Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kid's t'day......

“So, what’s the matter with kids t’day?” Paul Lynn in Bye Bye Birdie.....

So, not too aw’fly long ago, we went t’see a junior high production of ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’....ackshully, we went twice’t....first time wuz with Kellye ‘n da gurlz ‘n the second time, we took Francisca who drove up from SoCal for the event....don’t want’a brag on Gina but Kellye ‘n da gurlz were calling her Genius Smith stead’a Gina ‘n Gina wuz, well....basking in the glow of familial praise.....
Over the years, we’ve been to a number of her productions ‘n I still manage to be amazed at how much fun they are ‘n how much talent there is in junior high school.....I swear, kids t’day make the kids of yesterday seem like......well, kids!

The Sestak Gambit, part 2.....

Still in the news....the 'Obama Administration' is still passing it off as politics as usual, nuthin' to bother about, no big deal, ev'rybody duz it....'n y'know, it prob'ly is 'politics as usual'...but, as you may recall, this was the administration that was gonna do it different, gonna do it better, gonna be honest 'n aboveboard, gonna do away with backroom deal 'n bring transparency to government...."This little light o' mine, we gonna let it shine....."Well folks, the Chicago Machine has made it to Washington, D.C. and it's politics as usual...backroom deals, graft, payoffs, it's the Teapot Dome all over again, circa 2010.....the Democrat mantra of 'Vote early 'n often' is in play here....along with, of course, voter intimidation..witness the Black Panthers with clubs standing outside a polling place, caught on camera, shown on national television (well, Foxnews anyway) but somehow there's not enough evidence to prosecute..."Hellfire!" as my old daddy use'ta say...Holder will never have enuff evidence to prosecute anyone in the Black Panthers or the SEIU! Politics as usual, my friends...Chicago politics anyway.....I wonder how my old friends in Kentucky, the Yellowdog Democrats as E.V. calls 'em feel about Obama now....Oh yeah, if anyone doesn't know the term 'Yellowdog Democrat' means they'd vote for a Yellow Dog if it ran on the Democrat ticket.....

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Sestak Gambit....

I ‘uz just thinkin’.....

The Sestak Gambit.....A simple explanation for the simple-minded me....The Obama administration didn’t do anything ‘illegal’ in offering Joe Sixpak a job to keep him from knocking off Ol Wiffle-waffle Specter...they didn’t do anything illegal ‘cuz ev’rybody’s a lawyer ‘n they know how to stay within the ‘letter of the law’...that’s what lawyers are good at....’n it sounds almost reasonable until you really, really think about may be legal but it’s also’s like a city council voting to take private property by long as you stay within the letter of the law, why it’s perfectly okay to screw your neighbor ‘n if you happen to make a few bucks in the process, why that’s just good bidness....’n keeping Arlen ‘Wiffle-waffle’ Specter as the 60th Democratic vote in the Senate was just good bidness for the Obama White House....’n ringing in Bill Clinton as the go-between merely proves that the Obama promises of transparency etcetera were almost as valuable as Chicago wind....seems like poor old dumb old Sarah Palin might’ve had a point when she asked, “How’s that hope ‘n change workin’ for you?”.......And if you ever wondered how a ‘dunderhead’ like Palin could ever be right about something, you should remember that the people who declared her mediocre and ignorant and totally unsuited for any job other than smalltown housefrau are the very same people that declared George Bush as ‘possibly the dumbest President ever’.....’Course, there are those extant liberals, true believers all, who still view Obama as the second coming, those who believe that by flapping their lips, they can create a great wind that will blow away the stink of their own corruption....(I might’ve watched Elmer Gantry one too many times).....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Glut 'n more glut.......

Boy, I’ll tell ya....some days there ain’t nuthin’ at all happenin’ anywheres in the whole damn least, nuthin’ that you can find wand’ring thru the various ‘n sundry web sites that, according to Obama, just clutter up our minds with useless information....Other days, there is just a glut (an excessively abundant supply of something).....for example, the lib-bashing of Arizonas new law concerning illegal immigration which should be a no-brainer for every law-abiding citizen with the government-granted ‘RIGHT’ to a public education (sarcasm, in case a liberal reads this) any rate, we not only have the U.S. Attorney General Holder bashing a law he hasn’t read, we also have the Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano following suit (again for liberals, means she hasn’t read it either)...AND, SURPRISE SURPRISE...our esteemed President Obama joining with Mexican President Calderon to publicly bash a law that obviously neither one of them could be bothered to read....not too surprising for Obama who jumped on the Irish cop without knowing the facts and I guess, not too awf’ly surprising about Calderon which only goes to show that politicians are politicians wherever they an aside, it’s prob’ly a good thing that politicians only have two feet as their mouths would get terribly crowded otherwise......OH! OH! OH!...just couldn’t let this important piece of info go.....there is a ‘climate scientist’ named Dr. Don Easterbrook, emeritus professor of geology at Western Washington University predicting that ‘global cooling’ is on the horizon ‘n we’re all gonna be in for another Ice Age....I only hope Al Gore can get out in front on this important issue.....

Friday, May 14, 2010

The tho’t plickens.....

“Murder most foul” cried the garbage collector, tossing his cookies onto the road paved with good intentions...

Here t’is the twelfth of May ‘n how it got here so suddenly I will prob’ly never figure out....not that I couldn’t figure it out if I really wanted to, but the fact of the matter is that I don’t care enuff....
I describe m’self as a committed centrist, a middle of the roader, if you will ‘n I gotta tell ya that it ain’t the most comfortable place t’be at times...people say all the time that you should make a choice, pick a side ‘n stay the course...when you see a driver in front of you constantly changine lanes, y’say “Pick a lane, buddy, any lane!”
On the highway, a driver changing lanes like that is looking for an advantage, a chance to move up in traffic, to get ahead of the mob...come t’think of it, that’s much the same as politics, ain’t it? The thing is, nine times out’a ten, the guy taking chances changing lanes, speeding, trying to get ahead ends up sitting at the same redlight as everybody else. And the politician cutting corners just pisses people off ‘n makes ‘em want to send him (or her) to the end of the line. And the businessman (or men{or women}) cutting corners, taking advantage, cheating customers is apt to end up in jail....
But, as pretty much usual, I digress...again....what I was talking about is the centrist point of view ‘n how it basically compares with the view from the side...either side...right or left...what you see depends on your point of view...the scope of your vision...where you’re standing when you see an accident determines a lot of things, who you think is at fault, for example....but, your view is necessarily is the view from the other side...
‘n the farther off to the side you stand, the more limited your view...or viewpoint, if you will.
Now, it may seem as tho’ I’m saying that if you’re not standing in the middle of the road, you didn’t have a clear view so you don’t know what you’re talking about....
I ain’t saying that...every view will be a little different ‘n it’s only by comparing notes that the ‘truth will out’....
Now then, paraphrasing Mark Twain, “I ain’t ag’in a good lie. A well-told lie is much admired in some circles....
the mountains of Appalachia, for example, or the western plains....’course, that ain’t the only places....I’m told the teeming streets of New York fairly fester with
shining examples of outstanding stretchers of the truth....and Hollywood, where the movie studios put the ablest liars on the payroll....I digress, I know....I can’t seem to help m’self.....I think it’s time to stop now, I’ll digress more on the morrow.....that’s assuming that I stay on this side of the sod....

Monday, May 3, 2010


Millyrose reminded me t’day that I was supposed to have written a blog on May 1st that celebrated Mayday by remembering Cuzzin Richard...Every year for durn near as long as I c’n remember, when it was the first day of May, Richard would recite (more than once but gen’elly less’n a hundred) “HooRay, HooRay, the first of May, outdoor screwing starts t’day.”
Anyways, I forgot t’do it but last nite when I was walking the dogs around the block, I saw a grey-bearded guy in a motorized wheelchair truckin’ down the street. If I hadn’t known that Cuz was dead, I would’a tho’t it was him ‘n when I told Millyrose about him, she reminded me about the 1st of May thing....
Cuzz was named Charles Richard Dameron but the whole fam-damily called him Richard....He tried (unsuccessfully mostly) over the years t’get people to call him Chuck or Rick or even just plain Charles but somehow the only nickname that ever stuck was when I introduced him to the people at Stewart Sandwiches as ‘Cuzz’....He worked for Stewart a number of years ‘n everyone including most of his customers called him ‘Cuzz’ but after his Mother (my Aunt Billie) died, he announced to the world that hereinafter he was to be called Charles...then he pretty much took himself out of our family life...He worked as a bartender at a local watering hole called ‘The Stockman’ and made a lot of friends of them went to check on him on a Thanksgiving holiday ‘n found him dead in his rooms.
I always figured that one day there’d be a knock at the door ‘n Cuzz’d be standing there sucking on his pipe but that never happened.....

Coming home.....

Home is the hunter, home from the hill,
and the sailor, home from the sea.....

And me ‘n Millyrose, home from Costco....She sez t’me (she, being Millyrose, of course) “Can you carry the groceries by yourself?” “Of course” I replied, “We spent less’n a hundred bucks.”
It amazes me somewhat that with times as hard as they are, with unemployment at an alltime high (at least, since I was a baby) there is so much traffic in the middle of the day, that there are so many people shopping at Costco, that there are so many new cars ‘n trucks ‘n boats....I paid $2.99.9 a gallon for gas at Costco ‘n the ARCO station across the street which is usually a penny more was $3.13.9.....but, to quote, Willie Nelson, “that’s the way it goes.”
It’s warm t’day...sunny ‘n blue I went for a steam, a swim ‘n a little sun this morning...I should prob’ly have stayed home ‘n worked in the yard or done something else that would actually be productive but that’s the way it goes. The rain ‘n cool weather has kept me out of the pool...I know I could have gone anyway... a lot of swimmers do their laps without fail, day in ‘n day out, no matter the weather but I’m a bit of an old wuss, I guess....I’d be alright once I got in the water but it’s the walk from the clubhouse t’the pool that stops me everytime....anyways, I did a half-hour of very slow laps t’day....very slow....but I did ‘em for half an hour ‘n that’s a beginning....
Anyways, back to home from Costco....we gotta go out again, this time I think, to at various ‘n sundry seems to make up a lot of our social life these, I’m gonna finish up this bottle of Henry Weinhard Blue Boar Ale, go outside ‘n hose the bird poop off the little car ‘n go play in traffic some more.....