Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday morning S&P 'n other drivel....

Hotting up t’day for our morning S&P tour of Olde Faire Oakes (sumwhat enamored of ‘e’ t’day, dunno why)…
Anyhow, t’is warm ’n gonna get warmer, so the ubiquitous ‘they’ say ’n I tend to b’leeve ‘em cuz Sackamenna summers do kind’a lend themselves to the hotter side…
People out early t’day, walking their dogs or vice versa, sumtimes hard to tell who’s in charge of the leash but when it comes to picking up dog poop, it ain’t ever the dog what picks it up…..
Son Dave has the 150 while he’s in town so yestiday we loaded ten 60lb bags of concrete mix into the belly of the Matrix ’n drove ever so slowly homeward, concientiously avoiding the potholes, of which there are many these days, much thanks to the Demo legislature ’n their time-honored practice of robbing Peter to pay Paul…not too long ago, I head Governor Moonbeam decrying the condition of California streets ’n highways…I guess he’s forgot that it wuz under his first administration that they decided that the public needed more mass transit ’n fewer automobiles which wuz their stated reason anyway, for letting the upkeep of those said highways ’n byways slide…Mass transit doesn’t seem to work all that well out here on this left coast but, I guess that’s another story…
Ah well, I like Jerry Moonbeam well enuff, he ain’t the worst governor we’ve ever had here in the Golden State….’n just for the record, Arnie wudn’t the worst either….we’ve had some lulu’s out here…we didn’t come by the sobriquet, Land of fruits ’n nuts by accident ’n calling southern California, La-La Land is a home-grown epithet…no surprise there….
Now, being from the commonwealth of Kentucky, as I am ’n make no bones about it, I’ve still been in California durn near long enuff to be considered almost a native which qualifies me, in my own estimation, of course, the allowance to make fun of our ever more left leaning coast (if we have a BIG earthquake that drops California into the wide Pacific, we’ll have both a left coast ’n a right ’n that’ll drive our politicians even more nutz than they already are)…
Anyway, since it appears that digress ’n drivel seem t’be my words of the day, I’m gonna hop into the Matrix ’n take a wee drive to Sloughouse, Davis Ranch, ackshully, for more corn ’n ‘maters for the fridge….happy daze to all…..

Monday, July 21, 2014

"Old dogs 'n children 'n watermelon wine".....The Bard of Olive Hill, Ky, Mr. Tom T. Hall

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And, if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”  Mark Twain

So, I wuz chided, ever so gently, about my dearth of blogs over the last few weeks…I c’n truthfully say that it wudn’t my first rodeo having been chided more times than I c’n count, but hardly ever for a dearth of words…why, in my mis-spent youth, I s’pect I wuz chided on a daily basis ’n often enuff, multiple times on that same daily basis…’course, over the years, the chiders tend to leave you alone as there are always more ’n younger offenders to chide…
Anyhow, I had to admit that I have been sumwhat remiss the last few months, certainly not blogging anywhere near a daily basis ’n even more to the point where I ain’t even been blogging on a weekly basis….
That said, I really didn’t think that anybody had ackshully noticed so when I wuz chided, I found m’self being a little bit flattered, only a little bit, mind you becuz ever’ time I get to patting m’self on the back, Karma steps in ’n straightens me out….
So, here goes a quick run-down
Friday evening dinner with Billananigan followed by theater in the park…can barely believe that I ackshully sat thru a performance(?) of The Brain from Planet X (not for children but certainly funny for childish adults) AND then the very next day a birthday party at THE  ZOO, also with Billananigan in attendance ’n it wuz a 70th birthday at that…AND the next day, a birthday party for a four year old which, if you happen t'be a devotee of real birthday parties which I just happen to qualify for, in part because of my advanced age but mostly becuz I had the good fortune, due to four children 'n their friends which allowed me to memorize the song, Happy Birthday...
Anyhow, the hostess had been planning the event for some time 'n dreading it a little becuz the forecast wuz for triple digit weather but turned out coolish ’n damp thanks to the southwestern monsoon which kind’a sneaked up from Arizona…I blame Angela Crangela for that but ackshully enjoyed it…nice change of pace here in norCal….
T’day wuz kind’a like return to normal….a couple S&P’s with da boyz, just another pleasant day here in Olde Fair Oakes….

“The best information comes from children for they tell all they know ’n then stop.” Mark Twain

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Satiday, in the park...I think it wuz the 5th of July....

1. Never make an enemy unnecessarily!
2. You should never waste good karma on fools!
3. The old folks use’ta say that honesty is the best policy and I tend to prefer good policy over bad…’course, that’s a conservative thing so liberals might tend to disgree...

There’s an old, old saying that one should never discuss politics or religion; And I’ve been ackshully surprised to learn that a lot of people not only say that but they actually (see, I c’n spell it after all) practice what they preach….sumtimes, the world is just a dumb-founding place but since there don’t seem t’be a lot of options, well….what’re ya gonna do???
I don’t really discuss religion a lot…I’ve given up on trying to explain that Creationism ’n Evolution are just two sides of the same coin…nowadays, when I get someone who insists that Creationism is for redneck dummies who don’t understand science, especially the science that proves that Evolution trumps all ~ why, I just axe ‘em how in the world anything that wuz never created in the first place manage to evolve….
Anyway, I just hold that Creationism is how you explain the world to children ’n the theory of Evolution is how you explain it to hormone-driven teenagers ’n what comes after, well, I’d just like to hear that story while I’m still looking at the green side of the sod…
I like discussing politics but it gets harder ’n harder because…well, it seems that the liberals just don’t really have the heart for it anymore ’n if you point out sumthin’ that they don’t like, they just scream ’n call names ’n I swear to God that George Bush just cudn’t be responsible for ever’ damn thing that’s gone wrong in this, our Twenti-First Century…not even with the able help of Dick Cheny…it ain’t humanly possible….
Anyway, I wuz recalling two of my favorite people of the last century: William Buckley ’n Gore Vidal, two of the most erudite arguers of their time ’n two men whose intellect wuz so far above mine that I cud’a maybe got out an ‘uh’ or possibly a ‘gah’ but, Lordy, I would’a liked to have tried….
Anyhow, this reverie wuz brought on by the fact that I had to un-friend someone recently…I didn’t p’tick’ly want to but she kind’a insisted so I had no choice...

Happy Birthday to Jim 'n Kit