Friday, March 3, 2017

Idle thoughts....


Suicide is kind’a like the weather…ever’body talks about it but most people don’t ever do anything about it…
Way back when I was a teenager, I thought about suicide (most teens do, y’know) but life kind’a got in the way ’n I was too busy to fool with it…
Years later, I got into a major funk ’n tho’t suicide might be the best way to deal with it so I sat m’self down ’n gave it some serious thought…There is just so darn many ways for a body to kill themself that it’s really hard to choose…it didn’t take me no time at all to rule out shooting myself…that is one seriously messy way to go and it looks to be really painful ’n I ain’t fond of inflicting pain on myself…
Pills, now, well, y’know about pills…they got side effects ’n sometimes they don’t really work all that well ’n you could end up vomiting all over the place ’n then you’d have to clean it up….I knew this girl ‘way back when, she took enough pill to kill two or three dozen people ’n all it did was put her in a wheelchair for a couple years…
And I had a buddy who was a deputy Sherrif…he got called to a suicide where a guy stuck a .357 in his mouth ’n pulled the trigger ’n blew away his lower jaw ’n spent years ’n lots of money on plastic surgery…
I spent lots of time around railroads when I was younger ’n I thought if you was to just step in front of a locomotive but then you’re involving other people in your suicide ’n that ain’t fair to them…
Anyway, I gave it some serious thought and I finally figured out the very best way for me to do myself in ’n that was to just die of old age.  I mean, ever’body that lives long enough is gonna die from that one ’n it don’t really upset your family or society all that much…. People are fond of saying, “Well, he (or she) lived a good long life.”

Anyhow, that’s my thoughts on the subject so if there’s anyone out there considering suicice, I reccommend old age as the very best way to go.