believe that at all...well, for one thing he simply couldn’t have engineered the explosion that killed all those men...that was an accident...maybe it was an accident that was waiting to happen because BP cut some corners, I don’t know, that’ll have to wait for a court of inquiry at some future date but, what I do know, what is becoming painfully obvious, is that Mr. Obama is using the oil spill for his own political ends...Much the same way that he has fomented dispute over the Illegal Immigration Law in Arizona to push his political agenda of amnesty for all the illegal aliens currently residing in our country.
Mr. Obama has proven himself to be a political animal in the Chicago mode. And speaking of the Chicago mode, Mayor Daley has already begun the process of circumventing the Supreme Courts handgun ruling. Kudos to the Dems....T’is always open season in Chicago when you’re connected....
Of course, if you get un-connected like Blago, you can kiss your ass goodbye...