Friday, June 26, 2009

T’is an obscenity.....

The Ayatollah Khameni has called for the execution (murder) of Iranian citizens that had the temerity to speak out against an unjust rule. The President of Iran (at least in his own mind) has denied the Holocaust ever happened no matter how well documented was this tradgedy.
In the civilized world, religions that call for human sacrifice have disappeared. There is something inherently wrong with a religion that not only condones murder but actively encourages it. And after all, actions speak louder than words..
I keep hearing that Islam is a religion of peace but the actions of Muslims around the world give the lie to that statement.
It isn’t unusual for people to lie. It isn’t unusual for governments to lie. What blows me away is that it all seems t’be unnecessary....Our government tells us that we’re approaching bankruptcy ‘n most of us seem to believe that....except maybe our legislators act as tho’ they’re lying to us about that and there’s more’n enuff money to go around..well, to go around long as they get theirs why, of course, bankruptcy don’t count...
Placer County, f’r example laid off a bunch of people ‘n furloughed a bunch more ‘n saved sumthing like seven million dollars...They did such an outstanding job as a matter of fact, they slapped themselves on the back and gave the top seven administrators (y’know, folks who stand around with their hands in their pockets) a healthy five per cent raise......AND they don’t mind telling the world about shame migawd!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

An ever spinning reel.....

“Half remembered names and faces, on an ever spinning reel...”

T’is a long ‘n winding road we tread....our beginnings buried in the mist of memory that we only know from what we’re told....the memories of those who were there at our beginning.....our own mem’ries, the ones we consider t’be real, come later, in bits ‘n pieces....
snatches of color in a dream....a remembered scent.....little things passed over swiftly enough but caught in our subconscious to stay with us all our days...
Friends begin to fall away even in the springtime of our youth ‘n are lost only to come again in the fullness of a dream....
I understand the US Post Office is taking out those old standbys, the neighborhood mailbox....I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise...when was the last time that you found a public pay phone that was usable...’n I bet when you did find one, it didn’t belong to AT&T.....those are long gone....another thing that is doing a disappearing act is that ringy-dingy thing that used to set on a hall table, what the younger set call...’the land line’....the brave new world is upon us whether we’re ready for it or not....snail mail is out...heck, e-mail is falling by the wayside ‘n being replaced by Twitter....’n by the by, one doesn’t twitter, one tweets on Twitter...James Kirk ‘n his merry band ‘ud find themselves at a technological disadvantage here in the early days of the Twentyfirst....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Early summer..

It’s a warm evening at the beginning of summer ‘n we just got home from a lecture on the benefits of JuicePlus...wasn’t a complete waste of time tho’ I doubt that I’ll try the supplement route...on that proverbial other hand however, I need t’do sumthin’ about my diet..more fruits ‘n veggies, I spoze... ‘n according to the Doctor who gave the lecture, swimming ain’t enuff...I need to go back to some of the weight thing at least twice a week..(bummer)...maybe I’ll try it tomorrow... use’ta be a bar out in the south area had a big sign over the back bar that stated unequivocally..”Free drinks tomorrow”.....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

All lies 'n jest....

“...Such are promises
All lies and jest
Still, a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest.” Paul Simon

Political conventions are a hoot, y’know? It seems t’be important which convention drew the most the Olympics...the more viewers, the higher the rate for commercials....Wow! D’ya think it’s all about the money...maybe? Ah well, it’s all for show, ain’t it? I mean, does it really matter which side wins...don’t we all lose no matter what?...I don’t know, it just seems more ‘n more that national politics is just a dressed-up version of professional wrestling...
Life picks at all of us, just ‘n unjust alike...there wuz a character in ‘Little Big Man’ Mr. Merriweather whose ev’ry appearance wuz marked by the absence of another body part...It didn’t faze him, tho, deception wuz his life’s blood.....Mr. Merriweather said of moral order in the universe, “There isn’t any. Those stars twinkle in a void ‘n the two-legged creature schemes ‘n dreams beneath them, all in vain.”
I’ve been fortunate in my my buddy, Vic sez....”I’ve got my threescore ‘n ten so all the rest is gravy.”
Life picks at all of takes hair, teeth, body parts...if y’get the chance to hang around long enuff, y’gotta pay whatever toll it demands ‘n it don’t do any good to cry about it....
The little village of Beattyville which I’ve spoken of many times is a prime example...ev’ry year the Ohio River takes a little bit more of it ‘n one day it’ll all be Jim likens the Carl Perkins Bridge (construction of which took away about a mile of South Portsmouth, homes, hillside et al) to the Alaska ‘Bridge to Nowhere’....not nearly enuff traffic back there to justify the expense ‘n besides, it’s named after a politician ‘stead of the more deserving rock ‘n roller....just another example of change that ain’t really progress...

Leader of the pack.....

“Out here havin’ fun in that warm California sun...”

What ever happens in America happens first in California.....we lead the nation in ev’ry damfool thing that ever gets tho’t of....up to and including insolvency...yessereeBob (‘n George ‘n ever’one else)....Californians lead by example...we’ve been spending like there’s no tomorrow for more yesterdays than I c’n count ‘n we’ve been so gosh-
darn successful at it that George Bush followed in our giant footsteps ‘n now barack Obama is gonna outdo that faux Texan ‘n upstage us folks here in sunny California by spending more than any gov’t in the ‘hull world....ever!.....Tomorrow never comes ‘n yesterday is just a mem’ry...
According to Obama, Fox News tells all the news that the New York Times figures ain’t fit to print...
Obama figures that the news is ‘fair ‘n balanced’ when all the networks support him ‘cause Fox bad-mouths him all the time...(poor baby)....with that loudmouth Irishman, Bill O’Reilly, leading the way..
well, Billy O has been getting a little more rambunctious (there’s a big word for ya, Bill) but mostly he’s so supportive of Obama that much of his audience is beginning to suspect that he’s a closet liberal ‘n are turning to (gasp) BECK! Now there’s a loudmouth for you...he claims he is neither Democrat nor Republican...something of an anarchist, I suspect.....that’s alright with me...ev’ry good ole’ Rebel has a little sumthing of the anarchist in his soul....