Wednesday, May 14, 2014

As usual, I'm pretty darn confused......

"T'is a puzzlement!"  King Mongkut, The King and I.....

(Sigh.....) I recall when I wuz a boy growing up in Beattyville, one 'a  the best things I ever heard anyone say wuz, "The hurrierder I go, the behinder I get!"
I feel a lot like that t'day....except now it's the older I get, the more I wonder what in the hell I wuz hurrying for 'cuz I don't seem to have got very damn far....
I wuz born 'n grew up 'bout half a mile south of the Mason/Dixon line (so I wuz told) so I guess I'm southern by birth...'course, brother John wuz born on the other side of the river so he ain't...same thing with Jim 'n Bill but the fact of the matter is 'n always has been, that it don't make a pennyworth of difference 'n given the value of a penny t'day, you just might as well throw them away rather than give 'em space in your pocket...
What we did get back there howsomever, wuz hist'ry 'n since Kentucky wuz a border state, we got both sides of the story...which may or may not account for my position astraddle the damn fence...See, I happen to think that since every coin has two sides, so does every damn story that you hear...Adam had his story 'n Eve had hers...'n the snake, well he might'a been the lawyer who wuz  advising both sides back there in Eden...'n we all know how that turned out....we all got kicked out in a sort of Solomon 'n dividing the baby kind of decesion that ended up with all of us on the outside looking in at Paradise....
Back in 1860, we, as a country, got all confused over State's Rights which the South wuz pretty much in favor of 'n the Federal gov't wudn' everyone set to arguing the issue 'n callin' each other names...much like t'day, y'see..'n the same names like Racist...well, homophobia wudn't such a big deal back then 'n 'course, nobody ever raised the issue of a war on women 'n such...but we called each other liars 'n backstabbers 'n Johnny Rebs 'n Billy Yanks 'n such 'n we drew a dividing line between us 'n commenced killing each other...about three quarters of a million, I'm told, 'n that ain't really counting the collateral damage...
And after, c'uz we didn't really have it all out of our system then, we took to killing the aboriginal citizens of our fair land 'n pretty much killed most of 'em off before we turned our eyes on Mexico 'n Cuba 'n then World War I came along 'n we went over to France to kill Germans...
We got a long hist'ry of finding ourselves a war ever' so often so's we can go adventuring in other countries 'n killing those people 'stead of our own....
I do tend to digress a bit but I'm tired of the Liberal/Conservative thing...I'm tired of news analysts 'n talking heads 'n I'm really, really tired of politicians...What we need is a new national sports arena like the one that's being planned for downtown Sacramento 'n I'd vote for one if they'ud  put all the politicians in there 'n let 'em fight it out...on national television, of course, 'n just so there wudn't  be any partisan bullshit on the part of the networks, every channel should have access.....

Thursday, May 1, 2014

It's early, folks....

Life is just a pick-a-nick on Primrose Lane...

Discrimination is a terrible thing…terrible!  Everybody says so!  There should be a world without discrimination….Yeah!  If you’re just completely ’n utterly terminally stupid!
Everybody discriminates.  We do it every day.  Generally without having to even think about it…
For breakfast, we have healthy nuts ’n grains swimming in coconut milk instead of those nasty, artery-clogging animal fats that we wash down with (shudder) coffee that we dilute with fatty cow’s milk ’n that bane of the modern world…processed sugar!
We carry that kind of discrimination with us all through the day, lunch, dinner, snacks…
If we don’t smoke, our smug superiority allows us to lord it over those friends ’n neighbors too weak-minded or possibly too evil to give up the vile ’n obnoxious weed.  That’s discrimination, friends. 
If we choose manicured lawns over the tangled jungles of some of our neighbors, that’s discrimination!
And if some of our higher-minded neighbors with their drought-friendly stone ’n cactus yards look down on us, well that’s just discriminatory ’n shouldn’t be allowed.  I mean, there ought’a be a law…Right?
And that nasty old discrimination takes in a lot of territory…whether we shower or bathe in a tub (or, p’haps dispense with bathing altogether)…that’s discrimination.  What kind of soap you use…or don’t use…that’s discrimination.
We’re a nation of discriminators.  “Hellfire,” as my old daddy use’ta say, we’re a whole entire world of discriminators.  Everywhere you turn, somebody is discriminating.  I swear, there really should, ought’a be a law…
Well, thank God the good ole US of A has got the common sense to pass laws forbidding discrimination ’n making us all equal in the process….President Obama gets it!  We should all be equal, every one of us…I’m just waiting for the day when Millyrose ’n me (Millyrose ’n I) can go hop on one of them free government jet planes ’n  go on a $4o million dollar vacation….
I c’n just see that happening….well, in my mind’s eye, I c’n see that happening but only  ‘cuz I got m’self a world-class imagination…
Yeah, right!  I wonder who am I think I’m trying to fool? One of these days when pigs fly…otherwise, I guess it’s just my bad luck that I appear t’be permanently blocked from ever seeing ‘The Big Picture’….
Cream rises to the top, I’m told by those who puport t’be in the know and it takes someone special, someone with a real outsized ego to imagine themselves in the kind of situation where they c’n take their wives ’n kids on a $4o million dollar romp to various ’n sundry places around the world ’n do it just knowing all the time that somebody else is gonna pay for it….
Well, I got places to do ’n things to go this AM so…later gator...